- Abstract Fiber
- Adam Curtis
- Air de Lune
- Aisling Yarns
- Akara
- Alexandra the Art of Yarn
- Alex Creates
- Allium Threads
- All Wool That Ends Wool
- Amaranth Fibres
- Ancient Arts Yarn
- Andromeda Sock
- Angora Online
- Anomalous Mind
- Anzula
- An Caitín Beag
- APL Crafts Fine Yarn
- Apothefaery
- Appalachian Baby Design
- Aquarius Make
- Arcane Fibre Works
- area 51 fibres
- Armscote Manor
- Artistic Yarn by Abi
- Ash & Bumble
- As Yet Yarns
- Atomic Fiber Co.
- AT Haynes House Yarns
- Avalon Springs Farm
- A Chick That Knitz
- A Hundred Ravens
- A Knitter’s Homestead
- A Whimsical Wood Yarn Co.
- Baah Yarn
- Bad Lux Designs
- Bad Sheep Yarn
- Ballyhoura Fibres
- Balnahard Farm
- BareFaced Yarn
- Bare Naked Wools
- Barker Wool
- Barnyard Knits
- Barrett Wool Co.
- Barton River Yarn
- Battenkill Fibers
- Beach Bum Yarn
- Beaverslide Dry Goods
- Beehive Yarns
- Beersheba Farm
- Bellica Yarns
- Betta Knit
- Bewitched Pigments
- Bigwigs Angora
- Biscotte Hand-Dyed Yarns
- Blacker Yarns
- Blackwattle Alpaca Yarn and Fibre
- Black Cat Custom Yarn
- Black Cat Fibers LLC
- Black Elephant
- Black Sheep Goods
- Black Smoke Fibers
- Black Stag Yarn & Fibre
- Bluebell Yarns
- Blue Barn Fiber
- Blue Bird Makery
- Blue Sky Fibers
- BluFiber Company
- Bona Yarns
- Botanical Fibres
- Botanical Yarn
- Bow Fiddle Yarns
- Brazen Stitchery
- Briar Patch Fibre Co.
- Briar Rose Fibers
- Briggs & Little Woolen Mills Ltd.
- Bristol Cloth
- Broccoliwitchcrafts
- Bug and Bean Fiber Co.
- BumpyYarn
- by Amalie
- BzyPeach
- Cabin Boy Knits
- Caithness Yarns
- Camelot Dyeworks
- Candy Corn Yarns
- Cape May Fiber Co
- Cartref Yarn
- Cashmere and Coconuts
- Castle View Yarns
- Casual Fashion Queen
- Catskill Merino
- Cat and Sparrow UK
- Cat & Sparrow Australia
- cdickdesigns
- CeCe’s Wool
- Chelsea Yarns
- Chicken Coop Dyeworks
- Cloud 9 Fiberworks
- Coastal Colours
- Coast to Coast Yarn Co
- Color Me Happy Fiber Arts Studio
- Colourful Creativity by Kralalien
- Colour Me Happy
- Comma Chameleon Yarn Co.
- Cookston Crafts
- Coop Knits
- Cornbread and Honey
- Cotswold Alpacas
- cowgirlblues
- Cozy Color Works
- Craftily Dyed Yarn
- Création Miss Couture
- Creative Anarchy
- Cross Wind Farm
- Crow & Crescent Yarn
- Cuddlebums
- Daffodil Road Yarn
- DanDoh
- Das Mondschaf
- Daughter of a Shepherd
- Debonnaire Yarns
- Demelza’s Delights
- Desert Vista Dyeworks
- Destination Yarn
- De Rerum Natura
- Dizzy Blonde Studios
- Dodgson Wood/Shear Delight
- Done Roving
- Doulton Border Leicester Yarn
- Dragonfly Fibers
- Dragon Hill Studio
- Dragon Hoard Yarn
- Dresow Family Farm
- Dusty Dimples
- Dyed by Hand Yarns
- DyeForYarn
- Dyeing Wishes Yarn Co.
- Dyers Wool
- Dye and Knit by Kate
- Dye Candy
- Dye House Yarns
- Dye Mad Yarns
- Dystopic Fibre
- D n D Fibers
- Earl Grey Fiber Company
- Earth and Empress
- Easy Knits
- Eco Yarn Co.
- Eden Cottage Yarns
- Emily C Gillies
- Emma’s Yarn
- Enchanted Fibers
- Erika Knight
- Essence of Autumn
- EsTeresa Yarn Creations
- Euphoria Knits
- Eve Chambers Textiles
- Ewe Ewe Yarns
- Ewe Momma
- Exmoor Horn Wool
- Explorer Knits + Fibers
- Expression Fiber Arts
- Ex Libris Fibers
- Fae Folk Fibres
- Fairfield Finns
- Fantasy Fibers Yarn Company
- Felinfach
- Fiberdog Fibers
- Fibernymph Dye Works
- Fiber Curio and Sundries
- Fiber for the People
- Fiber Lady
- Fiber Lily
- Fiber Optic Yarns
- Fiber Swag
- Fibrelya
- Fibre Art Studio
- Fierce Fibers
- Find Me Knitting
- Finnsheep.net
- Fiona Kay Knits
- Five Wise Owls
- Flax & Twine
- Fleabubs & Lala
- Fleur De Stitch’d
- Flööf Fibre
- Flower Hill Fleeces
- Flying Fibers
- FLYY Dyed
- Folkestone Harbour Yarn
- Forbidden Fiber Co
- For the Love of Yarn
- Foula Wool
- Frankie Grey Fibres
- Freia Fine Handpaints
- Freyalyn’s Fibres
- From Me To Yarn
- Fruitful Fusion
- FuzzyFiberz
- Fyberspates
- GamerCrafting
- Gam Farm Rare Breeds
- GarnStories
- Garthenor
- Gathered Sheep Yarns
- Gauge Dyeworks
- Geektastic Fibers
- Gem State Yarns
- Giddy Yarns
- GigglingGecko Yarns
- Gingersnap That
- Ginger Twist Studio
- Gnomespun Yarn and Fiber Arts
- Granite Haven Llamas
- Green Goat Ranch
- Green Mountain Spinnery
- Green Tea Yarns
- Gritty Knits
- Guntree Gully Alpacas
- Haalu the Ugly Bunny
- Hamilton Yarns
- Handmade by Joe
- Handspun Hope
- Harrisville Designs
- Hartlam Yarn
- HauteKnit Yarn
- Haute Bohème Fibers
- Havirland
- Hawari Bazaar
- Hawkshaw Sheep
- Hazel Knits
- Heathered Handmades
- Hedgerow Fibers
- Heidi & Lana
- Heimatwolle
- Hello Stella Fibres
- Hello Yarn
- Henlia Handmade
- Herr Stitches
- Hey Mama Wolf Yarns
- HipStrings
- Home Farm Wensleydales
- Honse
- Hooking Marvellous Yarns
- Hook & Light
- Horse ‘n’ Round Studio
- Hudson + West Co
- Hue Loco
- Hu Made
- Karoo Moon
- Kate Selene
- Kato Yarn Co.
- Kauni
- KDD & Co
- Keira Wiggins
- Kelbourne Woolens
- Kettle + Hearth Fibers
- Kim Dyes Yarn
- KittyBea Knitting
- Kitty Pride Fibers
- Knitted Wit
- Knitten Word
- KnittinBro Yarns
- Knitting Notions
- KnitWit
- knottygurlcrochet
- Knotty Habit
- Koigu
- Kosy Kitchen Fibres
- Kremke Soul Wool
- Kristin Omdahl
- KS Fiber Arts
- K-Zip Knits
- Lambstrings Yarn
- Lamb and Vine
- Lamington Lass Yarns
- Lammermuir Wool
- Lana Plantae
- Lantern Light Yarn & Fiber
- Laughing Cat Fibers
- Lavender Lune Yarn Company
- Lavender Lune Yarn Co.
- Lavender Sheep
- Lay Family Yarn
- Leading Men Fiber Arts
- Leo & Roxy Yarn Co.
- LeRoo Crochet
- LGF Suris Yarns
- Lichen and Lace
- Life in the Long Grass
- Lily and Pine Fibre Arts
- Lisa Souza Dyeworks Studios
- Little Acorn Crafts
- Little Bishes Stitches
- Liverpool Yarns
- Lizzie Bird Yarns
- Llady Llama Fiber Co.
- LolaBean Yarn Co.
- lolodidit
- Long Island Yarn & Farm
- Loop Fiber Studio
- Lottie Knits
- Louie & Lola Yarns
- Lovehandyed
- Lovely by Lee
- Lucky Violet Color Co.
- Lucy Locket Land
- Lã nollin
- Machete Shoppe
- Made In America Yarns
- Maelström Fiber Arts
- Magpie Fibers
- MakerWool
- Manic Punk Fibers
- Marianated Yarns
- Marina Skua
- Maritime Family Fiber
- McMullin Fiber Co
- Meadowcroft Dyeworks
- meadow yarn
- Melissa’s Yarn Barn
- Middle Brook Fiberworks
- Midknit Cravings Yarn Co.
- Mirasol
- Misfit Yarns
- Miss La Motte Yarns
- Misti Alpaca
- Mitchell’s Creations
- MM Waite Weaves
- ModeKnit Yarn
- Modus Operandi Fibers
- Molly Girl Yarn
- Moods of Colors
- Moon Drake
- Morehouse Farm Merino
- Moseley Park
- Mother of Purl
- Mother of Purl
- Mothy and the Squid
- Movers & Makers Yarn
- Mrs Lam Yarns
- Mrs Moon
- Mr. B Yarn
- mudpunch
- Murky Depths Dyeworks
- Murray & Co. Wool Goods
- mYak
- Myrtle Yarn
- My Mama Knits
- Parkour Kitties
- Passion Knits Yarn
- Paton and Daughter
- Peace Fleece
- Peak District Yarns
- Penberth Yarns
- Perran Yarns
- Phi Beta Paca™ Alpacas & Yarns
- Pigment & Ply
- Pixie Yarn
- Plank and Stella
- PNW Purls Co
- Polka Dot Creek Yarn
- Polka Dot Sheep
- Posh Yarn
- Positive Ease
- Prismatic Fiber and Artistry
- Prosper Yarn
- Purls & Postulates
- Purly Tricot Yarn
- Purl Alpaca Designs
- Purl Soho
- Purple Lamb Fiber Arts
- Purple Sprouting
- Rainbow Fusions
- Rainbow Heirloom
- Rain of the Roses
- Rain’s (Obsessive) Stitchery
- Ranching Tradition Fiber
- Ravenswood Fibre Co
- Red Dog Yarn
- Red Door Fibre Studio
- Red Island Fibre
- Rehwa Fibers
- Remii’s Rovings & Yarn
- Republica Unicornia
- Republic of Yarnia
- Retrosaria
- Rhapsodye Yarns
- Rhythm Knits
- Ripples Crafts
- Rising Tide Fiber Co.
- Ritual Dyes
- RiverKnits
- Riverside Studio
- River Rat Arts
- RMR Yarn Co.
- Rohrspatz & Wollmeise
- Rose Hill Yarns
- Rose Hip Island
- Rosies Moments
- Rosie’s Colors Yarn
- Ross Alexander
- Rosy Green Wool
- Round Mountain Fibers
- Sally Ridgway Designs in Felt & Fibre
- Salt River Mills
- Sassy Black Yarns
- Sassy Strings Yarn
- Savvy Skeins
- Schmutzerella Yarns
- Scrumptious Purl
- Sealy MacWheely
- Sea Change Fibers
- Sea Turtle Fiber Arts
- Seismic Yarn & Dyeworks
- Serafina Hand Dyed Yarns
- Serendipitous Yarns
- Serenity Fibers
- Sew Happy Jane
- Sheepscot Harbor Yarns
- Sheep on Mars
- Shenandoah Fiber Mill
- Shipyarn
- Shirley Brian Yarns
- Shirsty Cat Designs
- Silly Sheep Designs
- Siobhans Crafts
- Sister Ananse Yarn
- Skeinhawk Yarns
- Skein and the Stitch
- Skein Queen
- Skillfully Tangled – Steffi Wehrle
- Smiling Dog Farm
- Snuggly Stars Yarns
- Solstice Yarns
- Somerset Yarns
- Songbird Yarn & Fibres
- Southern Skeins
- SpeakEasy Fiber Club
- Spectrum Fibre
- Spincycle Yarns
- Spirited Fibers
- Starcroft Fiber
- Stellar Fibreworks
- Stitch Mischief
- Strawberry Fields Yarn
- Stucken Yarn Store
- Stunning String Studio
- Subito Farm Designs
- Sugarplum Circus
- Sunday Knits
- Sunflower Knit
- Sun Valley Fibers
- Supernova Dyeworks
- Susan Crawford Vintage
- Swans Island Company
- SweetGeorgia Yarns
- Sweet Fiber
- Sweet Paprika Designs
- Swoon Fibers
- Sycamore Fibers
- Tall Yarns
- TaukinsBY
- Tea Fueled Dyeing
- TedKnitsUK
- TeenyButton Studio
- Teresa Ruch Designs
- Teri Dow, the Ungrateful Wench
- Terry Karney
- Teton Yarn Company
- The Angry Triangle
- The Birlinn Yarn Company
- The Blue Brick
- The Border Tart
- The Corner of Craft
- The Corner of Knit & Tea
- The Crafty Bird
- The Crochet Cove
- The Discrete Unicorn
- The Dye Shack
- The Fiberists
- The Fiber Seed
- The Fibre Fox
- The Fibre Goddess
- The Frosted Stitch
- The Grey Sheep Co.
- The Guy with the Hook
- The Isle of Skye Natural Dye Company
- The Kinetic Knitter Yarns
- The Knitting Shed
- The Lemonade Shop
- The Little Foxes
- The Little Grey Girl
- The Loving Path
- The Old Horizon
- The Painted Tiger
- The Perfect Stitch
- The Periwinkle Sheep
- The Purl Box
- The Red Pansy
- The Ross Farm
- The Uncommon Thread
- The Wandering Flock
- The Woolen Rabbit
- The Woolly Tangle
- The Wool Barn
- The Wool Clip
- The Wool Kitchen
- The Wool Seeker
- The Yarn Badger
- The Yarn Therapist
- Third Vault Yarns
- Thistle House Yarn
- This Craft or That
- This Lush Corner
- Thorson Knits
- Thought to Thread
- Threaded Embrace
- Threads by Megan Nicole
- Three Bunny Designs
- Three Cats Yarn
- Three Fates Yarn
- Timber and Twine
- Timber Yarns
- Tine & Floyd
- Tippy Tree Yarns
- TJFrog
- Toad Hollow Yarns
- Townhouse Yarns
- Townhouse Yarns
- Trailhead Yarns
- Treasure Goddess Yarn
- Treehouse Knits LLC
- Truly Hooked
- Turtlepurl Yarns
- Twinkly Knits
- Waifu Yarns
- Watts Yarn
- Wayback Yarns
- Wendy’s Wonders
- Western Sky Knits
- West Coast Yarn Co.
- West Green Loft Yarns
- What Mustard Made
- Whistlebare
- WildStar Fibers
- WildWestDye
- Wild Atlantic Yarns
- Wild Hare Fiber Studio
- Wild Poppy Yarns
- Wild Wool
- Willie Nillie Knits
- Willow Knits Hand Made
- Windy Valley Muskox
- Wing and a Prayer Farm
- WitchCraftyLady
- Wollelfe
- Wonderful Wool
- Woolbearers
- Woolberry Fiber Co
- Woolento
- Woolfolk
- Woollenflower
- Woolly Goodness Yarns
- Woolly Mama Yarns
- Woolly Mammoth Fibre Company
- Woolly Wumpkins
- Wooly Witch of the West
- Wool E Farms
- Wool is the Answer
- Wren & Ollie
- Wull Studios