Brambles and Bindweed designs are inspired by nature. “I especially love the intricate designs of Celtic knotwork and try to capture that in various ways — using lace, brioche, mosaic knitting as well as cables. I like interesting constructions and experimenting with different techniques,” Hannah says. “My recent patterns all have a low vision accessible and screen reader version, and I’m working on creating these versions for my existing designs.” Note: This site contains clearly marked links to Ravelry.
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Sample Pattern Gallery
To see all patterns by this designer, use the URL above.Below are photos of a few representative patterns (with direct links to pattern pages) to give you a sense of the designer's work.
This maker's artistry has the following features. To see other makers in this database who offer the same features, click the links below.- Pattern Format: PDF Patterns
- Patterns for: Cowls, Hats, Misc. Home, Scarves, Shawls
- Size Range: Adults, Children
- Techniques: Brioche, Crochet, Knitted Cables, Knitted Colorwork, Knitted Lace, Knitting, Mosaic Knitting
- Pattern Features: Accessibility, Charts and Written