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A Needle Runs Through It


San Jose, California, maker Maria Isabel Negrete stocks the cutest accessories, from looms to stitch markers. Cross-stitch accessories, too!

Follow on Instagram: @ANeedleRunsThroughIt
Follow on Facebook: @ANeedleRunsThroughItShop

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Sample Accessories

To see all accessories by this maker, use the URL above.
These photos are presented to illustrate the maker's personal style and aesthetic. They may not reflect current stock.
  • Bee shaped wood buttons in four sizes.
    Bamboo Buttons
  • Long tags or round stitch markers with write and wipe surface.
    Erasable Stitch Markers
  • Sock blocker for baby with cutouts of an egg, a baby owl and forest plants.
    Baby Sock Blocker
  • Wooden notebook with line drawing of beautiful floral pattern that you can color with markers.
    Color Your Own Notebook



This maker offers the following items and qualities. To see other makers who offer the same, click the associated link below.