Kitty is the creator behind the well-made project bags, stitch markers and more at Candy Skull Crafts. “I’ve faced a lot in my (many!) years,” Kitty says. “I’m now a wheelchair user due to hEDS and POTs, which are disorders of the connective tissue and autonomic nervous system. When I was spending a lot of time in hospital I decided to stop focusing on what I could no longer so & start doing something positive. … I now use my creative side as positive mental therapy.”
https://CandySkullCraftsShop.etsy.comSome items featured on Yarn Database may include affiliate links. Yarn Database earns a commission from these links that is used to further this site's goals of inclusivity and accessibility. This commission does not affect the seller's income.
Sample Accessories
To see all accessories by this maker, use the URL above.These photos are presented to illustrate the maker's personal style and aesthetic. They may not reflect current stock.
Black Star DPN Cosy
Rainbow Yarn Tree
School Guinea Pig
Stitch Markers
This maker offers the following items and qualities. To see other makers who offer the same, click the associated link below.- Knitting & Crochet: DPN Holders, Enamel Pins, Needle Cases, Progress Keepers, Project Bags, Stitch Markers
- This Business is: Disabled-Owned