Nature’s Luxury sells a variety of luxury brands, including their house yarn, which looks amazing. “All our hand knitting yarns are made of natural materials,” the site says. The site also sells beautiful accessories, including lots of handbag parts.
https://naturesluxury.comSome items featured on Yarn Database may include affiliate links. Yarn Database earns a commission from these links that is used to further this site's goals of inclusivity and accessibility. This commission does not affect the seller's income.
This maker offers the following items and qualities. To see other makers who offer the same, click the associated link below.- Knitting & Crochet: Beads, Buttons, DPNs, Fixed Circulars, Handbag Parts, Hooks, Interchangeables, Needle Stops, Notion Pouches, Pom-poms, Progress Keepers, Stitch Holders, Straight Needles, Tape Measures, Tunisian Crochet Hooks