Mindy is the creator behind Raven Knits Design. “I learned to knit when I was 19, after spending a lonely summer in Europe watching my female relatives working on their handcrafts and cheerfully nattering away in Dutch,” Mindy says. “I usually have six projects going at any time. I think about knitting like a teen-aged boy thinks about sex; constantly and passionately.”
https://ravenknitsdesign.wordpress.comSome items featured on Yarn Database may include affiliate links. Yarn Database earns a commission from these links that is used to further this site's goals of inclusivity and accessibility. This commission does not affect the seller's income.
This maker's artistry has the following features. To see other makers in this database who offer the same features, click the links below.- Pattern Format: PDF Booklets, PDF Patterns
- Patterns for: Boot Cuffs, Cowls, Hats, Mittens, Mitts, Shawls
- Size Range: Adults, Children
- Techniques: Knitted Cables, Knitted Lace, Knitting