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Wonder Twin Fibrearts


Wonder Twin Fibrearts is the culmination of two slightly obsessed fibre fanatics, each with their own unique “super powers.” “Between the two of us we have 7 kids, 2 spouses, a dog, a cat and a hamster … our own Justice League, if you will,” Chelsea says. “We collaborate and build on ideas together, just like our namesakes. We create unique project bags and notions for makers.”

Follow on Instagram: @WonderTwinFibreArts

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Sample Accessories

To see all accessories by this maker, use the URL above.
These photos are presented to illustrate the maker's personal style and aesthetic. They may not reflect current stock.
  • Medium size pyramid shaped zipper project bags. The one that’s in focus has Russian dolls on it.

  • Garment tags. Made with Pride has rainbow colors. Made with coffee & swear words. One of a kind (like me). I didn’t f*ck it up.

  • Three zippered project bags, one with Russian dolls. One with cats peeking out of flowers. One with playful skulls.

  • Heavy weight felt project bag with leather-looking handles and outside pocket



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