Lisa Marie Brown is the US designer at I Crochet So Hard. “I design pretty and practical crochet patterns. I sell patterns on Etsy, Ravelry and Ribblr and my own website, which also has free patterns on the blog. My designs include an e-Reader sleeve, a book/Bible cover, a cowl, two small bags, a table mat, and some unique spa products made from Just Hemp,” Lisa says. “I started designing to sell in the summer of 2021, but I’ve been crocheting and making my own patterns for years. I live in the Pacific Northwest and love reading and other introverted and creative hobbies in addition to crochet.”
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This maker's artistry has the following features. To see other makers in this database who offer the same features, click the links below.- Pattern Format: PDF Patterns, Web Page
- Patterns for: Bags, Blankets, Cowls, Misc. Home
- Size Range: Adults, Children
- Techniques: Crochet
- Pattern Features: Written Only