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Karie Westermann


Karie Westermann lives in Scotland’s biggest city, Glasgow, with inspirational nature on her doorstep. Karie is originally from Scandinavia, which informs a lot of her work. Karie loves rustic yarns, bright color palettes, and is yet to meet a dog she doesn’t like. From beautiful colorwork mittens inspired by Karie’s Scandinavian childhood to stunning shawls worked in artisan hand-dyed yarns, Karie’s patterns are a joy to knit. Note: The Patterns link on Karie’s website will take you to clearly marked patterns for sale on Ravelry. The Shop link will take you to patterns for sale on the website.

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Sample Pattern Gallery

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Below are photos of a few representative patterns (with direct links to pattern pages) to give you a sense of the designer's work.



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