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Welcome to Yarn Database

So, what is Yarn Database? This searchable, sortable site is designed to help you keep track of your favorite yarn community makers across platforms, and find new favorites. It lists knit and crochet designers, spinning fiber dyers and makers, yarn spinners and dyers, accessory shops, and tech editors. You mark your Favorites, and I’ll keep them up to date.

It’s a different approach than a pattern directory, more in keeping with “slow fashion” and building a community of makers. It de-emphasizes popularity algorithms in favor of finding makers you love.

Learn more about Yarn Database

NOTE: Yarn Database does not link to sites that have unmarked links to Ravelry. See the About and FAQ pages for more information.

This Just In …

  • Know Where Farms, Clearwater, BC

    KnowWhere Farms

    KnowWhere Farms is a small Canadian family farm that writes, “We raise our animals according to regenerative agricultural ideas, with our sheep and cows raised on pasture, rotationally grazed in season, and managed for minimal inputs. We sell yarn, spinning fibre, and raw fleece that are sourced …
  • Nocturne

    Nocturne is an independent art studio that primarily focuses on hand-dyed yarn and merchandise inspired by folklore and myth, with a dark cottage-core aesthetic. While the website refers to Nocturne as “we,” Nocturne is one person and creator. Misha (they/them) is the dyer (and artist, …
  • Cute brown camisole, with cording stitch details, optional waist shaping and a peplum. It has a high back and thick straps, which makes it both comfortable to wear and bra-friendly.

    The Knit Purl Girl

    Sophie Hemmings at The Knit Purl Girl is a wonderful British designer. Patterns are thorough, thoughtful, and size-inclusive. Filled with special details, patterns are in a classic style, but always elevated. Great information about how to choose alternate yarns. Lots of information about sizing …
  • Three hanks of variegated yarn in muted red-violet and brown, with small splashes of red.

    Ex Libris Fibers

    Bookish and moody yarns, slowly hand dyed in small batches by a former librarian. Colors are largely inspired by under-shared stories and yarn bases are both domestic and imported. Rita aims for haunted library vibes and has an obsession with layering colors. Lots of non-superwash options. Here’s …
  • Twisted hanks of semi-solid yarn in warm camel brown.

    Kettle + Hearth Fibers

    “Kettle + Hearth Fibers was born out of a love for knitting, sewing and all things fiber,” says US dyer Michelle. “Through creating hand dyed yarn and project bags for knitters and crocheters, a community was unexpectedly created, united by a shared passion for the fiber arts.” Kettle + Hearth …
  • The sweater that started it all, the Wilderness sweater has a yoke with large dog pawprings, with diamond shapes above, below and at the hem and cuffs.

    Linka Neumann

    Norwegian designer Linka Neumann grew up in a knitting family but didn’t try it herself until she took a job in a care home and saw the beautiful knitting of the staff and residents. Her first sweater design, the Wilderness Sweater, was a huge hit, and the hits haven’t stopped. Patterns are …
  • Five tonal mini skeins bundled together in the colors of a berry smoothie. Colors are cream, three shades of red violet from nearly black to quite light, and a pale lavender.


    Dawn is the founder and creator behind MakerWool’s independent, hand-dyed yarns. “Inspired by the breathtaking beauty of nature, my yarn colors are a tribute to the vibrant landscapes that surround me in Colorado. From the deep greens of pine forests to the soft pastels of alpine meadows, each …
  • Black crocheted collar has filet panel around the neck with a lace flounce with faceted beads. At the throat is a crocheted rose with lots of faceted beads.

    Scarlet Rabbit

    Ruth at Scarlet Rabbit says, “Creating beautiful pieces to wear using vintage crochet hooks and beautiful fine cotton threads bring calmness and reason to me, and have since I was 7 years old and I learned this lovely craft. I am drawn to the feel of the past.”…
  • Four twisted hanks under a black light to show off the fluorescent qualities of the yarn.

    Idris Emporium

    Wales-based artist Idris Elemental loved to draw fanciful creatures based in anime and tattoo art, then decided to knit and crochet them. Wanting to use yarn that matched the overall creative vision, Idris set to dye some. Today, Idris Emporium sells brightly colored yarn and spinning fiber, as …
  • Colorwork mittens with three colors of yarn, ocean blue, a variegated gray and white that looks like mountains and white at the cuff. Colorwork is every other stitch rows periodically that contrast the current color in that section.

    Classical Songbird Designs

    Teresa, the designer of Classical Songbird Designs, is a queer and neurodivergent maker. They focus on creating knitting patterns based on the little things that bring happiness, like exploring in nature or having a cup of tea, so you can take them with you at all times in the form of socks, …