Designer Rebecca Velasquez lives in Houston, Texas “where I pretty much hang out in my studio all day drinking coffee, crocheting and/or knitting and hiding from the heat. Playing with yarn is equal parts daily meditation and job. My design work in both crochet and knit is as much of necessity to my being as it is a pleasure.” The Bifrost Top is really cute. Rebecca makes beautiful crocheted lace garments, too.
https://www.rebeccavelasquez.comFollow on Instagram: @rv.designs
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This maker's artistry has the following features. To see other makers in this database who offer the same features, click the links below.- Patterns for: Garments, Hats, Shawls
- Size Range: Adults, Adults to 44”/112 cm, Adults to 54”/137cm, Adults to 64”/163cm
- Techniques: Crochet, Crocheted Lace