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Category: Designers

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Ambah O’Brien

Posted in Designers

Influenced by everything around her; fashion, nature, hand-dyed yarn, art, Ambah’s designs are straight forward to make, size inclusive, wearable and enable knitters to express…

Liz Corke

Posted in Designers

Liz Corke is a knitwear designer and mum to two young kids, “so knitting is my relaxing time in a day! I design patterns that…

pippy eve

Posted in Designers

Sammy McHall’s pippy eve label produces knitting patterns for simple yet stunning garments you can create yourself. Sammy, who makes her home in Northampton, England,…


Posted in Designers, and List

DeBrosse is a full-service knitwear brand supporting makers and sellers. T first learned to crochet to make blankets for children growing up in Haitian orphanages.…