KnowWhere Farms is a small Canadian family farm that writes, “We raise our animals according to regenerative agricultural ideas, with our sheep and cows raised…
Consideration: Local Fiber
Dyers that use Local Fiber for at least some of their products.
This Quebec-based small-batch dyer offers high-quality yarns and fibers for artisans and enthusiasts. “While I split my time between Canada and South Africa,” The Wool…
Cowgirlblues is a Cape Town-based dye house and design studio specializing in South African wool and mohair. Yarn is for sale through the site and…
Lacie lives among the inlets and craggy coastlines between Downeast Maine and New Brunswick. In 2017, the nearby Briggs and Little woolen mill asked about…
Teton Yarn Company offers a variety of hand-dyed wool yarns, capturing the beauty and colors of the Grand Tetons. “All of my yarns are hand…
Lauren McElroy is a multidisciplinary fiber artist currently working in fashion design, an at home dye studio, at their spinning wheel and on themselves. “Integrity…
Minnesota-based Kato Yarn Co. offers a range of fibers and yarn weights with fun Midwest-US themes like “Hotdish” (an entree) and Craft (beer-themed). In addition…
Everything by The Old Horizon is handmade and designed by Emma Gaffney in the Peak District. You’ll find hand-dyed yarns in a range of weights…