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KnowWhere FarmsKnowWhere Farms is a small Canadian family farm that writes, “We raise our animals according to regenerative agricultural ideas, with our sheep and cows raised on pasture, rotationally grazed in season, and managed for minimal inputs. We sell yarn, spinning fibre, and raw fleece that are sourced from our flock of Corriedale, Ile de France, and cross-bred sheep. Some of the yarns have been blended with fibre from off-farm sources to create specific products.”Alpaca, Corriedale, Ile de France, Woolwww.knowwherefarms.cacanadaalpaca corriedale ile-de-france woolhand-painted tonal sparkle variegatedacid undyeddk fingering sport worstedlocal uniquea-family-farma-family-farm
NocturneNocturne is an independent art studio that primarily focuses on hand-dyed yarn and merchandise inspired by folklore and myth, with a dark cottage-core aesthetic. While the website refers to Nocturne as “we,” Nocturne is one person and creator. Misha (they/them) is the dyer (and artist, administrator, social media marketer, mail carrier, customer service representative, and cat parent) responsible for Nocturne. Misha lives in Amsterdam with their partner and three cats.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Corriedale, Dorset, Exmoor, Exmoor BF, Highland, Leicester, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Tussah Silk, Wool, Yak, Zwartblesthenocturnestudio.comeu europealpaca bfl cashmere corriedale dorset-horn exmoor exmoor-blueface highland leicester merino mulberry-silk tussah-silk wool yak zwartblesgradient tonal solid variegatedacidaran bulky chunky dk fingering jumbo lace sport super-bulky worsteddisabled lgbtq neurodivergentdisabled lgbtq neurodivergent
Ex Libris FibersBookish and moody yarns, slowly hand dyed in small batches by a former librarian. Colors are largely inspired by under-shared stories and yarn bases are both domestic and imported. Rita aims for haunted library vibes and has an obsession with layering colors. Lots of non-superwash options. Here’s something else I love: The product pages show you knit and crochet swatches of each yarn.Merino, Mulberry Silk, Peru. Highland, Rambouillet, Wool, Yakwww.exlibrisfibers.comusmerino mulberry-silk peruvian-highland rambouillet wool yakhand-painted marl tonal solid variegatedaciddk fingering sport worstedmini-skeinsneurodivergentneurodivergent
Kettle + Hearth Fibers“Kettle + Hearth Fibers was born out of a love for knitting, sewing and all things fiber,” says US dyer Michelle. “Through creating hand dyed yarn and project bags for knitters and crocheters, a community was unexpectedly created, united by a shared passion for the fiber arts.” Kettle + Hearth ships to the US and Canada. Find the project bags and other accessories here.Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.kettleandhearthfibers.comusalpaca bfl merino silk wooltonal variegateddk fingering lace
MakerWoolDawn is the founder and creator behind MakerWool’s independent, hand-dyed yarns. “Inspired by the breathtaking beauty of nature, my yarn colors are a tribute to the vibrant landscapes that surround me in Colorado. From the deep greens of pine forests to the soft pastels of alpine meadows, each skein is infused with the essence of nature’s palette,” Dawn says.Alpaca, Merino, Silk, Woolmakerwool.comusalpaca merino silk woolhand-painted tonal solid tweed variegatedaciddk fingering lace worstedmini-skeins
Idris EmporiumWales-based artist Idris Elemental loved to draw fanciful creatures based in anime and tattoo art, then decided to knit and crochet them. Wanting to use yarn that matched the overall creative vision, Idris set to dye some. Today, Idris Emporium sells brightly colored yarn and spinning fiber, as well as readymade items. Great Pride colorways and more.Cotton, Highland, Merino, Woolidrisemporium.comeurope ukcotton highland merino woolmarl variegatedaran dk fingering handspun lacemini-skeinsdisabled lgbtq neurodivergentdisabled lgbtq neurodivergent
Scrumptious PurlSam is the dyer behind Scrumptious Purl. “Most of my early memories of knitting are at the cottage with my mother after a long day of skiing,” Sam says. “Something about having spent the day in the cold just made working with wool so awesome I think a big part of my love for the craft is the place it brings me back to.” All Scrumptious Purl yarn is dyed to order. Offerings include self-striping worsted. “I eat sleep and breathe the fiber world and wouldn’t have it any other way. Thanks for coming along for the ride!” Sam says.Merino, Woolwww.scrumptiouspurl.comcanadamerino woolself-striping tonalacidfingering worsteddye-to-order
Republica UnicorniaAtlanta dyer Kathleen is the Head Yarn Wench at Republica Unicornia. (“I made up that job title, and I regret nothing,” Kathleen says.) At Republica Unicornia, you’ll find beautiful hand-dyed yarns, thoughtfully designed project bags in fun prints, tea cozies, and a smattering of other goodies, like enamel pins and stickers. “I love saturated color, rainbows, and unicorns. (I really, really, really love unicorns),” Kathleen says. I love that Kathleen includes some of my favorite bases, like BFL and Targhee. Shipping is currently US-only.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Highland, Mohair, Rambouillet, Silk, Targhee, Woolrepublicaunicornia.comusalpaca bfl cashmere highland mohair rambouillet silk targhee wooltonal variegateddk fingering lace worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins
Somerset YarnsBristol-based UK dyer Tracey Brewer creates beautiful hand-dyed yarn in variegated and semi-solid colorways. Tracey’s work features rich, bright colors. Bases are mainly Merino blends, and Tracey is open to special orders on other bases.Bamboo, Merino, Mohair, WoolSomersetYarns.etsy.comeurope ukbamboo merino mohair wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering sportdye-to-order mini-skeins unique
Prismatic Fiber and ArtistryPrismatic Fiber and Artistry lives and breathes all things fantasy. This is never more apparent than when you see their hand dyed yarn and crochet patterns. With a particular interest in rainbows and textured colorways, Dani’s yarns are perfect for every project, from amigurumi to garments. Patterns are created with accessible fonts, clear photos, and contrasting lines of instructions.Alpaca, Cotton, Merino, Woolprismaticfiberandart.etsy.comusalpaca cotton merino woolgradient hand-painted marl tonal solid sparkle variegatedacid fiber-reactivearan bulky dk fingering sport worsteddisabled lgbtq neurodivergentdisabled lgbtq neurodivergent
The Wool SeekerThis Quebec-based small-batch dyer offers high-quality yarns and fibers for artisans and enthusiasts. “While I split my time between Canada and South Africa,” The Wool Seeker says, “my business operations are currently based in Canada, ensuring efficient service delivery to our valued customers. Our product range includes superwash and non-superwash yarns and fibers, such as Merino SW/Nylon, Merino Non-SW, Mohair, BFL Non-SW, BFL Fiber Non-SW, and occasional selections of Polwarth. Additionally, we periodically introduce other specialty bases.”BFL, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Polwarth, Silk, Wool, Yakthewoolseeker.etsy.comcanada s-africabfl linen merino mohair polwarth silk wool yakgradient tonal solid variegatedacid fiber-reactivedk fingering lacedye-to-order local mini-skeins unique
Lantern Light Yarn & FiberSamantha Adams is the owner of Philadelphia’s Lantern Light Yarn & Fiber, an independent, woman-owned small business specializing in unique, thoughtfully curated hand-dyed yarn and fiber.Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woollanternlightyarn.etsy.comusalpaca cashmere merino mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedbulky dk fingering lace worstedmini-skeins
Lichen and LaceCanadian Megan Ingman is the proprietor and dyer of Lichen and Lace. Formerly the owner of Lettuce Knit yarn shop in Toronto, Megan and family moved to New Brunswick in 2012 to live a more relaxed lifestyle. Inspired by the sea, the forest and marshes of New Brunswick, Megan creates beautiful colorways that will remind you of wildflowers and walking in the woods. Buy Lichen and Lace through shops in Canada, the US, UK, EU, and Japan; on the website; or through Etsy.Merino, Woollichenandlace.etsy.comcanadamerino wooltonal variegatedacid undyedbulky fingering sport worstedembroidery-thread
Crow & Crescent YarnCrow & Crescent Yarn Co hand-dyes beautiful bases with love in the Pacific Northwest. In addition to the yarn, Renee offers patterns for stunning socks, hats and cowls. Note: Kit listings may contain URL links to Ravelry.Merino, Woolcrowandcrescentyarn.etsy.comusmerino wooltonal variegateddk fingering super-bulky worsteddye-to-order
cowgirlbluesCowgirlblues is a Cape Town-based dye house and design studio specializing in South African wool and mohair. Yarn is for sale through the site and through retailers in Europe, Australia, Japan, South Africa and the US. Bridget sells patterns as well as regular hanks and mini skeins in each yarn weight.Merino, Mohair, Silk, mohair silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering lacelocal mini-skeins
1918 Yarn Company1918 Yarn Company is the house-dyed yarn of Ohio’s Harps & Thistles Yarn Emporium. Owner Cindy Michael says, “We chose the name 1918 Yarn Company because it’s the year our building was built and this building was where our company came to life. The bases are named for the buildings here in historic Downtown Cuyahoga Falls.” Recently, Cindy’s granddaughter Mattie has joined the team as a dyeing apprentice.BFL, Merino, Woolharpsandthistles.comusbfl merino woolgradient tonal variegatedbulky fingering sport worstedmini-skeins
PNW Purls CoWashington dyer Jessica Norris is the self-striping sock expert at PNW Purls Co. Gorgeous colorways correspond to holidays, as well as movie and TV themes.BFL, Donegal, Merino, Woolpnwpurlsco.etsy.comusbfl donegal merino woolself-striping sparkle tweedfingering
Fiber SwagCalifornia spinner and accessory maker Diana Mokaya sells beautiful handspun yarn and fun, customizable accessories for knitters, crocheters and spinners.Bamboo, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Woolfiberswag.etsy.comusbamboo cashmere merino silk woolmarl sparkle variegatedbulky dk fingering handspun worstedunique
Maritime Family FiberLacie lives among the inlets and craggy coastlines between Downeast Maine and New Brunswick. In 2017, the nearby Briggs and Little woolen mill asked about producing yarn from the family flock. “And so Maritime Family Fiber was born,” Lacie says. In addition to their own yarns, Maritime offers a selection of Briggs and Little yarns from other small farms.Woolmaritimefamilyfiber.comuswoolhand-painted solid variegatedacid undyedaran bulky dk sport worstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Fleur De Stitch’dLouisiana based indie dyer Micah Key of Fleur De Stitch’d is the organizer of the Baton Rouge Fiber Arts & Makers festival (BR FAM Festival).Cotton, Merino, Woolwww.fleurdestitchd.comuscotton merino wooltonal variegatedacid fiber-reactivedk fingeringmini-skeinsbipocbipoc
Black Cat Custom YarnChilliwack, British Columbia, dyer Black Cat Custom Yarn has many colorways, including a lot of neons, and themes that include Marvel vs. DC and a videogames section. As you’d expect, colorways and base names are clever and wry. Note: The home page loads with a small amount of motion.BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Woolblackcatcustomyarn.comcanadabfl cashmere merino silk woolself-striping tonal sparkle variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace super-bulky worsted
Old Rusted ChairLou is the dyer behind Old Rusted Chair. “Old Rusted Chair was born when my husband Jonathan and I decided to move cross country from Oakland, California to Nashville in April 2017,” Lou says. “All of Old Rusted Chair’s yarns are hand-dyed by me in my home studio. Jonathan helps prep, twist, and label each skein.” All of this is done under the careful eye of formerly feral kitties Hose Cat and Kristin.Merino, Woololdrustedchair.comusmerino wooltonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingeringdye-to-order mini-skeins
Quillin Fiber ArtsNew Mexico dyer Dedri Quillin says, “Weaver, spinner, dyer and owner of Quillin Fiber Arts in Las Cruces, New Mexico. I work with natural fibers and treat them as environmentally responsibly as possible. Some of the yarns contain the naturally colored fibers, just cleaned and spun – others are made from fibers dyed with low impact acid dyes that are kind to the environment.”Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Woolquillinfiberarts.etsy.comusalpaca bfl merino mulberry-silk wooltonal variegatedacid undyedbulky chunky fingering handspun lace worstedmini-skeins
Beaverslide Dry GoodsLeanne is the shepherd and yarn maven at Colorado’s Beaverslide Dry Goods. Beaverslide keeps 3,000 sheep in beautiful, wild country in Montana. “We take great pride in our flock of Merino sheep, grown under wholesome and humane conditions. Our animals live in an essentially extreme climate, so their wool is noticeably loftier. … You will find that most of our selections retain some natural lanolin and are wonderful for next to the skin uses and for felting projects,” Leanne says. Yarn is undyed or available in beautiful solids.Merino, Mohair, Woolbeaverslide.comusmerino mohair wooltonal solidundyedbulky dk lace sport worstedlocal
Lavender Lune Yarn CompanyMinnesota dyer Sam says, “I focus on hand-dyed skeins of rich, vivid colors that are bold and eye-catching. As any fiber artist knows, yarn is all about expression and creativity. … I don’t take any shortcuts, and many skeins go through the dyeing and over-dyeing process many times. It’s a lot more work that way, but I only make things I want to buy, wear and share.” Note to motion-sensitive readers: The Colorways pages have quite a bit of motion as they load.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Corriedale, Cotton, Linen, Merino, Rambouillet, Woollavenderluneyarn.cousalpaca bfl cashmere corriedale cotton linen merino rambouillet wooltonal variegatedbulky dk fingering sport worsted
Stunning String StudioTom and Cindy Garland are the Illinois dyers at Stunning String. “It’s an exciting adventure, and one we fully appreciate. Every day we get to come to work and play with yarn and color. We love what we do.” Cindy says. Stunning String dyes on dozens of bases. Its yarn was featured in Nancy Bates’ Knitting the National Parks book of 63 colorwork hats. Kits are available, along with Cindy’s pattern designs. Stunning String also dyes custom colorways.Bamboo, BFL, Bison, Merino, Mohair, Peru. Highland, Silk, Woolwww.stunningstring.comusbamboo bfl bison merino mohair peruvian-highland silk woolhand-painted tonal tweed variegatedaran dk fingering lace sport worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins
Terry KarneyTerry Karney says, “I make yarn. I like fiber, I don’t leave the house without a book, a spindle, and a camera.” Offerings include yarns spun specifically for knitting, crochet and weaving, and Terry takes custom orders, mainly for wheel-spun yarns. In addition to yarn, Terry offers divine readymade woven scarves.Alpaca, Angora, Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Casein, Cashmere, Cheviot, Coopworth, Cormo, Corriedale, Cotswold, CVM, Dorset, Eri Silk, Finn, Gotland, Hampshire, Hebridean, Icelandic, Linen, Llama, Manx Loagh., Merino, Mint, Mohair, Muga Silk, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Qiviut, Rambouillet, Romney, Rose, SeaCell, Shetland, Silk, Southdown, Suffolk, Targhee, Teeswater, Tencel, Tussah Silk, Wensleydale, Wool, Yak, Zwartbleswww.clothoscorner.comusalpaca angora bamboo bfl camel casein cashmere cheviot coopworth cormo corriedale cotswold cvm dorset-horn eri-silk finn gotland hampshire hebridean icelandic linen llama manx-loaghtan merino mint mohair muga-silk mulberry-silk polwarth qiviut rambouillet romney rose seacell shetland silk southdown suffolk targhee teeswater tencel tussah-silk wensleydale wool yak zwartblesgradient hand-painted marl self-striping tonal solid tweed variegatedaran dk fingering handspun lace worsteddisabled
Positive EaseSue Ivin hand-dyes Positive Ease yarns in Austria. Beautiful, lush yarns. Buy through local yarn shops in the EU, UK, Japan, Hong Kong and the US, or subscribe to Sue’s newsletter to watch for updates to the Positive Ease Etsy shop. Note: Some pages load with motion.Merino, wooltonal variegateddk fingering worsted
Lamb and VineLamb and Vine was born from a passion for nature and creating beautiful products with loving mindfulness. The wool comes from animals raised on small farms by ranchers who treat them with respect and great care.Cormo, Merino, Rambouillet, Targhee, Woollambandvineyarn.comuscormo merino rambouillet targhee wooltonal soliddk fingering
Serafina Hand Dyed YarnsPaula Spranger is the dyer behind Serafina Hand Dyed Yarns, a breed-specific, no-nylon yarn shop based in Portugal. The site is in Portuguese and English.BFL, Corriedale, Masham, Merino, Mohair, Woolwww.retrosariaserafina.comeu europebfl corriedale masham merino mohair woolhand-painted tonal solid variegatedacid botanical naturalaran dk fingering lacemini-skeins
Craftily Dyed YarnColorado dyer Lauren Farrell is Craftily Dyed Yarn. “I’ve been crafting things since I was a child. I knit, crochet, sew, paint, draw, and just about every other kind of craft. I love all of it, but lately I’m enjoying knitting more than anything else!” Lauren says. Lots of great semi-solids and “freestyle” hand-dyed variegated yarn in beautiful colorways.BFL, Cotton, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolcraftilydyedyarn.etsy.comusbfl cotton merino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedbulky dk fingering lace sport worstedmini-skeins unique
Kitty Pride FibersKitty Pride Fibers is the house-dyed yarn from LYS Dye Hard Yarns. Dyer Chastity says, “I love color! I have a huge passion for the fiber arts, and I love sharing my art with other people.” Kitty Pride will dye to order and will even overdye yarn you used to love to create something new.Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Peru. Highland, Silk, Wool, Yakdyehardyarns.comusalpaca bfl merino peruvian-highland silk wool yakmarl tonal tweedaran bulky dk fingering lace sport super-bulkydye-to-order mini-skeinsbipocbipoc
The FiberistsVirginia dyer Spencer at The Fiberists offers beautiful STEM-inspired yarns and fiber, quality knitting and spinning accessories, as well as needle-felting kits. The Fiberists also offers sock blanks.Bison, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Muga Silk, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.thefiberists.comusbison cashmere merino mohair muga-silk silk wool yaktonal solid variegatedbulky dk fingering lace sport worstedmini-skeins
RMR Yarn Co.RMR is a business founded by three Chicago sisters. Its name honors their mother by using her initials. Lush yarn, ready to ship or dye to order.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolrmryarnco.comusalpaca bfl cashmere merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedaran bulky chunky dk fingering lace super-bulky worsteddye-to-orderbipocbipoc
Arcane Fibre WorksSometimes yarn is so beautiful that you make an involuntary sound when you see it. This is that yarn. This Canadian dyer also shows knitted swatches, which we love.Merino, Woolarcanefiberworks.comcanadamerino wooltonal variegatedaran bulky chunky dk fingering worsted
Ballyhoura FibresCierra is the Limerick-based dyer at Ballyhoura Fibres. Originally from Denver, Cierra moved to Ireland in 2019. “I am a self taught knitter, and at the beginning of 2021, I decided to give yarn dyeing a try,” Cierra says. “I bought five skeins of Polwarth yarn and jumped head first and have loved every minute of it! I am inspired by nature and my travels. I hope you are inspired as well!” Yarns are ethically sourced and mulesing-free.Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Silkwww.ballyhourafibres.comalpaca bfl merino mulberry-silk polwarth silktonal variegatedaran dk fingering lacedye-to-order mini-skeinsbipocbipoc
Yarn TherapyJo is the New Zealand dyer behind Yarn Therapy. “I love to make yarn sing with the application of color,” Jo says. “I use multi-layered dyeing techniques that I’ve perfected over the past 15+ years to create color stories that you’ll love to look at, on yarn bases that you’ll love to work with, and to wear.”Alpaca, Donegal, Linen, Merino, Silk, Wool, donegal linen merino silk wool yaktonal tweed variegateddk fingering lace worsted
Keira WigginsKeira Wiggins is a New Jersey textile designer specializing in yarn dyes and color development. Keira has practiced various fiber arts since childhood, but her dedication to spinning yarn inspired her to develop a brand that honors her past, present, and the history of traditional textile arts.Merino, Mohair, Woolkeirawiggins.comusmerino mohair wooltonalaran chunky dk worstedbipocbipoc
WoolentoSlovakian dyer, knitter, crocheter, and spinner Lenka Kacurova began Woolento in 2022. The shop includes hand-dyed yarns, fade sets, handspun yarns, hand-dyed roving, project bags and patterns Woolento ships “almost worldwide.” Patterns are in UK English, Czech and Slovak. There are also beautiful readymade items. Find Lenka on the Woolento website, Etsy or Facebook.Alpaca, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolwoolento.etsy.comeu europealpaca merino mohair mulberry-silk silk woolgradient tonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering handspun sport worsteddye-to-order local mini-skeins
Knitten WordConnecticut dyer Lor Cara at Knitten Word produces hand-dyed, small batch yarn to help you write your own stories in fiber. Yarn bases are named after Slavic gods and goddesses, as well as folktale characters from throughout Eastern Europe. Bases range from a standard sock to more luxurious blends.BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.knittenword.comusbfl cashmere merino silk wool yakgradient hand-painted tonal solid sparkle variegatedacid undyedaran dk fingering lace sport worsteddisableddisabled
Artistic Yarn by AbiAbi sells self-striping yarn in colorways that are so right-on that they will make you smile, like Spam, Rainbow Trout, Dunkin Donuts, or Peanut Butter and Jelly. Abi also offers experimental one-of-a-kind colorways. Most yarns are shown knitted up and in skeins.Woolwww.artisticyarnbyabi.comuswoolself-striping tonal variegatedacidfingeringunique
Amaranth FibresMorgan is the dyer behind Canadian shop Amaranth Fibres. Colorways for yarn and spinning fiber range from beautifully warm to brights.Merino, Mohair, Woolamaranthfibres.etsy.comcanadamerino mohair wooltonal variegatedacidbulky fingering lacemini-skeins
Thistle House YarnThistle House Yarn’s slogan is, “Where Play Meets Passion.” “Yarn has the incredible ability to create connections across barriers and communities. It allows us to tell stories woven into a fabric we create with our own hands,” the dyer says. Love the Art and Artistry series.Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolthistlehouseyarn.comusmerino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lacedye-to-order unique
Undercover OtterAmsterdam dyer Aiden Sielias (they/them pronouns) started Undercover Otter in 2011, when they started hand-dyeing yarn, initially for themselves. As their skills improved and methods got more refined, they received custom orders. The enjoyment Aiden got from experimenting with fibers, yarn and colors made them decide to start their own business. In 2018, Aiden quit their office job and became a full-time indie dyer.Corriedale, Exmoor BF, Highland, Merino, Wool, Zwartbleswww.undercoverotter.comeu europecorriedale exmoor-blueface highland merino wool zwartblesmarl tonal solid variegatedacidaran dk fingering sportembroidery-thread mini-skeins uniquelgbtqlgbtq
Ross AlexanderRoss Alexander is a Scottish hand-dyer based in the Netherlands. Producing vibrant, unique colourways drawing on lots of different inspirations, all topped off usually with an absurd name! Proudly queer and autistic owned and operated.Alpaca, BFL, Corriedale, Exmoor BF, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wool, Yak, Zwartblestheweeyarncompany.comeu europealpaca bfl corriedale exmoor-blueface merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wool yak zwartblesgradient hand-painted tonal solid variegatedacidaran dk fingering lacedisabled lgbtq neurodivergentdisabled lgbtq neurodivergent
Republic of YarniaIrish dyer Mary (aka MRO) of Republic of Yarnia is a literary historian who specializes in the Middle Ages. “It just so happens that I really love crocheting and knitting, too, and I decided to marry two of my passions: crafting and medieval studies!” Mary says. “As a woman of color (born on settler land in Canada, my roots are from the Afro/Indo Caribbean diasporas), I’ve always been intrigued by hidden figures in the period I research. Some of the colorways of these figures inspired me to start this journey dyeing yarn based on these beautiful figures who are often …Alpaca, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.republicofyarnia.comeu europealpaca merino silk wooltonal sparkle variegatedaran dk fingering lace super-bulkydye-to-order mini-skeinsbipocbipoc
Townhouse YarnsJenny is the Irish dyer at Townhouse Yarns, the house yarn of Dublin’s wondrous This is Knit yarn shop.Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Wooltownhouseyarns.comeu europealpaca cashmere merino silk wooltonal variegateddk fingering lace worstedmini-skeins
SpeakEasy Fiber ClubSpeakEasy Fiber Club is a mystery collective of dyers with the goal of changing the world with belligerent descriptions of beautifully dyed yarn and fiber.Merino, Woolspeakeasyfiberclub.comusmerino woolgradient marl variegatedacidfingeringuniquebipoc lgbtq neurodivergentbipoc lgbtq neurodivergent
Supernova DyeworksDanna Brunger has been dyeing yarn and fiber for more than 10 years in the Greater Lansing area of Michigan. “I rebranded from Icemelon’s Stash to Supernova Dyeworks in 2020, and have been having a lot of fun re-introducing myself to you!” Danna says. “I specialize in deeply speckled colorways, pastel rainbows, and other unexpected combinations. You’ll find several sparkly yarns in my collection, and the colorway names are always a treat.” Danna believes in mutual aid and good causes and donates a small portion of sales to charities, mutual aid organizations and personal GoFundMes, both hyperlocal and nationwide.Merino, WoolSupernovaDyeworks.comusmerino woolhand-painted tonal solid variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace super-bulky worstedlgbtq neurodivergentlgbtq neurodivergent
Briar Patch Fibre Co.Andrew(he/him) is the Creative Yarn Officer of the Briar Patch. “I’ve been knitting for about six years, and crocheting for two,” Andrew says. “Knitting has always been an unwinding tool for me to relax after a long day. And the more and more I explore the wonderful world of fibre arts, the deeper I fell in love. I have plans to learn weaving and spinning as soon as time frees up a titch.”BFL, Merino, Woolbriarpatchfibreco.myshopify.comusbfl merino wooltonal variegateddk fingering sportlgbtqlgbtq
Création Miss CoutureCanadian indie dyer Catherine is Création Miss Couture. In addition to beautiful, bright hand-dyed yarn, this shop offers an array of knitting and crochet notions.Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolcreationmisscouture.comcanadacashmere merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal solid variegatedaciddk fingering lace sport worsted
NettisNadelkunstNettisNadelkunst offers lovingly hand-dyed wool, yarns and spinning fibers from Kirchheim/Teck in Germany. Netti’s podcast and blog contain exciting information about textile arts and crafts. “Playing with colors, shapes, structures with such a versatile material as textile fibers is an expression of my zest for life,” Netti says. Note: Navigation involves a small amount of motion.Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Donegal, Exmoor BF, Highland, Leicester, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Peru. Highland, SeaCell, Silk, Soy, Tencel, Tussah Silk, Wensleydale, Wool, Yaknettisnadelkunst-shop.deeu europealpaca bamboo bfl donegal exmoor-blueface highland leicester linen merino mohair mulberry-silk peruvian-highland seacell silk soy tencel tussah-silk wensleydale wool yakgradient hand-painted marl self-striping tonal tweed variegatedacid botanical natural undyedaran bulky chunky dk fingering handspun lace sport super-bulky worstedunique
Interlacements YarnsInterlacements Yarns LLC is a wholesale and retail yarn company providing luxury-quality, hand-dyed yarns and fibers to crafters since 1996. Whether you’re a spinner searching for unique fibers or a knitter or weaver looking for vibrant yarns, Interlacements Yarns LLC has what you need to make your next project really pop. Keli Potter runs the business from her small farm in Northeast Wisconsin “with my husband, Brian, our 3 teenage children and our numerous farm animal friends,” including a small flock of Lincoln and Bluefaced Leicester sheep.Merino, Rayon, Woolinterlacementsyarns.comusmerino rayon woolsolid variegatedfingering
Teton Yarn CompanyTeton Yarn Company offers a variety of hand-dyed wool yarns, capturing the beauty and colors of the Grand Tetons. “All of my yarns are hand dyed in my studio in the heart of the Grand Tetons. I dye small batches of one of a kind multi-colors and a rainbow of tonal colors for the fiber artist in weights from lace weight to worsted,” Sarah says.Merino, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.tetonyarn.comusmerino silk wool yakhand-painted tonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace sportlocal mini-skeins
Iron Dragon YarnStitch your story! Iron Dragon Yarn is a small batch indie dyer of science fiction and fantasy-themed solid and tonal yarn for yarnists who love making socks and silk accessories from ethically sourced fingering weight, sport weight, and bulky weight yarn. Iron Dragon Yarn is located in beautiful Cochrane, Alberta, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and is run by Cheyenne Brammah. All yarn is dyed in a pet-free and smoke-free studio.Bamboo, Merino, Mulberry merino mulberry-silktonal solidacidchunky fingering sportmini-skeins
Invictus YarnsCalifornia dyer Sue at Invictus Yarns offers creative colorways and themed sets. Invictus Yarns welcomes custom orders.Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Cashmere, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wool, Yakinvictusyarns.comusbamboo bfl camel cashmere merino mulberry-silk silk wool yaktonal solid variegateddk fingering lace sport worsted
Lambstrings YarnNew York dyer Shanna is the owner of Lambstrings Yarn. “My colors are inspired by nature, people, stories, and emotions,” Shanna says. “They are colors that I wish were more available, colors that make me happy, colors that I have fallen in love with and want to wear. I am always looking fore more inspiration and experimenting with new ideas and fibers!”Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Woollambstringsyarn.comuscashmere merino mohair mulberry-silk woolaciddk fingering lace sport worsted
Fiber LadyFiber Lady starts with bamboo undyed roving and makes everything you’ll see in the shop in their mini mill in Lewisville, Texas. “We have yarns from a fine lace weight that weavers love and we go up to our super worsted weight,” Fiber Lady says. “Now we are adding blends from bamboo and watch for our expanding hemp lines of yarn.” Fiber Lady also carries knit and crochet patterns created for the shop by leading designers, as well as knitting and crochet tools and accessories.Bamboo, Cotton, Woolfiberlady.comusbamboo cotton wooltonal solid variegatedbotanical fiber-reactive naturalbulky chunky dk fingering lace sport worstedunique
Movers & Makers YarnChicago-area Movers & Makers Yarn is a product of the decades-long friendship between Hilary Cerbin and Kristin Oldach. Ready to ship yarn is sold through Hilary’s shop, Nina Chicago, The rainbow of tonal solids pair well with so many other hand-dyes and are the perfect fit for so many projects. The current line of colors pays homage to the shop’s old location, where the owner and dyer met for the first time. NOTE: The Projects section under Work contains marked links to Ravelry.Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Tencel, Woolwww.mmyarn.comusmerino mohair mulberry-silk silk tencel woolbulky fingering lace sport worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins
Fiona Kay KnitsOregon dyer Fiona McDonald of Fiona Kay Knits hits all the right notes with deep semisolid colors and interesting variegated skeins. Patterns feature clever gothy colorwork motifs.Alpaca, Merino, Tussah Silk, WoolFionaKayKnits.etsy.comusalpaca merino tussah-silk wooltonal variegatedbulky dk fingering lace super-bulky worsteddye-to-order
Mother of PurlLauren McElroy is a multidisciplinary fiber artist currently working in fashion design, an at home dye studio, at their spinning wheel and on themselves. “Integrity in how I show up in the world in relationship to all that is, and the love of textiles, is at the center of Mother of Purl. It spirals into all that is created here,” Lauren says. “When you use a Mother of Purl pattern you are getting an experience that is meant to help you learn about your own intuitive knitting style and inspire experimentation. I write patterns in a made-to-measure format. The algorithms …BFL, Churro, Merino, Tunis, Woolmotherofpurl.netusbfl churro merino tunis woolmarl tonal variegatedacid botanical natural undyedaran bulky chunky handspun worstedlocal uniquebipoc lgbtqbipoc lgbtq
Kato Yarn Co.Minnesota-based Kato Yarn Co. offers a range of fibers and yarn weights with fun Midwest-US themes like “Hotdish” (an entree) and Craft (beer-themed). In addition to yarn and spinning fiber, Kato Yarn Co. sells domestically produced yarn; GOTS-certified; nonsuperwash; sparkle yarn; slub yarn; and sock blanks. Lots of great accessories, too.Alpaca, Merino, Mohair, Wool, Yakwww.katoyarncompany.comusalpaca merino mohair wool yaktonal variegatedacid undyedbulky dk fingering lace worsteddye-to-order local
The Old HorizonEverything by The Old Horizon is handmade and designed by Emma Gaffney in the Peak District. You’ll find hand-dyed yarns in a range of weights and colors, handmade buttons, knit and crochet kits, and patterns. “My patterns are primarily for babies and children,” Emma says, “but there’s also patterns in sizes newborn to adult. All my patterns feature photo and video tutorials for techniques and stitches featuring in them so the patterns are as helpful as possible.”Merino, Wooltheoldhorizon.comeurope ukmerino woolhand-painted tonal tweed variegatedacidchunky dk fingeringlocal
Lavender Lune Yarn Co.Minnesota dyer Sam at Lavender Lune focuses on hand-dyed skeins of rich, vivid colors that are bold and eye-catching. “As I’ve continued my yarn journey, I’ve changed techniques, patterns, and color palettes yet common threads exist throughout,” Sam says. “I don’t take any shortcuts, and many skeins go through the dyeing and over-dyeing process many times. It’s a lot more work that way, but I only make things I want to buy, wear and share.” Gorgeous results. Note that the occasional kit includes a download code for Ravelry. Motion-sensitive readers: The colorways pages load with motion.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Cotton, Hemp, Linen, Merino, Woolwww.lavenderluneyarn.cousalpaca bfl cashmere cotton hemp linen merino woolvariegatedbulky dk fingering sportdye-to-order mini-skeins
Seismic Yarn & DyeworksEva is the dyer behind Seismic Yarn & Dyeworks, based just outside of San Francisco. Eva makes color to rock your world, and does this on some pretty exquisite bases. A San Francisco native, Eva is inspired by her hometown, her life, her children, and the silly stories that punctuate their days. Eva shares these stories in the colorway descriptions and on Instagram. If you meet Eva in person, ask her about the IRL-only stories!Alpaca, Cashmere, Cotton, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wool, Yakseismicyarn.comusalpaca cashmere cotton linen merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wool yaktonal tweed variegatedaran bulky dk fingering lace sport worsteddye-to-order mini-skeinsbipocbipoc
Finnsheep.netCara Leigh Wilson of Point of View Farm keeps a flock of purebred registered Finnsheep that rotationally graze on lush pastures filled with native and planted varieties of grasses, legumes and herbs. Finnsheep are a multi-purpose heritage breed of sheep that are well known for their versatility and efficiency in wool, meat and even dairy production. This New York State small business offers everything from fleeces to roving to yarns. There are also ceramic items, glass buttons and a variety of gift ideas.Bamboo, Finn, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolfinnsheep.netusbamboo finn mulberry-silk silk wooltonal solid variegatedundyedbulky worstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Battenkill FibersGreenwich, New York carding and spinning mill Battenkill Fibers works with farmers, hand-spinners, weavers and art studios to return fleeces as roving, yarn or even blankets. They also offer their own line of non-superwash options from sheep breeds not usually available in yarn. Check out the bargains on “seconds,” as well, and stop in for a mill tour sometime.Alpaca, Cheviot, Corriedale, Merino, Romney, Woolwww.battenkillfibers.comusalpaca cheviot corriedale merino romney woolsolidaran dk worstedmini-skeins
Gritty KnitsNatasha Sills is the Texas indie dyer behind Gritty Knits. “I learned to knit from the book Stitch ’n’ Bitch by Debbie Stoller in 2004, and I was obsessed right from the start,” Natasha says. “I wanted to learn every new technique, try every yarn, make every pattern. It wasn’t long before I was crocheting, designing, spinning, and dyeing too.” The shop sells equally beautiful patterns, yarn and spinning fiber, plus knitted blanks. Note, there are marked and social media symbol links to Ravelry on this site.Merino, Silk, Wool, Yakgrittyknits.comusmerino silk wool yaktonal variegatedbulky fingering lace sport worstedmini-skeins
Manic Punk FibersRochester, New York, dyer Manic Punk Fibers takes inspiration from some of their favorite songs and turns them into artfully dyed yarn full of emotion and energy. Joyously bright colors abound.Merino, Woolmanicpunkfibers.comusmerino woolvariegatedaciddk fingering
Rainbow FusionsRainbow Fusions offers hand-dyed plant fiber yarn and luxury wools for knitting and crochet plus many other crafts. All are dyed by hand by Karina in her dye studio in Aberdeenshire, Scotland UK. Yarn clubs, themed boxes, and seasonal trends are available on many wool and plant fiber bases.Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Cashmere, Cotton, Highland, Leicester, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Tencel, Wool, ukalpaca bamboo bfl cashmere cotton highland leicester linen merino mohair mulberry-silk silk tencel wool yakgradient hand-painted tonal solid variegatedacid fiber-reactivearan bulky chunky dk fingering jumbo lace sport super-bulky worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins unique
Flax & TwineAnne is the voice and creative mind behind Flax & Twine. “I am a maker and lover of beautiful things,” Anne says. ​“Clean and simple design thrills me. I find joy and happiness in making and feel I am at my best when using my hands to create. Do you feel this way? If so, you’re in the right place and I’m so happy you’re here.” Site offers materials, videos, patterns and kits for knitting, crochet, weaving and embroidery. Beautiful quality and great customer service, too.Cotton, Linenflaxandtwineshop.comuscotton linendk fingering
Cashmere and CoconutsMinnesota dyer Stacie at Cashmere and Coconuts sells yarn and spinning fiber in beautiful colorways. Buy from the shop or create a custom order. Note that kit listings on the main site may contain URL links to Ravelry.Cashmere, Merino, Woolwww.cashmereandcoconuts.comuscashmere merino woolhand-painted tonal variegatedbulky dk fingering worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins
Bow Fiddle YarnsLouise is based in the North East of Scotland and the dyer behind Bow Fiddle Yarns. Named after a local rock formation, Bow Fiddle Yarns is inspired by local landmarks that translate into vivid colors on a variety of superwash merino, alpaca and silk bases. Louise has added accessories such as yarn cozies, stitch markers and shawl cuffs to her range and is now dipping her toe into writing Tunisian crochet and knitting patterns. This maker has 150-gram maxi skeins for those projects that teeter on the edge of needing more than the standard 100 grams. The Gallery page contains …Alpaca, Camel, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Tussah Silk, Woolwww.bowfiddleyarns.comeurope ukalpaca camel merino mohair mulberry-silk polwarth tussah-silk woolhand-painted tonal variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering lace sport
Little Bishes StitchesCatherine Gaertig is the German artist behind Little Bishes Stitches Hand Dyed Yarn. Dyeing brings Catherine “an incredible feeling of equilibrium, joy and inspiration.” Integrity in every step of the process is important, Catherine says, “most importantly, the integrity of the environment and the sheep that are generous enough to donate their wool for the skeins of yarn I dye in my studio. In this respect I only dye with yarn products that are mulesing-free.” Little Bishes Stitches also works to be as environment-friendly as possible. Dyeing products are not frivolously wasted, and water is reused as much as possible. …Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.littlebishesstitches.comeumerino mohair silk woolhand-painted tonal variegateddk fingering lace sportdye-to-order
BroccoliwitchcraftsColorado designer and dyer B creates patterns for cozy knits, and gorgeous yarns, to boot. This multifaceted maker also offers project bags and fun stickers. Yarns are available in 10g, 20g, 50g and 100g skeins.Merino, woolhand-painted tonal variegateddk fingering worsteddye-to-order mini-skeinsbipocbipoc
Skein and the StitchJess is the UK artist behind Skein and the Stitch. “My love for knitting began during the years of my PhD as a creative escape from research and snowballed from there. After years of honing my craft, I discovered a love for hand dyed yarn and decided to experiment! From that point, I couldn’t stop dying fiber and decided to share my talents with all of you,” Jess says. All yarn is mulesing-free.Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.skeinandthestitch.comeurope ukalpaca cashmere merino silk woolgradient tonal variegatedaran chunky dk fingering lace sportdye-to-order mini-skeins
Sally Ridgway Designs in Felt & FibreTasmanian dyer Sally Ridgway is the woman behind Sally Ridgway Designs in Felt & Fibre. Sally has been producing beautifully dyed wool tops (roving) for felting and spinning, all made with love by her own hands. “I originally started as a felter but realized quickly I needed to start dyeing my own wool tops, and the rest is history!” Sally says. “After a request from a friend to help with a local market stall, I headed back into the world of hand dyed yarn and haven’t looked back.”Alpaca, Corriedale, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, corriedale merino mohair mulberry-silk silk woolgradient hand-painted tonal variegatedaciddk fingering handspun lacelocal mini-skeins unique
Subito Farm DesignsSubito Farm Designs is a mother daughter team of pattern designers/artisans based in Carlisle, Massachusetts dedicated to creating domestic and locally produced yarns and finished goods. All of our yarns are raised/grown, processed, spun, and dyed in the United States.Alpaca, Cormo, Cotton, Merino, Woolsubitofarm.comusalpaca cormo cotton merino woolgradient solidacid natural undyeddk fingering sport worstedlocal mini-skeinsa-family-farma-family-farm
Chelsea YarnsNew Jersey dyer Chelsea yarns carries elegant colorways on a variety of bases, including mohair and slub.Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolchelseayarns.comusmerino mohair silk woolhand-painted tonal variegatedchunky dk fingering worsted
Sycamore FibersSycamore Fibers is a small-batch, hand dyed fiber shop focused on fine wool and fibers that are next-to-skin-soft. They create hand-dyed fiber for spinning and felting. They also create hand-dyed and hand-spun yarns for knitters, crocheters, and weavers.Merino, Woolsycamorefibers.comusmerino woolgradient hand-painted self-striping tonal variegatedacid fiber-reactivedk fingering handspun sport worsteddye-to-order uniquelgbtqlgbtq
Folkestone Harbour YarnEstablished in 2015 within the heart of Folkestone’s Creative Quarter and just a stones throw from the harbor, Folkestone Harbour Yarn is a natural-dye studio committed to producing quality hand-dyed yarns that are original, unique, sustainable and kind to the environment, whilst supporting British farmers and other small businesses. In addition to beautiful yarns, Folkestone offers knit and crochet patterns and seaside- and cat-theme accessories.BFL, Bio-Nylon, Corriedale, Highland, Merino, Woolfolkestoneharbouryarn.comeurope ukbfl bio-nylon corriedale highland merino woolgradient tonal variegatedbotanical naturalchunky dk fingering super-bulkydye-to-order local mini-skeins
Wayback YarnsWayback Yarns is the house brand of, which also offers patterns and tutorials. Beautiful tonal and variegated yarns.BFL, Merino, merino wooltonal variegateddk fingering sport
Dye Mad YarnsDyer and designer Kelley says, “My goal with Dye Mad Yarns it to let people know what I’m about. My personal values to spill into my dye pots, and so you’ll see a lot of fundraisers for incredible organizers doing on-the-ground work. I also like to make people laugh, maybe to inspire a visit here, or to pick up a souvenir to remember us by! I also want to show that Ohio is worth your time and investment. It has become my chosen home because the people here have made it feel like home. Ultimately, Dye Mad is a love …Alpaca, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wooldyemadyarns.comusalpaca merino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedaran chunky dk fingering lace sport worsted
Laughing Cat FibersLaughing Cat Fibers offers beautiful yarns and roving with themed colorways celebrating art and literature. Many yarn colorways include a photograph of a finished object in the yarn.Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Woollaughingcatfibers.xyzuscashmere merino silk woolvariegatedbulky dk fingering worstedmini-skeins unique
Life in the Long GrassA small artisan dye studio in the rural Irish countryside, Life in the Long Grass uses ethical yarn from small farms in South America and local Irish wool. This business supports rural employment in Ireland. LITLG employs environment friendly practices, such as dyeing with rainwater and using recycled paper for labels and publications. LITLG sells non-toxic superwash and non-superwash yarns through their site and through retailers worldwide. LITLG also publishes a pattern lifestyle publication that showcases its yarn and promotes independent designers. It’s printed on recycled paper and includes features about the Irish countryside.BFL, Galway, Gotland, Merino, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.litlg.comeu europebfl galway gotland merino silk wool yakhand-painted tonal variegatedacid fiber-reactivearan dk fingering sport worstedlocalneurodivergentneurodivergent
The Frosted StitchChrista is the Sudbury, Ontario, dyer and designer behind The Frosted Stitch. Beautiful colors, wearable patterns in inclusive sizes, great kits, sweater quantity discounts.Alpaca, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolthefrostedstitch.cacanadaalpaca merino mulberry-silk silk wooltonal tweed variegatedbulky dk fingering lace sport worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins
FelinfachFelinfach’s hand-dyed yarn is produced from the finest British wool with natural dyes in the FelinFach Dye Studio. “By using excellent quality natural fiber, including locally sourced Welsh yarn, and sourcing ethically produced botanical natural plant dye extracts, we are able to produce beautiful naturally dyed yarn, silk, cotton and other natural fiber,” Karen Morgan says. “The colors from natural dyes are enthralling. Hand dyed yarn with natural dyes may be repeated, but they can never be exactly the same. The process will depend on where the dyestuff was grown, how and when it was harvested, the fibers being dyed, …Corriedale, Shetland, Welsh Mule, Wensleydale, Wool, ukcorriedale shetland welsh-mule wensleydale wool yakhand-painted tonal solidbotanical naturalaran dk lacelocal
Color Me Happy Fiber Arts StudioMichelle and Linda at Color Me Happy say, “Our mission is to develop and maintain a collaborative fiber arts studio that brings joy to others by emphasizing color through play and experimentation with fiber and natural dye materials. We sell hand-dyed yarn and roving, made in small batches, with love!”Alpaca, Bamboo, Cashmere, Merino, Polwarth, Silk, Tussah Silk, Wool, bamboo cashmere merino polwarth silk tussah-silk wool yakgradient hand-painted tonal solid tweed variegatedbotanical naturaldk fingering lacedye-to-order local mini-skeins unique
The Little FoxesGina Marquis is the Virginia-based artist behind the yarn, knitting patterns and crochet patterns at The Little Foxes. “I learned how to knit in 2008 and have not been able to stop!” Gina says. “I love designing unique clothing items that are perfect additions for your wardrobe and fun to create. You may even see some crochet patterns from time to time!”Merino, Woolthelittlefoxes.etsy.comusmerino wooltonal variegatedbulky dk fingering worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins
Thought to ThreadTyler is the San Diego dyer and designer at Thought to Thread. He loves developing beautiful colors to express his personality and is a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ Community.Merino, Mohair, Woolthoughttothread.cousmerino mohair wooltonalfingeringlgbtqlgbtq
Swoon FibersAlida Porter is the Rochester, New York, dyer at Swoon Fibers. “My mission is to pass along that love of really extraordinary fibers and the enjoyment of the way those fibers take color, how they feel, how they look when they’re knitted,” Alida says. “My passion has always been about this simple thing, and how sometimes the simplest knitted piece, skein or stitch can have such inherent beauty.”Alpaca, Angora, Bamboo, Cashmere, Cotton, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, Yakswoonfibers.etsy.comusalpaca angora bamboo cashmere cotton merino mohair silk wool yaktonal variegatedaran dk fingering lace sport worstedmini-skeins
Knitting NotionsIn addition to creating beautiful wooden knitting and crochet tools, Tennesee-based Caroline and her family business create hand-dyed yarns.Bamboo, Cotton, Merino, Woolknittingnotions.comusbamboo cotton merino wooltonalundyeddk fingering sport worsted
A Whimsical Wood Yarn Co.In the Whimsical Woods of Iowa, the unicorns, mermaids, fairies, witches, goblins, trolls, and all manner of creatures come together to paint the strings, laugh, frolic, howl at the moon, dance around the fire, and laugh with friends from all over the world. Playful patterns and bright yarns abound. Bright yarns are ready to ship or dye to order. Some colorway pages include URL links to Ravelry.Merino, Woolawhimsicalwoodyarnco.comusmerino wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins
Jadawoo DesignsJadawoo Designs was created to give makers more inspiration and options for their projects. “I have been a maker for over 30 years and there is nothing that inspires me more than a beautiful hand dyed yarn,” Jadawoo says. “I hope to provide that same inspiration to makers of all skill levels, craft types, and backgrounds.”Bamboo, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.jadawoodesigns.comusbamboo merino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedaran dk fingering sportmini-skeinsbipocbipoc
Fae Folk FibresFae Folk Fibres takes inspiration from myths, legends and history of the British Isles and beyond. UK dyer Shadow dyes exclusive single batches of colorways on luxurious blends of sock, 4ply/fingering weight and DK bases. Shadow is an experienced dyer, formerly dyeing as Felt Fusion. Dyeing is done from Shadow’s home in the East Midlands of England. Fae Folk Fibres welcomes wholesale orders for custom colorways. NOTE: There is a slight bit of motion as the home page loads.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, WoolFaeFolkFibres.comeurope ukalpaca bfl cashmere merino silk woolhand-painted tonal variegatedacid fiber-reactivedk fingeringlocal uniqueneurodivergentneurodivergent
Thorson KnitsNicole Thorson is the US designer and dyer behind Thorson Knits. In addition to dyeing yarn and designing lots of cute tops, Nicole enjoys hanging out with her husband and bulldogs.Peru. Highland, wooltonal variegatedaran sport
JAMESMAKESYARN“I run my small-batch, hand-dyed yarn brand from my home in the beautiful Cotswolds,” says UK dyer James of JAMESMAKESYARN. “It is always my desire to create one-of-a-kind colorways, filled with speckles and unique color combinations. You will be sure to find at least one pop of neon in every colorway I dye, and the more vivid it is, the better! With all that being said, at the heart of my brand is of course inclusivity and I strive on a daily basis to ensure JAMESMAKESYARN is open and welcome to everyone.”Alpaca, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wooljamesmakesyarn.comeurope ukalpaca merino mohair mulberry-silk silk woolvariegatedaciddk fingeringmini-skeins uniquelgbtqlgbtq
Creative Anarchy“Creative Anarchy yarn slowly started emerging out of a want for independently dyed yarns, but not being able to afford them,” UK dyer Hannah says. “As I started getting to grips with the process, and how it was done, I started getting requests to buy my yarn. … One of the things that remains close to my heart is trying to be as accessible as possible with sharing my yarns. I offer kits for sweater quantities that get cheaper the bigger the size required, and I always have at least one charity colorway available, with a percentage of the sales …BFL, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, ukbfl merino mohair mulberry-silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering lacedye-to-orderlgbtqlgbtq
FuzzyFiberzApril is the Hudson, New York dyer behind FuzzyFiberz. Beautiful yarns in a variety of colorways plus really nice mini fade sets.Alpaca, Merino, Silk, Woolfuzzyfiberz.etsy.comusalpaca merino silk woolgradient tonal variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering lace worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins
FLYY DyedRachel is a FLYY, fresh indie dyer from Wolverhampton in the UK. “As a lover of color and texture, dyeing yarn seems to be the thing I was meant to do … but that may have more to do with being able to make a legitimate mess and create something gorgeous out of it!” Rachel says. Inspiration for Rachel’s one-of-a-kind skeins comes in many forms and from different places: “TV shows, childhood memories, people and things that I see, photographs, songs, sweets … the list of possibilities is endless!”BFL, Merino, Polwarth, Woolwww.flyydyed.comeurope ukbfl merino polwarth wooltonal variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingeringmini-skeins uniquebipocbipoc
Flööf FibreLucy is the Coventry dyer behind Flööf Fibre. Flööf yarn is lovingly dyed in small batches on luxury bases. All yarn is ethically and sustainably sourced, not to mention mulesing-free.Merino, WoolFloofFibre.etsy.comeurope ukmerino woolmarl tonal variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingeringdye-to-order
Dystopic FibreJon is the UK knitter and dyer behind Dystopic Fibre, launched in October 2020. “I take inspiration from a number of sources,” Jon says. “I have a deep love of science fiction which occasionally spills into horror. The name Dystopic Fibre is a reference to the commonly dystopian settings of many of my favorite novels (as well as a slightly cynical reference to the climate the business was created in). As I take the time to learn and develop my dyeing skills I’m taking inspiration from anything and everything. In the last year I found I was fascinated and deeply …Alpaca, Merino, Mohair, Wool, Yakdystopicfibre.comeurope ukalpaca merino mohair wool yakgradient tonal variegatedacidchunky dk fingering lacedye-to-order mini-skeins
Cabin Boy KnitsCabin Boy Knits creates naturally dyed yarns with a vision to bridge together the farmer, the spinner, the weaver, the knitter, the arty and the curious while nurturing friendships along the way.BFL, Cashmere, Finn, Gotland, Icelandic, Lincoln, Masham, Merino, Peru. Highland, Polwarth, Rambouillet, Romney, Shetland, Woolcabinboyknits.comcanadabfl cashmere finn gotland icelandic lincoln masham merino peruvian-highland polwarth rambouillet romney shetland woolmarl tonal variegatedbotanical naturalbulky dk fingering worstedlocallgbtqlgbtq
The Lemonade ShopThe Lemonade Shop is a US-based dyer that makes beautiful, bright neons and very good fade sets, along with adorable accessories. Please note that the shop is not shipping to the UK at this writing.Alpaca, Merino, Woolthelemonadeshopyarns.comusalpaca merino wooltonalaciddk fingeringdye-to-order unique
Three Cats YarnThree Cats Yarn is a small independent supplier of hand dyed yarns based in Sydney, Australia. “We pride ourselves on beautiful speckled and variegated yarns in a variety of colors reflecting nature and our surroundings,” owner Mel says.Alpaca, BFL, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Silk, bfl linen merino mohair silk woolhand-painted tonal tweed variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace sportdye-to-order
Flower Hill FleecesFlower Hill Fleeces offers a line of undyed home-grown yarn curated from the Icelandic and Shetland sheep raised at Flower Hill Farm in Pennsylvania, then locally spun. Dyer and shepherd Jodi Horgan also hand-dyes yarns in a variety of bases, to beautiful effect. Flower Hill Fleeces currently ships to the US and Canada.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Icelandic, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Peru. Highland, Shetland, Silk, Wool, bfl cashmere icelandic linen merino mohair peruvian-highland shetland silk wool yaktonal variegatedacid undyeddk fingering lace sport worstedlocal mini-skeinsa-family-farma-family-farm
This Lush CornerThis Lush Corner is a shop in the mountains of Australia that sells products with a focus on sustainability and ethical labor and animal care practices. Yarns are carefully curated and include a house line of fair trade plant-based yarns. The shop also sells Merino, cotton and various recycled yarns.Bamboo, Banana, Hemp, Linen, Nettle, Silk, Tencelthislushcorner.comaustraliabamboo banana hemp linen nettle silk tencelsolidnatural undyeddk fingering handspun lace sport
Wild Poppy YarnsJami is the dyer behind Wild Poppy Yarns. Fiber has been a part of Jami’s life since childhood, and dyeing is just its latest iteration. “ And that brings us here, where I am sharing my creations with the world. I hope you enjoy using them in your creations as I did making them!” Jami says.Alpaca, Bamboo, Merino, Silk, bamboo merino silk woolbulky dk fingering sport worsted
KittyBea KnittingSarasota, Florida-based KittyBea is a triple threat: patterns, yarn and beautiful stitch markers. Patterns and colorways have names significant to that region, and the stitch markers will remind you Sarasota’s white sand beaches. Great warmer weather yarns.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Cotton, Linen, Merino, Silk, bfl cashmere cotton linen merino silk woolhand-painted tonal variegateddk fingering
Vicki Brown DesignsIn addition to designing beautiful crochet patterns, designer Vicki Brown sells a large range of beautiful hand-dyed yarns.Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolvickibrowndesigns.comeurope ukmerino mohair silk woolhand-painted tonal variegatedacidchunky dk fingering lace sportmini-skeins
The Purl BoxAnita and Kylie are two best friends sharing a love of knitting and excellent yarn. “We stock our own hand dyed range – Oyster Yarns – and selected commercial brands in our online store, based in Australia,” they say.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Shetland, Wool, Yakthepurlbox.comaustraliaalpaca bfl cashmere linen merino mohair mulberry-silk polwarth shetland wool yakmarl tonal solid tweed variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace sport worsteddye-to-order
Midknit Cravings Yarn Co.Jaedyn and Tara are sisters from the Canadian prairies and the duo behind Midknit Cravings Yarn Co. The shop is a combination of ready-to-ship and dye-to-order. They source the merino through countries where mulesing is banned. Yarns are available through the site and through retailers across Canada and in New Mexico.Linen, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolmidknitcravings.comcanadalinen merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins unique
Eco Yarn Co.Eco Yarn Co. launched in January 2022 and aims to provide plant based, vegan, recycled alternatives to traditional yarn. “We have plenty to offer: everything from recycled T-shirt yarn to eucalyps yarn. In addition a tree is planted with every order in an attempt to offset our carbon footprint, as we strive to provide a truly eco shopping experience.”Cottonwww.EcoYarnCo.comeurope ukcottonsolidundyedchunky
Llady Llama Fiber Co.Kelli is the owner/dyer/mastermind behind Llady Llama. A Fine Arts background and love for color serendipitously led Kelli to fiber arts and the fulfillment that comes from creating and sharing captured sense memories with fiber artists who apply their interpretation and skill, creating a conversation in color and form. “We are a family-based business, bringing together our skills & passions to provide hand crafted supplies & tools to the fiber arts community since 2009,” Kelli says of her Finger Lakes, NY, based business. A few “bright ideas” later, a Kelli had the whole family enlisted in a fiber-filled mission! Becki …Bamboo, BFL, Hemp, Merino, Targhee, Woolwww.LladyLlama.comusbamboo bfl hemp merino targhee woolgradient hand-painted tonalacid fiber-reactivefingering worstedmini-skeinslgbtq neurodivergentlgbtq neurodivergent
Dyeing Wishes Yarn Co.Sarah Alger is the talented artist behind Dyeing Wishes Yarn Co., creatively dyed yarn for all fiber arts. “Working on my first themed collection!!” Sarah says.Alpaca, Merino, Wooldyeingwishesyarnco.comusalpaca merino woolhand-painted tonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace worsted
by AmalieHigh quality hand-dyed yarn in Israel. Amalie dyes organic non-superwash yarn, superwash and a number of other bases.Alpaca, BFL, Bord. Leicester, Cashmere, Cotton, Merino d’Arles, Mulberry Silk, Tencel, Woolwww.byamalie.comeuropealpaca bfl border-leicester cashmere cotton merino-darles mulberry-silk tencel woolself-striping tonal solid variegatedacid natural undyedaran chunky dk fingering sport worstedmini-skeins
Skillfully Tangled – Steffi WehrleSkillfullyTangled offers small-batch hand-dyed yarns which are released as part of seasonal collections. Steffi is the owner and dyer behind SkillfullyTangled and a love of color is evident in the yarn. SkillfullyTangled is based in Switzerland.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, Yakskillfullytangled.comeuropealpaca bfl cashmere merino mohair silk wool yakhand-painted tonal variegatedacidaran bulky chunky dk fingering lace sportlocal mini-skeins
Blue Bird MakeryRuth is the Michigan artist behind Blue Bird Makery. In addition to unique accessories, Blue Bird Makery sells beautiful handspun yarn.Bamboo, Corriedale, Merino, corriedale merino woolmarlbulky dk fingering handspun worstedlocal
Nellie & EveNellie and Eve is an indie yarn company based in rural West Wales, UK. Founder and dyer Helen Hickman hand dyes British, Welsh & local, sustainably sourced wool yarns using botanical extracts and natural dyeing methods. Supporting small farms, the production of the ‘Limited Edition’ collection of exclusive yarns is kept to within 60 miles of Helens garden studio & spun at a family owned woollen mill.BFL, Exmoor BF, Masham, Shetland, Texel, Wensleydale, Woolwww.nellieandeve.comeurope ukbfl exmoor-blueface masham shetland texel wensleydale wooltonalbotanical natural undyeddk fingeringmini-skeins
Little Acorn CraftsChris is the owner of Little Acorn Crafts. “I supply a range of hand-dyed yarn and fibre for spinning. Little Acorn Crafts is a UK-based business started from a love of knitting, crochet and all things craft,” Chris says. “In my shop you will find a selection of unique gift ideas for someone who has a love of creating already or is just starting to venture out into the knitting, crochet or spinning world. My aim is to source all my  natural fibres for spinning and other crafts from UK-based sources and am starting to work closely with local farmers.”Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Corriedale, Merino, Tussah Silk, ukalpaca bamboo bfl corriedale merino tussah-silk woolgradient hand-painted self-striping tonal variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingeringdye-to-order local unique
As Yet YarnsSarah is the dyer at As Yet Yarns. Sarah has lots of ready to ship yarn and accessories, and is happy to discuss custom orders. “This is my little business,” Sarah says. “I am currently working on creating an catalog of gradients, but will gradually be branching out with other designs.” Watch this shop as Sarah adds new bases and yarn weights.Merino, Woolasyet.etsy.comeurope ukmerino woolgradient hand-painted tonal variegatedacidfingeringmini-skeins
TaukinsBYAnastasia makes and sells yarn and accessories in Belarus. Anastasia hopes to build a rental property for knitters in the forest. “Your purchase is one step to make my dream come true! After it is built you can rent it to stay, to look for a beautiful forest around and knit!!!” Anastasia says.Merino, WoolTaukinsBY.etsy.comeu europemerino woolvariegatedaran dk fingering
Purple Lamb Fiber ArtsCarla is the dyer at Purple Lamb Fiber Arts. “Purple Lamb is about joy — the joy of creating using soft, luxurious yarn and fiber that lavish every sense as you use it. It’s about color and softness and texture running through your fingers as you create your own work of art out of high-quality hand-dyed artisan yarn and fiber,” Carla says. “I find inspiration everywhere, but my focus is on fabulous modern colorways inspired by classical literature, art, and music, and the beautiful world around us. Everything in my shop is soft enough to wear next to your skin. I …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Cashmere, Merino, Polwarth, Silk, Tussah Silk, Wool, Yakwww.purplelambfiberarts.comusalpaca bamboo bfl camel cashmere merino polwarth silk tussah-silk wool yakhand-painted tonal variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering handspun sport worstedmini-skeins unique
Orchidean Luxury YarnsAbby is the UK dyer behind Orchidean Luxury Yarns. These fun and fabulous hand-dyed yarns are dyed in small batches, further enhancing their uniqueness.Cashmere, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wool, ukcashmere merino mulberry-silk silk wool yaktonal variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering lace sportdye-to-order
Lay Family YarnNick and Kelly run Lay Family Yarn from a studio in the Shropshire countryside. “We take inspiration largely from nature and the stunning area in which we live and work,” Kelly says. “Both Nick and I are keen knitters and love to work with our yarns, where possible we will show our colors knit into samples and are always happy to help you out together color combinations.”Alpaca, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wool, ukalpaca merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wool yaktonal variegatedaciddk fingeringmini-skeins
Needle & FredNeedle & Fred is lovingly hand dyed for you in Manchester, UK. “We ship orange parcels of squishy sheepy goodness all over the world to fulfill all your deepest yarny desires,” this dyer says. “From lace weight mohair to super chunky merino wool, there’s something for every project, whether you’re a knitter, crocheter, weaver or spinner.” Note: Some kit listings include clearly marked links to Ravelry.Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, Yakneedleandfred.shopeurope ukalpaca bfl merino mohair silk wool yaktonal variegateddk fingering lace
Frankie Grey FibresMackenzie is the proprietor of Canadian dyer Frankie Grey Fibres. “I’ve always been a very artistic person, starting with crafting as a young kid and eventually moving on to many different creative outlets over the years. I enjoy designing and creating clothing, painting, drawing, photography, sculpting and making music, to name a few,” Macks says. Gorgeous, deep colors, some superwash, some not. Sock tubes and minis, too.Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Peru. Highland, Woolttmyarnco.comcanadacashmere merino mohair peruvian-highland wooltonal variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering worstedmini-skeinslgbtqlgbtq
WoollenflowerWoollenflower is a small natural-dye and textile studio, based in Glasgow’s east end and run by Australian-born horticulturist and craftsperson Julia Billings. “With a particular focus on producing yarn and threads for other craftspeople, I hope to facilitate the making of objects that are beautiful, comforting and long-lasting and to expand public perceptions on the range of shades that natural dyes yield,” Julie says. “I also produce periodic collections of knit accessories, made using a hand-operated vintage knitting machine, Scottish yarns in soft, rich and earthy colours and botanically inspired colorwork motifs, and pouches from wool fabrics reclaimed from worn-out …Alpaca, Cashmere, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Shetland, Silk, Woolwww.woollenflower.comeurope ukalpaca cashmere linen merino mohair mulberry-silk shetland silk wooltonal solidbotanical naturaldk fingering lace worsted
Yarn MatterErin Battle is the designer and dyer at Yarn Matter. “I design crochet patterns, and I dye yarn using natural materials,” Erin says. “I am very eco-conscious and want to support sustainable practices, so the yarn that I dye is non-superwash.”Merino, Woolyarnmatter.comusmerino woolgradient hand-painted tonalbotanical naturaldk fingering sport worstedbipocbipoc
Posh YarnPosh Yarn is run by husband and wife team Trudie and Tony Bamford, from their home in West Wales. Trudie has worked in the textiles business for many years, and has been a knitter since childhood. Trudie manages the business side of Posh Yarn, which she founded in 2006. Tony is the artist behind Posh Yarn and is passionate about dyeing and colour, and has developed a special style and method of dyeing, which results in brilliant color and subtle variations. “All our colorways are unique one-offs, unrepeated and dyed in small dye lots. We believe in individuality, creativity, and …Alpaca, BFL, Camel, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wool, ukalpaca bfl camel cashmere merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wool yakhand-painted marl tonal solid variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace sport worsteduniqueneurodivergentneurodivergent
Perran YarnsPerran Yarns offers a wide range of luxury yarns and recycled sari/chiffon silk ribbons, individually handdyed in beautiful, wearable colorways in Cornwall, England. Yarns are available by the skein or as part of original knit and crochet kits. Ribbons are available in 10-meter packs. Custom dye orders are accepted.Alpaca, Bamboo, Banana, BFL, Camel, Cashmere, Corriedale, Cotton, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Polwarth, SeaCell, Silk, Tencel, Wensleydale, Wool, ukalpaca bamboo banana bfl camel cashmere corriedale cotton linen merino mohair polwarth seacell silk tencel wensleydale wool yakgradient hand-painted tonal variegatedacid fiber-reactive undyedaran bulky chunky dk fingering lace sport super-bulky worsteddye-to-order
Purls & PostulatesJessica is the Texas dyer behind Purls & Postulates. “I am a wife and mother, a knitter, and an unabashed nerdy girl who loves all things math and science (but really just anything I don’t know yet)!” Jessica says. Purls & Postulates colorways have fun STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) themes, and the colors are gorgeous. Note: Some kit pages include well-marked links to Ravelry patterns.Cotton, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolpurlsandpostulates.comuscotton merino mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace worsted
knottygurlcrochetBethany is the Toronto-based small-batch dyer behind knottygurlcrochet. Bethany is also a crochet and knitwear designer. Sales are presently through a LYS in Toronto, with an online shop coming soon.Alpaca, BFL, Merino, bfl merino woolgradient hand-painted tonal solid variegatednaturalbulky dk fingering super-bulky worsted
Lovely by LeeAmanda Lee is the one person show behind the knit designs and hand-dyed yarns at Wyoming-based Lovely by Lee. The soft colors of Amanda’s yarns complement the style of Lovely by Lee’s garment line.Alpaca, Cotton, Merino, WoolLovelybyLee.etsy.comusalpaca cotton merino wooltonal variegatedaran fingering worsted
Bellica YarnsBellica Yarns is located in the South West of England, in Bristol. Bellica Yarns prides itself on selling luxury hand dyed yarns, project bag, jewelry and other accessories at an affordable price. Bellica Yarns’ owners come from backgrounds in art and design and dress making.Merino, Mohair, Silk, ukmerino mohair silk woolgradient tonal solid variegateddk lace sportdye-to-order
The Woolen RabbitThe Woolen Rabbit is located in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Woolen Rabbit yarn reflects New Hampshire’s mountains, lakes, and beaches, including deeply saturated colors such as forest greens and reds, subtle browns and yellows, and vibrant sky blues. They dye their yarn in small batches “to make sure the quality of the color is something that would want to knit.” Designer including Romi Hill have used Woolen Rabbit yarn for beautiful patterns. Note: The kit pages may contain marked links to Ravelry patterns.Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, Polwarth, Silk, Woolthewoolenrabbit.comusalpaca cashmere merino polwarth silk woolgradient tonal solid variegateddk fingering sport worsted
What Mustard MadeTracey Mustard is the dyer at What Mustard Made. This UK shop offers small-batch, hand-dyed yarn for knitting, crochet, and needlecrafts, hand-dyed fiber, art batts, and accessories. Great UV-reactive neons. Note: If you are motion-sensitive, you may want to look away for a few seconds until galleries load completely.BFL, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.traceymustard.comeurope ukbfl merino mohair silk woolgradient tonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering lacelgbtqlgbtq
KnitWitPortland, Maine yarn shop KnitWit sells its own line of yarn and lots of other great local and not-so-local brands. Please note some kits contain clearly marked links to Ravelry.Cashmere, Merino, Woolknitwitportland.comuscashmere merino woolvariegatedfingering worsted
Hawkshaw SheepFarmer and herder Sue lives a hill farm called Fingland in the Scottish Borders with partner Joe and grandson Callum. Sue has always loved the outdoors and working with animals. “Now I live in the Southern Upland hills on a 1500-acre hill sheep farm, with the use of another 1300 acres on Hawkshaw farm, next door. The sheep kept are mainly Shetland sheep, as they are ideally suited to the environment in this area,” Sue says.Alpaca, Cheviot, Derby. Gritstone, Hebridean, Jacob, Merino, Ryeland, Shetland, Wensleydale, ukalpaca cheviot derbyshire-gritstone hebridean jacob merino ryeland shetland wensleydale woolmarl tonal solidacid undyedaran chunky dk fingering lacelocala-family-farma-family-farm
The Angry TriangleThe Angry Triangle is the nickname of a Hebridean sheep in the Isle of Tiree. She lives on the Tiree Tea croft, and whenever she is getting ready to have a lamb she gets steadily more triangular and more furious looking. The Angry Triangle sells farm-to-you undyed Aran yarns you will love.Hebridean, Texel, ukhebridean texel woolundyedaranlocala-family-farma-family-farm
The Wool ClipThe Wool Clip was established as a co-operative in 2001, aiming to add value to British wool and to celebrate the very best of this sustainable natural fiber. “Our membership has changed over the years but we maintain that same focus, using our skills and creativity to make the most of all things wool,” the website says. Lots of great, woolly British breed yarn and spinning fiber, dyed and undyed.Alpaca, BFL, Gotland, Herdwick, Jacob, Linen, Llanwenog, Manx Loagh., Masham, Merino, Portland, Shetland, Silk, Swaledale, Teeswater, Wensleydale, WF Woodland, Woolwoolclip.comeurope ukalpaca bfl gotland herdwick jacob linen llanwenog manx-loaghtan masham merino portland shetland silk swaledale teeswater wensleydale whitefaced-woodland woolmarl tonal solid variegatedacid undyedaran dk fingering lacelocal
The Little Grey GirlDyer and sewist Gem is the founder of The Little Grey Girl. Gem creates beautiful self-striping yarn in pleasing colors, along with beautifully coordinated mini sets and semi-solid yarns. Gem also makes lovely project bags. What sets this shop apart is Gem’s eye for color and form.Merino, Woolthelittlegreygirl.comeurope ukmerino woolself-striping tonalacidfingering
Fleabubs & LalaNicola is the talented UK dyer at Fleabubs & Lala. In addition to beautiful yarns, Nicola creates fanciful ergonomic crochet hooks.Merino, WoolFleabubsbyLala.etsy.comeurope ukmerino woolgradient hand-painted tonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace
The Discrete UnicornMiriam is “a 40-something fiber fanatic” from the North West of England. “My little yarn shop was born from my passion for color, knitting, weaving, spinning and crochet,” Miriam says. “During the recent lockdown, I realized just how much I enjoy just the process of dyeing, and there are simply not enough hours in the day to use it all myself!” Stunning yarn.Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolthediscreteunicorn.comeurope ukalpaca bfl merino mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering lace super-bulky
Yarny OctopusYarny Octopus offers hand-dyed luxury yarns made in small batches from the Wild West of Cornwall on the West Penwith Peninsular. Colors are inspired by the rugged beauty of the far west coastline of Cornwall, from the cliff top heather, gorse and bracken through to the secluded fishing coves and beaches. Yarns are usually dyed in batches of three skeins.Bamboo, BFL, Merino, ukbamboo bfl merino woolmarl tonal variegatedfingeringunique
Woolly WumpkinsBased in the outstandingly beautiful Rhondda Valley, inspiration is right on the doorstep. Beautiful, bright yarns abound. Note: Patterns section contains clearly marked links to Ravelry.BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, ukbfl cashmere merino silk woolhand-painted self-striping tonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering
meadow yarnFrom a dye studio in rural Suffolk, Anj dyes yarn inspired by the countryside around her. As well as being obsessed with color, Anj loves words and writes original short stories and novellas that inspire ‘yarn fictions’ collections. In addition to their own hand-dyed yarn, meadow yarn stocks Lopi wool from Iceland, Knit Pro needles and notions, and a selection of craft journals and pattern books.Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Corriedale, Highland, Icelandic, Merino, Mohair, Rayon, Silk, ukalpaca bamboo bfl corriedale highland icelandic merino mohair rayon silk woolhand-painted tonal solid variegatedacidaran bulky chunky dk fingering lace sport worsted
Isle Inspired YarnIsle Inspired Yarn features naturally dyed and undyed yarns from UK sheep breeds, some of it handspun.Dorset, Shetland, Woolisleinspiredyarn.etsy.comeurope ukdorset-horn shetland wooltonal solidbotanical natural undyedhandspun sportlocal
Giddy YarnsHelen is the Scottish dyer behind Giddy Yarns. “I love to create colorways that invoke feelings of nostalgia, for example, the Bedtime Story Collection and My Flower Fairies Collection,” Helen says. “You’ll find that most colorways have a story to them that will take you on a nostalgic journey back in time.Bamboo, BFL, Merino, Silk, Woolgiddyyarns.comeurope ukbamboo bfl merino silk wooltonal variegateddk fingeringdye-to-order
Dye and Knit by KateKate of Dye and Knit by Kate loves to dye yarn and make colorful socks. Great colors, lots to choose from.Alpaca, Merino, Wool, YakDyeAndKnitByKate.etsy.comeurope ukalpaca merino wool yaktonal variegatedacidfingering lace
J’Adore FibersShannon is the Pennsylvania dyer behind J’Adore Fibers. Shannon was born in Denver and lived for many years in Jakarta. “I will often draw inspirations from my heritage and cultural background as well as my other interests, and I hope you enjoy them as well,” Shannon says. NOTE: If you are motion-sensitive, be aware that photos fly in from the bottom of the screen as galleries load.Alpaca, Cashmere, Donegal, Merino, Wooljadorefibers.comusalpaca cashmere donegal merino wooltonal tweed variegatedaran dk fingering lace sport worsteduniquebipocbipoc
Willie Nillie KnitsDetroit dyer Willie Smith creates beautiful, bright palettes for knit and crochet, and Willie’s enthusiasm is infectious. Orders for Willie Nillie Knits yarns are available via Instagram DM.Merino, Silk, Woolwillienillieknits.square.siteusmerino silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering worstedbipocbipoc
Rosie’s Colors YarnKristina is an indie yarn dyer in Brooklyn, NY. “My shop is named after my daughter, whose nickname is Rosie. She has always loved and modeled all the knits I made for her, and now she’s a fashion forward teen,” Kristina says. “I love everything yarn, knitting, and the things that go with it. I specialize in speckled yarn and yarn fades and unique colorways.” Kristina’s yarn is available through West Village Knit &
UnbelievawoolUK dyer Unbelievawool has a wide variety of bright, variegated and semi-solid yarn, sock sets, minis and more.Highland, Merino, Silk, Wool, Yakunbelievawool.comeurope ukhighland merino silk wool yaktonal variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering lace sportmini-skeins
Ontheround YarnOntheround yarns sells small-batch, hand-dyed yarn in fun, unique, and highly wearable colorways. Their yarns are available on US-grown and certified cruelty free bases, and emphasize kettle and speckle-dyed superwash merino wool. Their studio is located in one of the oldest buildings in Rockland, Maine, and you can buy the yarn online or through shops in a few US states.Merino, Mohair, Silk, mohair silk woolhand-painted tonal variegatedacid undyedbulky dk fingering worsted
XrayAnnHeide is the Wisconsin-based dyer at XrayAnn. Lots of great semi-solid minis here in various weights.Merino, Woolxrayann.etsy.comusmerino wooldk fingering sport worstedmini-skeins
Verse YarnsStephanie is the Maryland dyer behind Verse Yarns. “I create small batches of hand-dyed yarn using environmentally conscious processes, professional acid dyes and dye techniques,” Stephanie says. “To keep things interesting, I like to dye an eclectic selection of fine yarn bases, each yielding their own vintage, modern, trendy or artsy flare. The yarn selections are cruelty free, ethically sourced and socially responsible. Verse yarns are hand dyed for handmade so a verse in our story may become part of yours.”Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Linen, Merino, Peru. Highland, Woolverseyarns.comusalpaca bfl cashmere linen merino peruvian-highland wooltonal variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering lace sport worsteddye-to-orderbipocbipoc
Dyers WoolDyers Wool offers sock, sport, and bulky yarn made with Colorado-grown wool, milled in the US. Their hand-dyed yarns are combinations of local wool and/or wool from their flock. Yarn is dyed using non-toxic acid dyes (mordanted with vinegar), or occasionally natural plant dyes with minimal mordants. Dyers Wool also sells fiber-related jewelry, rugs, and other gift items.Corriedale, Rambouillet, Tunis, Wooldyerswool.comuscorriedale rambouillet tunis wooltonal solid variegatedacid natural undyedbulky fingering sportlocal
Desert Vista DyeworksEvery skein of Desert Vista Dyeworks yarn is dyed as it is ordered, so you are guaranteed that the yarn you receive was dyed just of you. The yarns are grouped in themed collections of self-striping, variegated, gradient, and color block yarns. Desert Vista sells sock kits of self-striping yarns with a coordinating solid for heels and toes, or coordinated variegated colorways. If you like bright colors in unique combinations, Desert Vista Dyeworks is for you.Merino, woolgradient self-striping solid variegatedaciddk fingering worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins
Bona YarnsDan Lee is the dyer and designer behind Bona Yarns. “I’ve been knitting since about 2008/9,” Dan says. “Mum was over for a visit in 2006/7, and I wanted something to bring us together, so I asked her to teach me to knit. … Now I’ve taken the plunge into releasing some patterns!” Yarns are bright and beautiful. Lots of BFL.BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.bonayarns.comeurope ukbfl cashmere merino silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lacelgbtqlgbtq
Bad Sheep YarnMarcie, the mastermind behind Bad Sheep Yarn, lives in North Pole, Alaska (for real) with three children and a “goofy” German Shepherd. Marcie’s mission is to share color appreciation through yarn by creating colorways that inspire creative minds. Every single skein of Bad Sheep’s yarn is dreamed up, created, and tenderly wrapped up in Marcie’s home studio. Marcie hopes that “each cozy package brings you joy and inspiration to keep creating amazing things.”Merino, Woolbadsheepyarn.commerino woolgradient tonal solid variegatedbulky dk fingering lace sport worsted
Daffodil Road YarnSara is a Tasmanian yarn dyer, known for creating unique and dreamy colorways on organic, mulesing-free yarn bases. Sara runs Daffodil Road Artisan Yarns with daughter Emma from a home dye studio in the beautiful Huon Valley of Tasmania.BFL, Merino, Silk, Wool, merino silk wool yakmarl self-striping tonal variegatedaran chunky dk fingering lacedye-to-order local
Yarn Over FloydYarn Over Floyd, situated in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains, uses only natural dyes. Owner Siobhan also runs a farm, and the website is full of photos and stories about the animals and other adventures. Siobhan loves to forage around the farm, collecting spent flowers, weeds from the roadside, and anything else to produce a beautiful color. Yarn Over Floyd also sells handmade crochet hooks and crochet patterns.Alpaca, BFL, Cotton, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.yarnoverfloyd.comusalpaca bfl cotton merino silk woolgradient tonal variegatedbotanical naturalbulky dk fingering super-bulky worstedmini-skeins
New Forest MohairNew Forest Mohair produces hand-dyed mohair and mohair-blend yarns, most of which are spun from the beautiful fleeces of their own angora goats. Blends feature wool from Devon sheep. Lots of hand-dyed curly fleece, carded fiber, and needlefelting fiber.Merino, Mohair, ukmerino mohair woolsolid variegatedacid undyedaran dk fingering lacedye-to-order local
Wooly Witch of the WestMadeline is the dyer behind Wooly Witch of the West. Madeline has had a deep love of wild lands since childhood, and a fascination with fiber arts that began with knitting for 16 years. Madeline works now from her woodland home in Northwestern Montana, blessed to be in community with many small scale ranchers and an abundance of dyestuff growing in the backyard. Each time Madelie steps outside is a hunt for color!Alpaca, BFL, Coopworth, Icelandic, Merino, Shetland, Targhee, Wool, Zwartbleswoolywitchofthewest.comusalpaca bfl coopworth icelandic merino shetland targhee wool zwartblestonal solid variegatedbotanical natural undyedaran dk fingering handspun worstedlocal unique
BareFaced YarnBareFaced is a product of Jo Storie Knits. “Our British yarns have been created especially for us by a traditional spinning mill in Yorkshire,” Jo says “Our BareFaced British is made from 80% Blue Faced Leicester wool and 20% baby alpaca. The resulting yarn is both soft and durable. We have two yarn weights currently, a double knit and a chunky weight. The solid colors are classic and timeless.” BareFaced has a collaboration with Sunshine of MY MAMA KNITS to create an exclusive collection of small-batch hand-dyed colorways called BareFaced Smudge.Alpaca, BFL, Wooljostorieknits.comeurope ukalpaca bfl wooltonal solid variegatedacidchunky dklocal
Wren & OllieMia is the dyer behind Wren & Ollie, a fiber and yarn dyeing studio located in the South Australian foothills. “Creating beautiful fibre and yarn was born out of a pure joy of knitting,” Mia says. “It’s always been about colors, and fiber is the perfect creative outlet.” Yarns are from sustainable and ethically managed herds.Corriedale, Merino, Silk, Wool, Yakwrenandollie.comaustraliacorriedale merino silk wool yaktonal solid variegatedacid undyeddk fingering lace super-bulky worsted
HeimatwolleDeliah is the German dyer at Heimatwolle. As a child, Deliah learned to knit and spin. “In order to exhaust all the possibilities for yarn design and because colors are simply my life, I started dyeing,” Deliah says. In addition to yarn and fiber, the shop stocks spinning accessories, and a couple of cute patterns in German, including one for a colorwork sheep pillow.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Cotton, Linen, Masham, Merino, Nettle, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.heimatwolle.deeu europealpaca bfl cashmere cotton linen masham merino nettle silk wool yaktonal variegatedacid undyedbulky dk fingering lace
Nature’s LuxuryNature’s Luxury sells a variety of luxury brands, including their house yarn, which looks amazing. “All our hand knitting yarns are made of natural materials,” the site says. “Some are produced traditionally, some organically, emphasizing the preservation of the environment and nature’s balance.” The site also sells beautiful accessories.Alpaca, Alpine Stone Sheep, Blk. Welsh Mtn., Camel, Cashmere, Guanaco, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Pomeranian, Qiviut, Tussah Silk, Woolnaturesluxury.comeu europealpaca alpine-stone-sheep black-welsh-mtn camel cashmere guanaco merino mohair mulberry-silk pomeranian qiviut tussah-silk woolmarl tonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace worsted
Enchanted FibersEnchanted Fibers offers a wide array of natural and hand-dyed/hand-painted mill-spun and handspun yarns, consisting primarily of alpaca, wool, yak, silks, and mohair blends. Their handspun yarns feature gorgeous colors and textures. They also offer alpaca rovings and blends for spinners. In addition, Enchanted Fibers offers unique finished products such as Nuno felted scarves, shawls and ponchos, as well as completely adorable alpaca stuffed animals.Alpaca, Camel, Cotton, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, camel cotton merino mohair silk wool yakmarl tonal solid variegatedacid undyeddk handspun lace sport
Castle View YarnsJen is the Suffolk, UK dyer behind Castle View Yarns. “I discovered dyeing in 2018 following a trip to a yarn show, and was immediately hooked,” Jen says. “The process of transforming bare yarn into something beautiful has been hugely therapeutic for me. There’s nothing more satisfying than watching the colors dance and combine and create something new.” Jen also sells project bags and accessories.Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolcastleviewyarns.comeurope ukdonegal merino mohair silk wooltonal tweed variegatedacidchunky dk fingering laceunique
Allium ThreadsNiki is the UK yarn and spinning fiber dyer at Allium Threads. Niki achieves beautiful colors with natural dyes, on a variety of bases.Alpaca, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolalliumthreads.etsy.comeurope ukalpaca linen merino mohair silk wooltonalacid botanical natural undyeddk fingering laceunique
Adam CurtisAdam Curtis sells a little bit of everything when it comes to British wool, including beautiful woven throws, and, best of all, ukwoolsolidaran chunky dk fingering worstedlocal
Gingersnap ThatKim is the dyer and notions maker behind Gingersnap That. This shop offers hand-dyed and -painted yarns with spooky names, project bags, pins, and various other notions. Fun colors and interesting colorways. I’m eyeing the Gather Round the Campfire collection.Alpaca, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolgingersnapthat.comcanadaalpaca merino mohair silk woolgradient hand-painted tonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering worsted
Watts YarnMaddie, founder of Watts Yarn, has always wanted to knit and to be involved in a community of fiber artists. After years of searching, Maddie wound up belonging to multiple wonderful groups of knitters, spinners, weavers, and dyers. With their encouragement, Maddie is now selling beautiful hand-dyed yarns,Merino, Woolwattsyarn.comusmerino wooltonal solid tweed variegatedfingering worsteddye-to-order
Lily and Pine Fibre ArtsLily and Pine Fibre Arts offers a wide variety of yarn weights and fiber combinations. Erin is especially known for pastels with neon speckles, as well as beautiful braided top. Yarns are available online and in shops across Canada.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.lilyandpine.comcanadaalpaca bfl cashmere merino silk woolhand-painted self-striping tonal variegatedacidbulky fingering lace sport worsteddye-to-order unique
Gnomespun Yarn and Fiber ArtsDan is the gnome/dyer at Gnomespun Fiber Arts. “I am a retired Army veteran, a neuroscientist, biochemist, a crafter (polycraftual), a husband, and … a lot of other things,” Dan says. “Gnomespun grew from a passing joke to a whimsy to an idea before becoming a full fledged plan at Rhinebeck 2008. And thanks largely to a large group of horrible enablers, I mean friends, Gnomespun was born.” Colors lean toward bright shades. Dan also sells handmade drop spindles and accessories.Merino, Silk, Woolgnomespun.comusmerino silk wooltonal variegatedacidfingering lace
Schmutzerella YarnsNancy Torrance is “the creative genius, mad scientist, epic nerd, owner and dyer behind Schmutzerella Yarns.” Schmutzerella offers subscriptions to monthly Yarn Movie Nights. Sign up for a length of time, and you will receive a new and unique colorway and coordinated stitch marker inspired by each month’s movie.Merino, Woolschmutzerellayarns.comusmerino woolgradient tonal variegatedbulky dk fingering lace worsted
Heidi & LanaThis source of hand-dyed yarns is named after the owner’s and sister’s lambs from their childhood. Heidi & Lana sells primarily merino yarn, and offers pre-made yarn color combination kits, taking the guess work of matching variegated and solid yarn for a project. Fantastic accessories on this site, as well.Alpaca, Merino, Woolheidiandlana.comusalpaca merino wooltonal solid variegateddk fingering worsted
Herr StitchesJessica is a multifaceted fiber artist, based in Philadelphia, with knit and crochet patterns as well as hand-dyed yarns. Colors are beautiful and bright.Merino, Woolherrstitches.etsy.comusmerino wooltonal variegatedacidaran bulky worsted
YaraFibersGerman dyer YaraFibers sells beautiful spinning fiber and thick/thin handspun yarn. Fiber is mulesing-free. Gorgeous roving, top and more.yarafibers.etsy.comeu europetonal variegatedacid undyed
The Fibre GoddessJenn Thomas is The Fibre Goddess, a Calgary-based dyer of commercially spun yarn and spinning fiber who also sells her own handspun. Funny and memorable colorway names abound. The Fibre Goddess Junior yarns and fiber are enthusiastically dyed by Jenn’s 10-year-old daughter.Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Targhee, Woolfibregoddess.cacanadabamboo bfl camel cashmere merino silk targhee woolgradient hand-painted marl tonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering handspun lace worsteddye-to-order
Snuggly Stars YarnsGemma, the UK dyer behind Snuggly Stars Yarns, creates with love from Staffordshire, England. These are gorgeous, tonal and variegated yarns. I’m loving the Toasted Marshmallow.Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolsnugglystarsyarns.etsy.comeurope ukmerino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace sportunique
Waifu YarnsLeanna is the maker behind the beautiful colors at Waifu Yarns. This BIPOC dyer is inspired by fantasy art and the colorful outfits, sets and videos for K-pop, BTS in particular. Lots of great yarn to see, with rich colors. There are also plenty of sparkles.Merino, Polwarth, Silk, Woolwaifuyarns.comusmerino polwarth silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingeringdye-to-orderbipocbipoc
Sunflower KnitAsh Alberg of Sunflower Knit is “a queer femme and fibre witch who helps fellow fibre witches to connect, create, and get confident.” Ash’s shop offers amazing natural dyed yarn, and beautiful patterns for socks and shawls, among other things. Gorgeous semi-solid Canadian wool, ethically sourced and fairly compensated. Ash scours and mordants every skein before dyeing them with natural dyes, including homegrown, foraged, and redirected food waste from local farms. Ash finishes the process off by handwriting every label to indicate their dye and mordant journeys.Corriedale, Cotswold, Finn, Rambouillet, Suffolk, Targhee, Woolashalberg.comcanadacorriedale cotswold finn rambouillet suffolk targhee wooltonalbotanical naturalaran dk fingering worstedlocallgbtqlgbtq
Aquarius MakeFatima Nasir is the Michigan dyer behind Aquarius Make. There’s a lot of wonderful yarn here, including some really beautiful semisolids and inventive variegated colorways.BFL, Donegal, Merino, WoolAquariusmake.comusbfl donegal merino wooltonal tweed variegatedacidbulky dk fingering sport worsteddye-to-orderbipocbipoc
Black Sheep GoodsTammy is the Canadian dyer behind Black Sheep Goods, which offers “handspun yarn in OOAK colorways, made from natural fibers and breed-specific wools and wool blends.” Truly, there is so much beautiful handspun yarn in this shop, inclusing core-spun art yarns. The shop also offers 1000+ yard skeins for all-in-one shawl making, and ultrafine 15.5-micron merino.Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Cashmere, Cormo, Haunui NZ Halfbred, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Shetland, Silk, Targhee, Texel, Wool, YakBlackSheepGoods.etsy.comcanadaalpaca bamboo bfl camel cashmere cormo haunui-nz-halfbred merino mulberry-silk polwarth shetland silk targhee texel wool yakhand-painted marl tonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering handspun lace sport worsteduniquelgbtqlgbtq
Plank and StellaU.S. dyer Melissa describes Plank and Stella as “small-batch, hand-dyed yarn in all your favorite colors in Indianapolis, Indiana. … I’m drawn to bold bright colors, though sometimes I crush on soft blushes and cozy aquas, but wearing black tees and jeans is my happy place because it’s easy (I like my socks and other accessories in happy brights).” Melissa will also turn your purchase or your stash yarn into sock tubes.Alpaca, Merino, Silk, Woolplankandstella.comusalpaca merino silk woolmarl tonal variegatedacidfingering laceuniquebipocbipoc
Tea Fueled DyeingAnnika is the Washington dyer behind Tea Fueled Dyeing. Annika is a self-described “sock cult leader” who creates beautiful roving and rolags, along with a bit of yarn.Merino, WoolTeaFueledDyeing.etsy.comusmerino woolvariegatedacidfingering worstedlgbtqlgbtq
Third Vault YarnsLola is the dyer behind Third Vault Yarns. “Third Vault Yarns was born from my addiction to knitting and playing with colour, and a steadfast commitment to staying geeky with a general love of Sci fi and fantasy,” Lola says. Gorgeous, gorgeous yarns, mainly Merino and BFL with some 100% bamboo and bamboo blends. Please note there is a marked link to Ravelry on Lola’s About page. Lola’s patterns can be found through the link under Related Listings.Bamboo, BFL, Linen, Merino, Silk, Tencel, Woolthirdvaultyarns.comeurope ukbamboo bfl linen merino silk tencel woolself-striping tonal variegatedaran chunky dk fingering worsteddye-to-orderbipocbipoc
Earth and EmpressConnecticut dyer Carrie is the creative force behind Earth and Empress hand-dyed yarn. Colors are vivid, with fun colorway names. Unusual fandoms, such as several Shining-theme colorways.Merino, WoolEarthAndEmpress.etsy.comusmerino wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lacedye-to-order
Skeinhawk YarnsSkeinhawk Yarns is a yarn dyer based in Kent, England. “I hand-dye yarns in small and one-of-a-kind batches, specializing in sock yarn in variegated and unusual colors,” this dyer says. “My inspiration takes in everything from nature to video games!” All yarn bases are from mulesing-free farms.Merino, woolhand-painted tonal solid variegatedaciddk fingering
Colourful Creativity by KralalienKralalien is Carolien Müller-Genger, who says, “I am a creative mastermind, I love to make things and inspire others to be creative as well. … In 2010 I picked up a crochet hook. In 2014 I started knitting my first pair of socks, and the rest is just history.” This Netherlands designer and dyer offers a variety of beautiful yarns and patterns.Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Silk, merino mohair silk wooltonal tweed variegatedacidaran dk fingering lacedye-to-order unique
WoolbearersWoolbearers is a New Jersey yarn and fiber store specializing in hand-painted yarns and rovings. In addition to selling its own hand-painted yarns, the shop carries many of the top brands of yarn, as well as knitting, crochet, spinning and weaving equipment and accessories. It’s all lovely, but their tonal yarns are exquisite.Alpaca, Bamboo, Cashmere, Llama, Merino, Mohair, Peru. Highland, Silk, Tencel, Woolwww.woolbearers.netusalpaca bamboo cashmere llama merino mohair peruvian-highland silk tencel woolgradient hand-painted tonal variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering lace worsted
Remii’s Rovings & YarnArlene is the Canadian owner/creator behind Remii’s Rovings & Yarn, which offers gorgeous hand-dyed yarns with a lot of other supplies like stitch markers, enamel pins, and buttons for knitting, sewing and crochet.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Corriedale, Donegal, Highland, Merino, Mohair, Peru. Highland, Silk, WoolRemiisRovingsandYarn.etsy.comcanadaalpaca bfl cashmere corriedale donegal highland merino mohair peruvian-highland silk woolgradient marl self-striping tonal solid tweed variegatedacidbulky chunky fingering handspun jumbo lace sport super-bulky worsteddye-to-order
Heathered HandmadesHeather is the Texas dyer, maker, designer, artist and everything else behind Heathered Handmades. “I’m also a dog mom to my fluffy mutt Bear, proud plant hoarder, and superhero enthusiast,” Heather says. “Most importantly, I am passionate about doing what is right and what is good. Crafting has a long history of giving voice to marginalized groups and human rights issues when words weren’t enough. … Five percent of all profits will be donated to charity.”Alpaca, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Peru. Highland, Silk, Woolheatheredhandmades.comusalpaca donegal merino mohair peruvian-highland silk wooltonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering lace super-bulky worsteddye-to-order unique
Handmade by JoeUK designer Joe of Handmade started an online crochet and yarn shop as a teenager. Designs are lovely and inclusively sized. Note there are some well marked URL links to Ravelry in the Blog section. In addition to fun, inclusively sized patterns, UK teen Joe at Handmade by Joe, does quite a lot of dyeing. Yarns are bright and interesting.BFL, Merino, ukbfl merino wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering
Fierce FibersStacey is the dyer behind Fierce Fibers. These are stunning, saturated gradients and lovely, luxury bases. Stacey is a one-woman dyeing goddess who creates amazing gradients in a secret dye barn deep in the forest in Oregon. The land also grows an amazing amount of vegetables, has chickens that have a wicked cool orange coop and includes a golden retriever to help herd Stacey’s three kids.Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.fiercefibers.comusalpaca cashmere merino silk woolgradient tonalacid fiber-reactivedk fingering lace worstedunique
Black Smoke FibersKiki is the dyer behind Black Smoke Fibers. “We specialize in small batch, artisan-dyed yarns, fibers, handspun yarn, small batch fleece processing and handwoven rugs,” Kiki says. Wool is sourced from sheep herds in Oregon, Colorado and Montana. All dyes are non-chrome, heavy metal-free. Dyes also come from foraged and botanical materials. In addition to beautiful yarn and fiber, Kiki’s blog delves into the details about different kinds of fiber, with gorgeous illustrations.Alpaca, Angora, Merino, Peru. Highland, Woolblacksmokefibers.comusalpaca angora merino peruvian-highland wooltonal variegatedacid botanical natural undyedbulky dk fingering handspun sportlocalbipocbipoc
HonseMoa Blomqvist is the Swedish dyer and crochet designer at Honse. In addition to dyeing and designing, Moa sells readymade items and is about to open a brick and mortar shop! Yarns are bright and cheerful and match Moa’s design aesthetic. Yarn is mulesing-free.Merino, europemerino wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk worsted
AkaraCanadian dyer Akara has lots to choose from. Beautiful colorways on superwash and non-superwash bases. Yarns and fibers are produced in a pet-friendly household. The site also includes lots of great baskets and woven totes. Products are available on the site and through retailers in Canada and the US.Alpaca, BFL, Dorset, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Wool, Yakakararose.comcanadaalpaca bfl dorset-horn linen merino mohair mulberry-silk wool yaktonal tweed variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering lace sport super-bulky
Brazen StitcheryStacey is the Texas dyer at Brazen Stitchery, whose slogan is “Vibrant Yarn for the Brazen Maker.” Love. That. Yarn is mainly cheerful, medium tones in self-striping colorways, with some nice semi-solids thrown in. Brazen Stitchery also offers dyed sock blanks.Cotton, Merino, Silk, Woolbrazenstitchery.etsy.comuscotton merino silk woolself-striping tonalacidfingeringdye-to-order
cdickdesignsCaroline Dick is a Tahltan/Irish Two-Spirit designer living on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada. She has been published in various books and magazines including knitscene, Noro Yarns, Noro Kureyon 30th Anniversary Collection, Koigu Magazine. Check out the Raven Pullover.Merino, woolfingeringbipoc lgbtqbipoc lgbtq
LeRoo CrochetKathleen at LeRoo Crochet is a US designer and dyer, producing beautiful plant-based yarns. Colors are beautiful and rich, and listings show knit and crochet swatches.Bamboo, Cotton, Tencelleroocrochet.comusbamboo cotton tenceltonal variegateddk fingeringdye-to-order
Black Stag Yarn & FibreBlack Stag Yarn offers hand-dyed and hand-spun yarns, hand processed fibers from UK smallholders and farmers, with a small range of accessories. “I focus on vibrant, bright colorways and jewel tones on bases best described as luxury that lasts so people can create colorfully and make pieces they love that will live long lives,” the dyer says. Black Stag is about inclusivity, eco-friendliness, slow fashion, supporting other small businesses and community. The business was crowned Queen of Affordable Luxury by, BFL, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, bfl merino mulberry-silk silk woolgradient hand-painted tonal tweed variegatedacid undyedchunky dk fingering handspun sportdye-to-order local unique
Purly Tricot YarnMichigan dyer Tacia is the maker behind Purly Tricot Yarn. Colors are gorgeous. Tacia says, “Newbie at yarn dyeing, but loving every minute of it.” Tacia designs under the name Joanna’s Crochet.Donegal, Merino, Woolpurlytricotyarnco.comusdonegal merino wooltonal tweed variegatedacidfingeringbipocbipoc
WildWestDyeRebecca from WildWestDye specializes in all naturally dyed yarn. Yarn is available to purchase in quantities of 25g, aka CakeQuarters, so you can buy just what you need. The site offers Canadian spun supersoft merino in Fingering, DK and Worsted and Soft Singles in Fingering and Bulky. Rebecca loves to inspire you to create, not just buy yarn. If you ever need help choosing color combinations for your multi-coloured knits or working out how much yarn you need for your project Rebecca is always happy to help. A collection of kits is also available. All yarn is caked on a …Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Woolwildwestdye.comcanadacashmere merino silk woolhand-painted tonal variegatedbotanical naturalbulky dk fingering sport worsted
Cat and Sparrow UKRachael is the dyer behind Cat and Sparrow UK. “I have been spinning and dyeing fibre and yarn since 2012, and I can’t imagine doing anything else,” Rachael says. “My life is filled with colors and textures, and I create beautiful color mixes and fiber blends that makers love to look at, touch and transform.” Rachael creates all the beautiful hand-dyed fibers and yarns at a home studio in Bristol, using natural fibers and non-toxic acid dyes.Alpaca, BFL, Eri Silk, Exmoor BF, Linen, Merino, Romney, Silk, Tencel, Wool, ukalpaca bfl eri-silk exmoor-blueface linen merino romney silk tencel wool yakhand-painted marl tonal variegatedaciddk fingering lacedye-to-order
Find Me KnittingFind Me Knitting is a yarn shop owned by Deb Bramham in Betws-y-coed, Wales. Along with a number of other Yarn Database-listed dyers, Find Me Knitting sells its own brand of yarn. Patterns are also available, including a house line by designer Libby Summers. Yarns are lovely solids in a variety of weights.Alpaca, Peru. Highland, ukalpaca peruvian-highland wooltonal solidacidbulky worsted
My Mama KnitsSunshine Stewart of My Mama Knits hand-dyes a varied range of yarns in single or small batches in her family home in the Scottish Borders. Offered online are a unique and varied selection of yarns in repeatable colorways and one-off wonders inspired by Scotland, nature, popular culture, and of course kids. “We also offer a selection of our favorite tools and crafting goodies that are sure to delight. Check us out and find something you love,” Sunshine says.Alpaca, Angora, BFL, Donegal, Leicester, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Wool, Yakmymamaknits.comeurope ukalpaca angora bfl donegal leicester merino mohair mulberry-silk wool yakhand-painted tonal solid variegatedacid undyedaran dk fingering lace
Hello YarnAdrian is a designer and dyer living in Western Massachusetts. Adrian designs mainly colorwork patterns and hand-dyes a variety of wools for handspinners and felters, and a variety of wool yarns. My favorites are the tonal spinning fiber. Amazing. Patterns are available through clearly marked links to Ravelry and LoveCrafts.BFL, Corriedale, Merino, Targhee, Woolwww.helloyarn.comusbfl corriedale merino targhee woolhand-painted tonalacidfingering lace sport worsteddye-to-order local unique
Candy Corn YarnsHeidi is the Puerto Rico-based dyer at Candy Corn Yarns. Many of the colorways are bold and variegated. There are also beautiful muted shades. This is beautiful yarn.Merino, WoolCandyCornYarns.etsy.comusmerino wooltonal variegatedacidfingeringbipocbipoc
Sister Ananse YarnChicago visual artist Naima Bond is the dyer of Sister Ananse Yarn. Naima is particularly interested in using vibrant, super saturated hues in her artwork and yarn colorways. Inspiration comes from many places, mainly from the natural world and biological sciences, popular culture, TV and movies, and Black history. Naima’s shop, The Art of Naima Bond, offers Sister Ananse Yarn, as well as jewelry, small works of art, embroidery, and more.BFL, Merino, Wool, Yaknaimabondart.comusbfl merino wool yaktonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins uniquebipocbipoc
Treehouse Knits LLCTreehouse Knits is run by Lauren of Austin, Texas. Yarns are available in a number of beautiful colorways across several bases. I love that Lauren shows photos of how each base dyes up in a particular colorway.Alpaca, Donegal, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Woolwww.treehouseknits.comusalpaca donegal linen merino mohair wooltonal tweed variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace super-bulkyuniquebipocbipoc
Rain of the RosesRain of the Roses is a small-batch indie yarn dyer based in Hampshire, UK. Its unique colorways are inspired by visits to British historical homes and gardens. Beautiful colors and textures. The photography on this site is also exquisite.BFL, Linen, Masham, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, WF Woodland, Woolrainoftheroses.etsy.comukbfl linen masham merino mohair mulberry-silk silk whitefaced-woodland woolhand-painted tonal solidacidaran dk fingeringunique
NeedlefingersNeedlefingers is in love with color and science. This maker loves to play and experiment. Needlefingers is a hand-dyer who accidentally started a soap business. Both the yarns and the bath and body products are lovely. Oh, and there is a great shawl design for sale, as well.Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolneedlefingers.comusdonegal merino mohair silk woolgradient hand-painted tonal tweed variegatedacidaran dk fingering handspun lace
Appalachian Baby DesignAppalachian Baby Design offers lovely organic cotton yarn from sustainable, family-owned US cotton farms and family mills. Yarn is dyed with a low-impact earth-friendly dyeing process. Lots of cute patterns, too. Yarn is available from the site and from US retailers.Cottonappalachian-baby-design.myshopify.comuscottonsolidfiber-reactive undyedchunky sport
Red Island FibreAmanda Moore finds hope in crafting. A former quilter and now a knitter and dyer, Amanda launched Red Island Fibre during the pandemic in 2020. “I decided to just start creating colors, because I needed something else. My mental health was starting to lag again,” Amanda said in an interview with CBC. “So I started dyeing, and I just fell in love with it.”BFL, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolred-island-fibre.myshopify.comcanadabfl merino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace worstedunique
The Painted TigerThe Painted Tiger has been dyeing small batch hand dyed yarn and fiber since 2004. “Our online shop offers self-striping yarn (including our best selling ‘Grand Old Flag’) and gradients in both yarn and fiber,” Brooke says. “Tiger Yarn and Fiber Clubs of the Month also offer variegated, tonal, speckle, and other methods of adding color to your life. I love mixing my own colors from the primaries to make something unique and special for you!” Exceptional.Bamboo, BFL, Cashmere, Corriedale, Cotton, Merino, Rambouillet, Silk, Targhee, Tussah Silk, WoolThePaintedTiger.comusbamboo bfl cashmere corriedale cotton merino rambouillet silk targhee tussah-silk woolgradient hand-painted self-striping tonal tweed variegatedacid fiber-reactivedk fingering lace sport
Moon DrakeCanadian Rachelle, who now lives in the US, is the maker behind Moon Drake. Offerings include everything from mohair lace to tweed. There are also a number of well-chosen colors in kits with URL links to Ravelry and other sites for the patterns.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Donegal, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolmoondrakeco.comusalpaca bfl cashmere donegal linen merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering lace sport super-bulkydye-to-orderbipocbipoc
Three Bunny DesignsThree Bunny Designs is a fiber and yarn business run by New Jersey Boss Bunny Yuki and her human servant. “While I dye the yarn and process the fiber, Yuki does what all good Boss Bunnies do best: nap,” says the dyer. “When there is something to supervise, she comes out of one of her hidey holes to investigate. She specializes in quality control.” Three Bunny Designs offers hand-dyed yarn, lots of beautiful hand-spun yarn, dyed and undyed batts, variegated roving and more. Most of the hand-spun yarn is made with a Z-twist rather than an S-twist for better performance …BFL, Cheviot, Merino, Polwarth, Woolthreebunnydesigns.square.siteusbfl cheviot merino polwarth woolhand-painted marl tonal variegatedacid undyeddk fingering handspun sportdye-to-order unique
Tall YarnsTall Yarns is a collection of house-brand yarns from Slow Wardrobe, a custom clothing company. In addition to wool, there is a lot of linen, as well as a beautiful alpaca bamboo blend called AlpacaBoo.Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Cashmere, Cotton, Linen, Merino, Silk, Wool, ukalpaca bamboo bfl cashmere cotton linen merino silk wool yaktonal solidacid botanical natural undyeddk fingering sport
TJFrogTania Jane of TJFrog’s first love is Dorset buttons, so the site offers lots of buttons and related items, even Dorset button stitch markers. TJFrog also produces beautiful yarns, mostly solids, from British rare breed sheep. The colors are just so nice.Cheviot, Dorset, Hebridean, Portland, ukcheviot dorset-horn hebridean portland wooltonal solid variegatedacidaran dk fingeringlocal
Polka Dot SheepAimee is the maker behind Polka Dot Sheep yarn out of Whitefish, Montana. Beautiful colorways are created on a number of bases from lace to super bulky.Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolpolkadotsheep.comusmerino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace sport super-bulky worsted
Murray & Co. Wool GoodsSarah is the dyer behind Murray & Co. Wool Goods. Yarn is simply gorgeous, in weights from lace to DK.BFL, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Wool, Yakmurraywoolgoods.comusbfl donegal merino mohair wool yaktonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering lace
Botanical FibresEmma Doucette is the dyer behind Botanical Fibres. Emma has loved fiber “since birth.” “The combination of growing up with craft, then having my hobbies nurtured into passions at NSCAD University, and my dislike of the throwaway culture of the textile industry have all led me to this exciting venture, “ Emma says. Note: There is a bit of motion on the home page. The pattern section contains URL links to Ravelry.Alpaca, BFL, Cotton, Masham, Merino, Peru. Highland, Silk, Woolbotanicalfibres.cacanadaalpaca bfl cotton masham merino peruvian-highland silk wooltonalbotanical naturalaran dk fingering lace worsted
Barker WoolBarker Woolis a Texas-based dyer. Yarns are beautiful, and are available through the site or through US retailers. I especially love the Kindred collection of sibling skeins.Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Silk, Woolwww.barkerwool.comusalpaca bfl merino mohair mulberry-silk polwarth silk wooltonal variegatedaran dk fingering laceunique
HipStringsPittsburgh based HipStrings sells beautiful spinning fiber and yarn. It is also a maker of tools for spinning, knitting, crochet and weaving. Custom fiber blends are available, along with hand-dyed yarns. Kit section contains one clearly marked link to Ravelry. Dyes are heavy-metal-free.BFL, Manx Loagh., Merino, Polwarth, Shetland, Targhee, Woolwww.hipstrings.comusbfl manx-loaghtan merino polwarth shetland targhee wooltonal variegatedacid fiber-reactivebulky dk fingering lace sport worstedunique
KnittinBro YarnsDoug is the Pennsylvania dyer behind KnittinBro Yarns. “I started to experiment with yarn dyeing simply because I felt like there weren’t that many dyers that focus mainly on male knitters,” Doug says. “I always see knitters [who] wish they could knit something for their husband, boyfriend or male relative but the yarn is … ‘too bright, he won’t wear that!’ And that’s how KnittinBro Yarns was born.” Gorgeous stuff.Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolknittinbro.comusdonegal merino mohair silk wooltonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering laceuniquebipocbipoc
Fiber Optic YarnsFiber Optic Yarns dyes its color palette on only the highest quality yarns and spinning fibers, selected for superior staple length and ultrafine micron count, and then blended to optimize their tactile qualities. The kettle-dyed yarn is amazing, and there are lots of beautiful spinning fiber options.Cashmere, Merino, Woolfiberopticyarns.comuscashmere merino woolgradient tonal variegatedacidfingering sport worsted
Armscote ManorThe Williams family has raised rare-breed sheep and tulips for years at Armscote Manor. The site sells hand-knit items, tulips, yarns and even sheep, with some of the profits going to support a local home hospice organization.Blk. Welsh Mtn., Portland, ukblack-welsh-mtn portland woolsoliddk fingeringlocal
CuddlebumsJodi and sometimes Jodi’s fully supervised Cuddlebums are the dyers behind this Yorkshire yarn business. Lots of rainbows, lots of assortments, minis, club offerings, etc.Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, ukalpaca cashmere merino silkmarl variegatedacidchunky dk fingering lacemini-skeins
Hooking Marvellous YarnsLynzi and is the UK dyer behind Hooking Marvellous Yarns. A knitter and crocheter, Lynzi says, “It wasn’t long before I started dyeing yarn myself. … I really love putting dye to yarn and truly feel that I found my calling!” Lots to choose from in this shop, from self-striping and zebra sock to spinning fiber.BFL, Merino, Peru. Highland, Silk, ukbfl merino peruvian-highland silk woolgradient marl self-striping tonal variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering lacedye-to-order local
Siobhans CraftsSiobhans Crafts is a UK dyer of spinning fiber and yarn. Yarns are Merino or Polwarth and include a beautiful chunky thick-thin. Fiber is from a variety of British breeds and includes dyed Cotswold locks.BFL, Merino, Polwarth, merino polwarth wooltonal variegatedacidchunky dk fingering
A Chick That KnitzTammy is the Oklahoma dyer behind A Chick That Knitz. “I feel so honored and blessed that I get to do what I love every day,” Tammy says. “I am at peace and relaxed working with the yarns and color and dreaming of what they might become someday. I get to touch, and create yarn and beautiful products. My love gets transferred to the yarn and becomes a tool for you to create a product that brings you joy and happiness. What an honor.”Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Woolachickthatknitz.etsy.comusalpaca cashmere merino silk wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace worsteddye-to-order
The Isle of Skye Natural Dye CompanyThe Isle of Skye Natural Dye Company was begun as Shilasdair Yarns more than 40 years ago by Eva Lambert. Situated in Waternish on Skye, Eva’s passion for natural dyes blossomed from a small Scottish cottage industry to a world renowned business. Today it is run by longtime Skye residents Simon and Kirsty. Note: Some of site’s kits provide the pattern through a Ravelry download.Alpaca, BFL, Shetland, Wensleydale, Woolshilasdair-yarns.comeurope ukalpaca bfl shetland wensleydale wooltonal variegatedbotanical naturalaran dk fingeringlocal
UnikoGosia is the Danish dyer behind Uniko. “In Uniko, I combine everything I love: knitting, yarn, color, photography, and a sustainability mindset,” Gosia says. “I always dye out of passion, and love to style yarn in creative ways. I also put a lot of effort into presenting my yarn as accurately as possible.” Note: There is a slideshow with motion on the home page.Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolunikoyarns.comeu europemerino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedacidfingering lace
Teri Dow, the Ungrateful WenchTeri Dow, the Ungrateful Wench, makes everything from her dozens of colorways to order, and it’s worth the weight. Lots of choices for bases, too.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Tussah Silkthe-ungrateful-wench.square.siteeurope ukalpaca bfl cashmere merino mulberry-silk silk tussah-silktonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering lace sportdye-to-order
Lizzie Bird YarnsHelen is the maker behind Lizzie Bird Yarns. Helen has a great eye for color. I especially like how well-matched the sock sets are.Merino, Woollizziebirdyarns.etsy.comeurope ukmerino wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering
Phi Beta Paca™ Alpacas & YarnsPhi Beta Paca™ is a little bit of everything. It’s an alpaca farm. It’s a yarn brand. It’s a shop in the beautiful artists’ community of Taos, New Mexico. The yarn is beautiful, undyed alpaca, sometimes mixed with dyed bamboo, for a very interesting effect.Alpaca, Bamboowww.phibetapaca.comusalpaca bamboomarl tonal solidfingering sportlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Yarns by the BayAustralian dyer Liz is the force behind Yarns by the Bay. Her mulesing-free yarns in fingering and DK are glorious.Linen, Merino, merino wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering
Briggs & Little Woolen Mills Ltd.Briggs & Little’s Canadian location has been a yarn mill since 1857. Today it’s run by three generations of the Little family. This is a no-nonsense website, selling no-nonsense solid yarns, made out of “wool,” with a few hand-paints. There are also some fun, vintage-y patterns for sale through well-marked links to Patternfish and Ravelry.Woolbriggsandlittle.comcanadawoolmarl solid variegatedacidaran fingering sport worsted
Gathered Sheep YarnsGathered Sheep Yarns is a one-woman dye studio owned by Sarah, who has a deep passion for color. GSY focuses on working with natural products as much as possible. This means that you won’t find any superwash or nylon yarns, only gorgeous, pure wool yarns. Please note that the kit listings and the “Go on, Inspire Me!” page contain marked links to Ravelry.BFL, Corriedale, Exmoor BF, Gotland, Masham, Shetlandgatheredsheepyarns.comukbfl corriedale exmoor-blueface gotland masham shetlandtonal soliddk fingeringdye-to-order local unique
Bad Lux DesignsKate is the dyer at Bad Lux Designs, a Denver-based company. Lots of great colorways here, including a darling candy cane sock, because you can’t start knitting all your gifts in November. Kate also offers readymade knitted items.Merino, WoolBadLuxDesigns.etsy.comusmerino wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering
Cartref YarnZoë and Jennie are best friends who met through a mutual love of knitting and good yarn. “We decided we wanted to create an entirely Welsh yarn in Spring 2018,” their site says. Both are also knit designers, and Jennie is a dyer. Yarns are in solids and are a mixture of Welsh Mule and Welsh BFL.BFL, Welsh Mulewww.cartrefyarn.comeurope ukbfl welsh-mulesolidaciddk fingeringlocal
Camelot DyeworksCamelot Dyeworks is a family-owned small business in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. They dye all the yarns themselves and are licensed retailers of various kinds of needles and other supplies that include adorable stitch markers. This yarn looks amazing.Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Casein, Merino, Polwarth, Silk, Woolcamelotdyeworks.comusalpaca bamboo bfl casein merino polwarth silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering handspun sport worsteddye-to-order
The Birlinn Yarn CompanyThe Birlinn Yarn company is a spin-off of the Hebrides Sunhill croft. “We are proud of the Norse and Hebridean heritage bred into our sheep. Hence, we twine this creative yarn into everything we do.” The company advertises that its yarn is “from seafaring sheep” because the sheep are ferried back and forth to pasture. Colors are beautiful. No superwash, no fillers, all UK sheep, all the time. Note: There is a bit of motion on the home page. The patterns section has marked links to Ravelry.Cheviot, Hebridean, ukcheviot hebridean wooltonalaran fingering sport worstedlocal
MM Waite WeavesFlorida-based MM Waite produces hand-dyed yarn, weaving warp fiber, woven scarves, and more. “All my work is one-of-a-kind, even the pieces that are similar will be different because of the way that I dye my yarns. I mainly work with plant based fibers, cotton, rayon and tencel. Although I will sometimes use silk, acrylic, or a metallic thread,” MM says.Cotton, RayonMMWaiteWeaves.etsy.comuscotton rayontonal variegatedfingering lace super-bulkyunique
Twinkly KnitsAlaine is the UK dyer behind Twinkly Knits, which offers a variety of gradient, tonal and self-striping yarns in fingering and DK. There are some beautiful rainbow colorways, including my fave, which balances the rainbow against a deep gray tonal yarn. Several of the listings include photos of how it a colorway looks, knitted or crocheted, which is always helpful. Alaine also sells readymade items and cute stitch markers.Merino, Silk, WoolTwinklyKnits.etsy.comeurope ukmerino silk woolgradient self-striping tonal variegatedaciddk fingeringdye-to-order
Fibernymph Dye WorksLisa Cannon is the owner and dyer behind Fibernymph Dye Works in Pennsylvania’s Laurel Mountains. “While self-striping remains my primary focus, our product line is accentuated with a rotation of variegated and speckled colorways, ever-versatile semi-solids, and whimsical sock blanks,” Lisa says. “As a spinner, I also love to dye spinning fiber. I carry a variety of breed-specific fibers, and I do my best to seek out rustic and heritage/conservation breeds that are outside the realm of ‘the usual’ so we can all broaden our spinning horizons!” I’m loving the Inversible self-striping sets of oppositely dyed skeins.BFL, Corriedale, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.fibernymphdyeworks.comusbfl corriedale merino mohair silk woolgradient self-striping tonal tweed variegatedacid undyedbulky dk fingering worsted
Granite Haven LlamasSnugly hidden away in the Strathbogie Ranges of North-East Victoria, Granite Haven Llamas keeps free-range Gotland sheep and, of course, llamas. The farm sells fleece and yarns from each.Gotland, Llama, llama wooltonalacid undyedhandspunlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Louie & Lola YarnsKarina opened Louie & Lola Yarns in July 2019 because of a move from the tropical climate of Darwin, Northern Territory to the cool climate of Tasmania. “Living at the bottom of Mount Roland in rural Tasmania, I quickly recognized the need to ‘stay warm’ and grew to appreciate the thermal and breathable properties of wool clothing in the cold Tassie winters,” Karina says. Karina confirms that all yarn is from non-mulesed sheep.BFL, Cashmere, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, cashmere donegal merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal tweed variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace
Betta KnitItalian yarn maker Betta Knit offers interesting yarns, including Fettucine, a cotton that looks as you would expect, a 100% camel yarn, recycled denim cotton and recycled cashmere from discarded sweaters. There’s also an interesting line of jute yarns.Alpaca, Camel, Cashmere, Cotton, Mohair, Silk, Soy, Woolwww.bettaknit.comeu europealpaca camel cashmere cotton mohair silk soy woolsolidbulky fingering jumbo super-bulky worstedlocal
Stitch MischiefJade is the Canadian dyer behind Stitch Mischief. “The Stitch Mischief brand is about color, quality and luxury yarn and pouches. Founded on the south coast of British Columbia, we endeavor to provide makers with the resources to make their own gorgeous projects, through decadent yarn to beautiful yet practical project bags, and even patterns to make your own project bags.”Cashmere, Merino, Woolstitchmischief.comcanadacashmere merino wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering worsted
Numana YarnsNumana Yarns is run by Tammy, a small batch indie dyer who loves to play with color, both subtle and bold. Fiber names are often inspired by life experiences, and these stories are shared on social media and the website blog. Based out of Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada.Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.numanayarns.comcanadacashmere merino mohair silk woolgradient hand-painted tonal solid variegatedacidbulky fingering lace sport super-bulky worsteddye-to-order unique
ShipyarnDyer V says, “Most people call me Ship. Pronouns: she/her. I am an indie dyer specializing in small-batch, hand-dyed yarn on luxury bases. Most of my yarn is inspired by anime, books, comics, video games, TV shows, movies, and more!” Extra nice colorways and yarn here, dear reader. And even better: “I stream my dyeing process on Twitch once a week along with my Bernese mountain dog, Pico, and my golden retriever, Eri.” Yarn and adorable dogs.Cashmere, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Silk, Woolshipyarn.comuscashmere merino mulberry-silk polwarth silk woolgradient hand-painted tonal solid variegatedacidaran bulky chunky dk fingeringdye-to-order mini-skeins unique
One Creative CatCat is the UK knit and crochet designer and yarn dyer at One Creative Cat. “Inspired by my love of the Alps, where I grew up, I work behind the scenes of OneCreativeCatStore, my handmade accessories and yarn shop. I love to recycle yarn and fabric to make beautiful things.” Colorways are light to medium, mainly variegated.Alpaca, Merino, Polwarth, ukalpaca merino polwarth wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lacedye-to-order
JollyknitsSwiss designer and yarn seller Jollyknits has beautiful, slow change gradients and tonal yarns in wool and cotton. Skeins go up to 1093 yards (1000m).Cotton, Merino, merino woolgradient self-striping tonalfingering
Black Cat Fibers LLCBlack Cat Fibers LLC started when the search for “the perfect color” left this maker empty-handed. “Our love for yarn and color keeps us inspired to continue experimenting and pushing the boundaries of all that color can do,” the website says. “We are a small business. We dye yarn in small batches with fibers we love to work with ourselvess.” Lots to se here.Merino, Silk, Woolwww.blackcatfibers.comusmerino silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering
Bug and Bean Fiber Co.Meaghan is the US dyer behind Bug and Bean Fiber Co. “I am a yarn and fiber fanatic who loves dyeing, blending and spinning one-of-a-kind yarns for all things knitting, crocheting, weaving and yarny creations,” Meaghan says. The shop bears the nicknames of Meaghan’s sons.Merino, Mohair, Silk, mohair silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace sport worstedunique
Beach Bum YarnGina is the dyer behind Beach Bum Yarn, “where bright and bold come to play.” Colors are mainly quite saturated and bright, as you’d expect, but there are softer colorways, as well. Gorgeous stuff.Merino, WoolBeachBumYarn.etsy.comusmerino wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering worsteddye-to-order
AT Haynes House Yarns​AT Haynes House Yarns is a company born out of family, community and fun. The brainchild of Terri J. Haynes, AT Haynes House Yarns is home to vibrant colorways and innovative projects bags and more. AT Haynes House Yarns is a Black woman-owned business operating out of Fort Washington, MD near the nation’s capital. Owner Terri J. Haynes is a graphic artist, writer, wife and mother. Terri’s passion is community and color. Terri’s goal is to make everyone feel welcome and create yarns that appeal to every color palette.Merino, Polwarth, Woolathayneshouseyarns.comusmerino polwarth woolgradient hand-painted tonal solid variegatedacidbulky dk fingering sport worsteddye-to-orderbipocbipoc
Mrs Lam YarnsEllen is the UK dyer behind Mrs Lam Yarns and KalokshekEllen, where you will find gorgeous, hand-dyed yarns. “The palette for the colors is inspired by the surroundings of Aberdeen where I grew up,” Ellen says. All true, but I’m loving the Sailor Moon colorways, too. And the Wa Sock in Aquarium. So dreamy.Merino, Woolwww.kalokshekellen.comeurope ukmerino wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingeringbipocbipoc
Pixie YarnSophie is the Somerset dyer behind Pixie Yarn. Inspirations include “films, packaging, songs, nature and the landscape,” Sophie says. “Some colorways I have dreamt, others just pop into my head. Custom orders have led me into areas of the color wheel that I may not have instinctively explored. Whether it’s the perfect custom fade for a jumper, collaboration for a new design, a guest sock club spot or a birthday yarn for my LYS, being able to share my love for color with yarn friends and create something unique is the cat’s meow.” Pixie Yarn also offers beautiful spinning fiber, …Alpaca, Bamboo, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wool, ukalpaca bamboo merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wool yaktonal tweed variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering lace sport worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins unique
area 51 fibres“Area 51 fibres is where all the fandoms meet in all their STRIPEY goodness! If you love stripes, then this is the place for you, this Canadian dyer promises. Striped colorways range from 2- to 10-stripe repeats. “All our 100g sock yarn skeins have a minimum of 100 stripes per skein. That’s 50 stripes per sock!” they say. Far more than the usual fandoms, lots of options.Merino, Woolarea51fibres.comcanadamerino woolself-stripingacidfingering worsteddye-to-order
GarnStoriesGarnStories is a small-batch hand dyeing studio in northern Germany. Colorways are gorgeous. In addition to hand-dyed wool, GarnStories also sells undyed yarns from Seehawer Naturfasern.Alpaca, Camel, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.garnstories.deeu europealpaca camel merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wool yaktonal variegatedacid undyeddk fingering lace sport
Polka Dot Creek YarnShelley is the dyer at Polka Dot Creek Yarn, based in Alberta. Yarns in the sweater sets and sock sets are well-matched, complementary tones. I especially like Polka Dot Creek’s semi-solid colorways.Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolpolkadotcreekyarn.comcanadamerino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedacid undyedbulky dk fingering lace
Maelström Fiber ArtsJennifer is the US dyer behind the simply gorgeous yarn at Maelström Fiber Arts. Lots to see here, with vibrant colors and a large selection in various weights. I’m loving the Luminous colorway. Note: There is a lot of motion on this website.Llama, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.maelstromfiberarts.comusllama merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wool yakhand-painted tonal variegatedacidaran bulky fingering handspun lace worsteddye-to-order
Hey Mama Wolf YarnsJule is the German dyer at Hey Mama Wolf Yarns. Yarns are made from organically raised local rare-breed sheep and hand-dyed with natural dyes. “I use mostly plant material which is organically grown, or I go foraging for them in the Berlin-Brandenburg wilderness,” Jule says. “I use exclusively environment friendly substances in the dyeing process.”Coburg Fox, East Frisian, Merino, Pomeranian, Scottish Blackface, Woolwww.heymamawolf.deeu europecoburg-fox east-frisian merino pomeranian scottish-blackface wooltonalbotanical natural undyedfingering sportlocal
The Border TartLindsay, the dyer behind The Border Tart, lives in the Scottish Borders. “Color, texture and pattern are sources of fascination and exploring them … is my absolute pleasure,” Lindsay says. “I studied textile design, then learned to spin and incorporated my yarns in woven home furnishings. Hugely inspired by a funded residency in India, I began to explore indigo dyeing.” Lots of beautiful yarn here. I’m eyeing a beautiful BFL/Gotland sock weight.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Gotland, Linen, Merino, ukalpaca bfl cashmere gotland linen merino silksolid variegatedbotanical natural undyedaran dk fingering sportdye-to-order unique
The Ross FarmThe Ross Farm, raises sheep, cattle, turkeys, hogs, and miniature Mediterranean donkeys. “We concentrate on ‘heritage breeds’ instead of the more common commercial breeds that you’ll find at other farms,” the website says. “We find the old breeds to be more attractive, disease resistant, and just generally more interesting.” Yarn and fiber are undyed, though the site sells dyed yarn and fiber from other makers. Note: Kits may come with a Ravelry download, so do inquire if you cannot use Ravelry. Some kit pages include a URL link to Ravelry.BFL, Cheviot, Corriedale, Cotswold, Gulf Coast, Jacob, Leicester, Romeldale, Romney, Shetland, Woolwww.therossfarm.comusbfl cheviot corriedale cotswold gulf-coast-native jacob leicester romeldale romney shetland woolacid undyeddk fingering lace sport worstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
ApothefaeryFae is the dyer behind Apothefaery, which seems to be in the US. Beautiful spinning fiber and yarns abound on this site. One fiber option is a touch-screen conductive batt that contains stainless steel. And there’s a very interesting alpaca/linen yarn.Alpaca, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolapothefaery.comusalpaca linen merino mohair silk woolhand-painted tonal variegatedacid undyedbulky dk fingering lace
Hello Stella FibresCanadian dyer Hello Stella offers beautiful, deep colors on non-superwash Highland, superwash Merino and mohair/silk semi-solid bases. Yarns are available on the site and through retailers in Canada, the US and Norway. Note: There are marked links to Ravelry in the blog.Highland, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolhellostella.cacanadahighland merino mohair mulberry-silk silk woolmarl tonalacidaran bulky dk fingering
JunkyarnThe US dyer behind Junkyarn says, Junkyarn presents interpretations of the personalities, ideologies, and iconography of women of various faiths, ethnic backgrounds, sexualities, and professions. Colorways with inspired origins make beautiful fiber products.” Note: Junkyarns are dyed in a cat-friendly home, but are washed and packaged away from animals.Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.junkyarn.comusmerino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace worsteddye-to-order unique
KS Fiber ArtsKristen is the dyer and designer behind KS Fiber Arts, aka Kristen Stuart Designs, a small-batch, independent, hand-dyer in Washington state. Kristen offers uniquely dyed fibers for all fiber lovers, and some cute patterns, too. There are some interesting options here like the Fete Highland Twist worsted, a partially marled variegated colorway.Highland, Merino, Peru. Highland, Silk, Wool, YakKSFiberStudio.etsy.comushighland merino peruvian-highland silk wool yakmarl tonal solid variegatedaciddk fingering worstedunique
Machete ShoppeBrittany is the dyer behind Pennsylvania’s Machete Shoppe. “I specialize in small batch, hand dyed yarn made with love and artistry,” Brittany says. “I still consider myself a stay at home mom, so you’ll find many times your packages sent off with loving logo stickers perfectly placed on from little hands eager to help.” I especially like the variegated color combinations on the Goat Sock base.Merino, Woolwww.macheteshoppe.comusmerino wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering
Air de LuneEmma is a French dyer now living in the US. Emma explains Air de Lune thusly: “My first yarn dye was supposed to be a one-time gift to a friend. But there was something in the colors I was seeing in my pot. They felt like I knew them from somewhere. I browsed my pictures straight to my trip to Yellowstone. That was it. I would dye memories. I would dye souvenir pictures. I would dye them, have them knitted and worn. And I would spend a slice of my life doing that.” Shades are beautiful.BFL, Gotland, Merino, Mohair, Silkwww.airdelune.comusbfl gotland merino mohair silktonaldk fingering lace
The Perfect StitchJen is the dyer behind The Perfect Stitch, which seems to be in the US. Lots of vibrant fiber and yarn to be found. “The main goal of this venture was to send wonderful wrapped packages that would cheer up customers. Doing this while infusing parts of Jen’s life through inspiration and color into hand dyed yarn and fiber,” the website says.Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, Silktheperfectstitchfibreco.comusalpaca cashmere merino silkgradient tonal variegatedaciddk fingering worsted
Wool E FarmsUS maker Wool E Farms is all Romney, all the time, “producing fleeces we wanted to spin into yarn due to limited local availability,” the makers say. “Romney was chosen for not only the wool characteristics, but also the ease of raising the animal, great mothering instincts and healthiness of the breed.” Fleece and yarns are hand-dyed on the farm.Romney, Woolwww.woolefarms.comusromney wooltonal variegatedacidbulky fingering worstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Rose Hip IslandAustralian dyer Hanna is the force behind Rose Hip Island. “I am originally from Sweden and was happy to find the great Australian knitting community early on after moving here in the early 2000s,” Hanna says. “I was a knitter and also a spinner before I ventured into the world of dyeing. I love playing with color and textures and that shows in all my fiber related adventures.” All yarn is from non-mulesed sheep. The fade kits are lovely.Hemp, Linen, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, linen merino mulberry-silk silk woolself-striping tonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace
Five Wise OwlsJuliah is the Texas dyer behind Five Wise Owls, which specializes in plant-based yarns. Juliah offers custom orders for minis in fibers including hemp and linen. Tired of plant-based solid colors? Juliah has your cure. Lots of great colorways, including my favorite, Frosted Window Panes. But wait; there’s more: You can order any Five Wise Owls colorway as a gradient or self-striping yarn.Bamboo, Cotton, Hemp, LinenFivewiseowls.etsy.comusbamboo cotton hemp linengradient self-striping tonal variegateddk fingeringdye-to-order
West Coast Yarn Co.Rachael is the dyer at Canada’s West Coast Yarn Co. Having learned to crochet from Mom, “I’ve been creating with yarn ever since!” Rachael says. “I went through the progression of learning to read a pattern, picking up Tunisian crochet, recalling long-lost knitting skills from Granny, and — most recently — delving into the world of hand dyeing yarn.”Donegal, Merino, Woolwestcoastyarn.comcanadadonegal merino wooltonal tweed variegatedacidbulky dk fingering
Fantasy Fibers Yarn CompanyMarissa is the Canadian dyer at Fantasy Fibers Yarn Company and began knitting with a passion with big box store yarn a few years ago. “While I love nature and am inspired by its beauty, it’s not something that’s as integral to my life as books, shows, and movies are. For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved to get lost with my nose in a book,” Marissa says, explaining her media-rich colorway names. Gorgeous yarns.Alpaca, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolfantasyfibersyarn.comcanadaalpaca merino mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace
Hamilton YarnsLongtime knitter and designer Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton has a beautiful line of mainly silk yarns. Most are semi-solid. Note: Some yarn pages have well marked links to Ravelry project pages. Pattern links are for designs for sale within the site.Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silkwww.hamiltonyarns.comeu usmohair mulberry-silk silktonal variegateddk fingering lace sport worsted
Marina SkuaMarina is the yarn dyer and hand-knit designer based in the outskirts of Bath in Somerset, UK. “I started dyeing wool yarn as a hobby in 2015 and was immediately obsessed,” Marina says. “After a couple of years fitting my dyeing and knitting around my full-time work in publishing, in 2017 I quit the day job to focus fully on Marina Skua. It was completely obvious to me then that I needed to be creative in my work and create products I genuinely care about.”Alpaca, BFL, Shetland, Southdown, Soy, Woolmarinaskua.comeurope ukalpaca bfl shetland southdown soy woolmarl tonalacid naturalaran chunky dk fingering handspun super-bulky worstedlocal
FibrelyaFibrelya is a dyer out of Québec, featuring gradient and striped yarn. There are some interesting variations here, like Mirage colorways that are semisolid stripes alternated with variegated color, and Clasico sock yarns that start with tube-sock-style stripes at the top. All striped sock yarns are divided into two skeins so that your socks will match.Bamboo, Merino, Woolfibrelya.comcanadabamboo merino woolgradient self-striping tonal variegatedaciddk fingering worsted
It’s a Stitch UpSuzie Blackman is the founder of It’s a Stitch up, an East London dyer that uses mainly UK wools to create bright and beautiful yarn and fiber colorways like Shinjuku, inspired by the neon signs of Tokyo.Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Llama, Merino, Shetland, Silk, Wensleydale, ukalpaca bamboo bfl llama merino shetland silk wensleydale wooltonal variegatedacid undyedaran dk fingering handspun lace sport super-bulkylocal unique
Mitchell’s CreationsUS dyer Mitchell’s Creations has beautiful, bright variegated and tonal yarns. I’m loving the Psychedelic Unicorn. Yarns are available through the site and through a number of US retailers.Merino, Woolmitchellscreations.comusmerino wooltonal variegatedacidfingering worstedunique
TedKnitsUKTedKnitsUK offers nice, rich colors on several bases and weights. The mini-skein kits include some nice fades like Greydient. I also really liked the Aegir variegated yarn on a Zebra base. Note: Kit listings have marked links to Ravelry in them.Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, ukalpaca bfl merino mohair mulberry-silk silk woolmarl tonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace
D n D FibersDiana and Dave are the dyers and spinners behind D n D Fibers. Lots of handspun yarn, roving and top in many fiber types and gorgeous colors.Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Corriedale, CVM, Llama, Rambouillet, Shetland, Silk, Targhee, WoolDnDFibers.etsy.comusalpaca bamboo bfl corriedale cvm llama rambouillet shetland silk targhee woolmarl tonal variegatedacid undyedaran handspun worstedunique
(Vi)lainesMarion is the dyer behind (Vi)laines, based in Lyon, France. Colors range from barely there to neon-bright. If you love a strong halo, check out the Poilues base — floof for days. I’m also loving the Wonder Woman colorway spinning fiber and the Cherries After School yarn. This is wool that will make you say, “Ooooo.”Cashmere, Merino, Merino d’Arles, Mohair, Silk, Tussah Silk, Wool, YakVilaines.etsy.comeu europecashmere merino merino-darles mohair silk tussah-silk wool yakacidaran bulky dk fingering lace sport
Woolly Mammoth Fibre CompanyWoolly Mammoth Fibre Company is a small hand dyeing and spinning studio created by Emma Robinson and based on the North Coast of Northern Ireland. These yarns are full of woolly goodness, as they are not superwash treated, and they are colored with natural dyes, most of which Emma forages for or grows. Gorgeous. Yarns are available on the site and through retailers in the UK, EU, US, Canada, Japan, China and Singapore.BFL, Cheviot, Gotland, Masham, Wensleydale, Woolwww.woollymammothfibrecompany.comeurope ukbfl cheviot gotland masham wensleydale wooltonal variegatedbotanical naturaldk fingeringlocal unique
Novita KnitsNovita Knits grew from a small, family owned yarn business to the largest Nordic producer. Based in Finland, Novita says, “We are passionate about sustainable development and reducing the environmental load of our operations to a minimum. We invest heavily in renewable energy sources and purchase our raw materials, such as wool, from nearby regions.” I picked this one because one of their colorways is a green called Beard Lichen. That is all.Cotton, Merino, Woolwww.novitaknits.comeu europecotton merino wooltonal solid variegatedacid undyedaran chunky dk fingering super-bulky
Starcroft FiberStarcroft Fiber is a family run business that creates beautiful yarns out of local fleece. Most is a Coopworth/Romney cross known as Wild Maine wool.Coopworth, Romney, Woolwww.starcroftfiber.comuscoopworth romney woolmarl tonaldk sport worstedlocal
EsTeresa Yarn CreationsMother and daughter dyers Teresa and Ester run EsTeresa Yarn Creations. “We believe in doing everything by hand to ensure that the utmost care goes into every skein that we dye,” they say. “We both knit and crochet and believe that this keeps your soul happy and your mind peaceful.” EsTeresa Yarn Creations specializes in one of a kind, soothing colorways. They have a Pay it Forward Initiative where you can donate above the amount of your order for yarn for someone in need. Note: EsTeresa yarns are sold only within South Africa.Cashmere, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolesteresayarncreations.wordpress.coms-africacashmere linen merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedfingering lacedye-to-order unique
Gauge DyeworksGauge Dye Works is an artisan yarn company specializing in self-striping yarns. They are based on Vancouver Island, British Columbia and ship worldwide. Bases include a GOTS-certified treated Merino that is more environmentally friendly than traditional superwash. Note: The Patterns section contains marked links to Ravelry.Cashmere, Merino, Woolgaugedyeworks.comcanadacashmere merino woolself-stripingacidfingering sport worsteddye-to-order
Haute Bohème FibersMelody is the dyer at Haute Bohème. Starting with a love of crochet, Melody began exploring a passion for color, design, and function. Inspired by music, writing, paintings, nature, and Melody’s beloved Southwestern Native American culture, Melody now tells stories through vibrant threads. Lots to see here. Yarns and fiber are available in some of the same colorways, and the patterns are really nice, too.Alpaca, Bamboo, Cashmere, Linen, Merino, Silk, Wool, Yakhautebohemefibers.comusalpaca bamboo cashmere linen merino silk wool yaktonal variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering lace sport worsted
Stucken Yarn StoreStucken Yarn Store sells ethically and sustainably produced undyed yarns. The close proximity of their mill to mohair and wool farms connects them to the importance of sustainability, not only for their customers but for the future of the industry. South African Merino is not from mulesed sheep, and Stucken’s mohair meets sustainability guidelines. I like that they sell little sample kits for dyers to try out several bases at once.Alpaca, Linen, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolstuckenyarnstore.coms-africaalpaca linen mohair mulberry-silk silk woolundyeddk fingering lace sportlocal
Rising Tide Fiber Co.Melissa Murphy is the maker behind Rising Tide Fiber Co., which hand dyes yarn in small dye lots to create highly saturated semisolid, tonal, speckled and varigated colorways. “When I’m not dyeing yarn or teaching (my full time gig), you can usually find me knitting, reading, watching knitting related podcasts, or hanging out with my three Boston Terriers,” Melissa says. “I find inspiration in the everyday ordinary, which for me is in the Twin Beach area of Maryland (North Beach/Chesapeake Beach).”Alpaca, Camel, Cashmere, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Yakwww.risingtidefiberco.comusalpaca camel cashmere linen merino mohair silk yaktonal variegatedaran bulky dk fingering lace sport worsteddye-to-order
Cornbread and HoneyTanya is the Ohio dyer behind Cornbread and Honey. “Becoming an indie dyer has become a passion,” Tanya says. “I love creating custom colorways and playing with color. If you have any special requests or custom orders, please let me know. I try to accommodate whenever I can.”Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, Yakcornbreadandhoney.etsy.comusdonegal merino mohair silk wool yakhand-painted tonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering lace sportdye-to-order
Rohrspatz & WollmeiseClaudia Höll-Wellmann is the founder of Rohrspatz & Wollmeise. As the business grew, Claudia’s husband and son joined the team. “My aim is to dye quite specific shades,” Claudia says. “I allow myself to be guided by nature, by things I come up against or by moods: Spice Market, Stormy Skies (Gewitterhimmel), Dance of the Mice (Mäuseballett).” Yarns are sold in skeins up to 200 grams, and are available through the site and through shops in the EU, UK, Iceland, Australasia, Canada and the US.Cashmere, Merino, Woolwww.rohrspatzundwollmeise.deeu europecashmere merino wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace
Dresow Family FarmDresow Family Farm is tucked away in the rolling hills of Lonsdale, Minnesota. “We raise white and colored Cormo and Cormo cross-bred sheep for their squishy soft fiber qualities. The white and cream colored fiber take dyes exceptionally well. In addition to our flock, we also raise Hereford cattle, laying hens, Idaho Pasture Pigs, rabbits, dogs, cats, a cutting horse, and a small herd of free- range children,” the website says. Yarns and fiber are undyed or dyed with botanical pigments, most from the farm itself. Gentle souls be aware that the site sells sheepskins and meat.Cormo, Woolwww.dresowfamilyfarm.comuscormo wooltonalbotanical natural undyedfingering jumbo sport super-bulky worstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Hudson + West CoHudson + West Co was founded in 2019 by Meghan Babin, the former editor of Interweave Knits, and Sloane Rosenthal, a knitwear designer (and recovering litigator). “Our name evokes our disparate locations: Meghan hails from New York’s Hudson River Valley, while Sloane calls the San Francisco Bay Area home. We’re both obsessed with ruggedly handsome yarns, practical design, and thoughtful, well-made goods. We’re serious students of yarn construction and knitwear design, and passionate about details. We’re also both lovers of the outdoors, and of the rugged, starkly beautiful landscapes of the American west that inspired and indeed, birthed, our first …Corriedale, Merino, Woolhudsonandwestco.comuscorriedale merino wooltonal solidacidfingering worstedlocal
Fairfield FinnsFairfield Finns is an ethically run family farm at Bullengarook in Victoria’s beautiful Macedon Ranges. “We breed our Finns for their exquisite, soft wool, their calm temperament and their clean breech and short tails,” the proprietors say. “Our sheep are never mulesed, and tail docking is unnecessary.” Offerings include lots of natural fleece and top and some great yarns. Fleece and some yarns are hand-dyed with natural or botanical colorants. There is also commercially dyed yarn available.Finn, Woolfairfieldfinns.ecwid.comaustraliafinn wooltonal solid variegatedacid botanical natural undyedworstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Karoo MoonKaroo Moon is based on the outskirts of the historical Karoo village of Nieu Bethesda. “We live to source and spin the most beautiful natural yarns that we can imagine,” the website says. “Since the very beginning we have strived to work within our local communities to train and empower women to continue the artisanal traditions of hand spinning and dyeing.” Yarns are beautiful semi-solids. I especially love the FullMoon handspun chunky.Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonalacidchunky fingeringunique
The Red PansyKelli is owner and founder of The Red Pansy. “I started The Red Pansy with a passion to bring the colors of our world to fiber art for all to enjoy,” Kelli says. “Inspiration can be found all around us and the small things in life can make all the difference! For something as complex and intricate as hand-knitting and crochet, your projects deserve the best materials. I am dedicated to bringing you the quality and service you need to make your masterpieces come to life.” Bases are from non-mulesed sheep.Alpaca, Cashmere, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, Yaktheredpansy.comusalpaca cashmere donegal merino mohair silk wool yaktonal tweed variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering lace sport worsteddye-to-order
Ravenswood Fibre CoSam is the Canadian lead dyer behind Ravenswood Fibre Co, a studio and a home overlooking the Moose River near the Fundy Shore of Nova Scotia. The business is Sam’s dream come true, having left a corporate life in Calgary for a historical home in Nova Scotia with husband David in 2016. The studio at the end of the line for the historical underground railway of the loyalists. Interesting. The yarn is lovely; I adore dyers who include photos of the inspiration for the colorway in the listings. NOTE: Motion-sensitive yarnies, please note that products slide into place from below …Merino, Woolravenswoodfibreco.comcanadamerino woolvariegatedaciddk fingeringunique
Geektastic Fibers“With great yarn comes great responsibility,” says the Geektastic Fibers website. With great and fun yarn comes bases like Tribble Mohair Silk and colorways named for fan favorites that include BB-8 and the Women of Wakanda.Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.geektasticfibers.comusmerino mohair silk woolself-striping tonal variegatedaciddk fingering worsted
Sun Valley FibersUS dyer Sun Valley Fibers is a family-run business, run from a farm in the hills of southwest Wisconsin. They specialize in hand-dyeing luxurious artisan yarns and fibers in rich, inspiring colors for your one-of-a-kind knitting, crochet and weaving projects. There are many colorways available, from warm to bright to neutral.BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.sunvalleyfibers.comusbfl cashmere merino silk woolself-striping tonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace worsteddye-to-order
Serenity FibersChristina is the dyer at Serenity Fibers, self-described an indie-dyer who loves dyeing fiber, spinning, and knitting. Yarns are ever changing, and always beautiful.Alpaca, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolserenityfibers.etsy.comusalpaca merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingeringdye-to-order
Lottie KnitsCharlotte, or Lottie, is the dyer behind Lottieknits. “I dye beautiful yarns in my small studio in Make Hamilton Square, a creative hub in Birkenhead, by the River Mersey. You can catch the famous ‘Ferry cross the Mersey’ over to Liverpool just a short walk from my studio!” Lottie says. “Lottieknits is a one woman operation, so as well as dyeing all the yarn, I put together the website, photograph and list the yarns, design and layout knitting patterns, label them, pack and ship the orders… everything really.” And the results are spectacular. Beautiful colorways.Merino, Silk, Yakwww.lottieknits.comeurope ukmerino silk yaktonal variegatedaciddk fingering
Haalu the Ugly BunnyHilka is the German dyer at Haalu the Ugly Bunny. Lots of great colorways on mulesing-free merino. There’s a nice merino/cotton sock, and some interesting self-striping yarns, shown knitted up.Cotton, Merino, Silk, WoolHaaluTheUglyBunny.etsy.comeu europecotton merino silk woolself-striping tonal variegatedaciddk fingering
Knotty HabitMiensie is the South African dyer behind Knotty Habit. As Miensie started to use natural yarns, the interest in the process of spinning and dying grew and it evolved into experimenting with the dying of unspun fibres and spun yarn. Most recently knitting was added to Miensies list of fibre art passions. Miensie loves to experiment with bold and bright colors and enjoys seeing how customers use Knotty Habit yarn to create beautiful pieces of art. Lots to see here, including beautiful, medium tones and gradients.Linen, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolknottyhabit.coms-africalinen merino mohair mulberry-silk silk woolgradient self-striping tonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace
Townhouse YarnsJenny is the Irish dyer behind Townhouse Yarns, the house yarn at This is Knit, run by Jenny’s family. Lots of bases and beautiful colors. These yarns are available online through This is Knit and can also be purchased through retailers in the EU, UK, US and Canada.Cashmere, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolthisisknit.ieeu europecashmere donegal merino mohair silk wooltonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering lace sport
Gem State YarnsHeather is the dyer behind Idaho’s Gem State Yarns. There are some beautiful ombres here, as well as tonal and variegated colorways, including speckles. Heather keeps an eye on the quality of the fiber as well as the colors, taking a break from selling sport weight until a better base can be found. Always a good sign.Merino, Woolgemstateyarns.etsy.comusmerino woolgradient tonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering worsteddye-to-order
Vinni’s ColoursVinni’s Colours offers vivid and neutral cotton and bamboo yarns dyed in tonal batches that border on a marled appearance. Many shades are available in each weight. Yarns are not available on the site but can be purchased through online and brick and mortar retailers and wholesalers in Africa, Australia, New Zealand, UK, US, EU and Israel.Bamboo, cottontonalfiber-reactivechunky dk fingering
TeenyButton StudioRobyn is the owner and dyer at TeenyButton Studio, just outside New Orleans. Robyn started dyeing because “I wanted bright colors, lots of speckles, and fun colorway names, but the local stores were few and far between, and I wanted to touch and see the yarns in person rather than ordering online.” Colors are gorgeous and deep.BFL, Cashmere, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolteenybuttonstudio.comusbfl cashmere donegal merino mohair silk wooltonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering lace
Nurturing FibresNurturing Fibres offers a wide variety of plant-based yarns, as well as a few animal fibers. Suggested patterns for the various yarns are free through the site. Note: Pattern pages have a graphic link with an “r” in it that goes to the Ravelry pattern list for that item.Bamboo, Cotton, Merino, Mohair, Silknurturingfibres.coms-africabamboo cotton merino mohair silktonal variegateddk fingering lace
Barrett Wool Co.Barrett Wool Co. offers 100% US wool, from fleece to yarn production, along with adorable knitted patterns. Some of the yarns are designated 100% American Climate Beneficial™ wool. Others are from local farms.Woolwww.barrettwoolco.comuswoolsolidbulky fingering sport worstedlocal
Strawberry Fields YarnUK dyer Lizi is the maker at Strawberry fields Yarn. Colors are bright and cheerful. I’m loving the Gingham Altar colorway.Merino, WoolStrawberryFieldsYarn.etsy.comeurope ukmerino woolvariegatedacidfingering
Harrisville DesignsHarrisville Designs has spun yarn and carded fleece for more than 40 years in a building that has produced textiles since the 1790s. Yarns and fiber are 100% wool and are available in a wide range of solid and semi-solid colors. Harrisville, New Hampshire is a National Historic Landmark for its preservation of its textile traditions. I’m loving this maker’s Peace Fleece fair trade project with the Navajo Nation for Rambouillet fiber. Yarn and fiber can be purchased through the site or through stockists in the US, Canada and the UK.Cormo, CVM, Romeldale, Silk, Woolharrisville.comuscormo cvm romeldale silk wooltonal solidacidbulky dk fingering sport
Handspun HopeHandspun Hope is the project of a Texas Christian nonprofit that employs women at risk in Rwanda to handspin beautiful yarns. In addition to receiving an income, the 120 women, many of whom are widows, orphans or genocide survivors, receive trauma counseling and other support. Yarns are semi-solid Merino from the ministry’s Texas herds mixed with German Angora. Fibers are naturally dyed, mainly with Rwandan plant-based pigments.www.handspunhope.orgustonalbotanical naturalhandspun worsted
Rose Hill YarnsIt’s hard to pick a favorite from all the beautiful colorways at Rose Hill Yarns. The dyer says initial colorways were bright, so as to easily find the kids on Canadian ski slopes. The dyer says lots of experimentation goes into each colorway to make it unique and repeatable. As someone who looks at a lot of yarn, let me just say, this yarn is gorgeous. Bonus points for “I feel the need. The need for tweed.”Alpaca, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolrosehillyarns.comcanadaalpaca donegal merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal tweed variegatedacidbulky dk fingering
Emily C GilliesCanadian dyer Emily C Gillies’ yarn comes in a variety of semisolid, tonal and variegated shades, from warm to bright. Bases are untreated BFL and superwash Merino, along with Mohair and silk. Emily recently added spinning fiber to the available wares, with a number of spinning faves like Corriedale and Polwarth in the mix. Products are available online and from shops across Canada.BFL, Merino, Mohair, Woolwww.emilycgillies.cacanadabfl merino mohair wooltonal variegatedacidfingering sport worstedlgbtqlgbtq
Dye House YarnsSouth African dyer Dye House Yarns makes every effort to conserve water, beginning its process with collected rain water. Once a dye bath is exhausted, this water is reused and becomes the base for the next colorway, and so is used again and again. Once the dye process is finished, the water is neutralised and repurposed for household use. Skeins are then dried in the formidable wind for which the Cape is famous. Dye House Yarns offers beautiful colorways, and a wide selection. I’m loving the Enchanted blue and green variegated skeins.Linen, Merino, merino wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lacelocal
Beersheba FarmAustralia’s Beersheba Farm offers stunningly beautiful spinning fiber from its sheep, which are not mulesed. Check out the “Castledale” top; it’s heaven. Lots of beautiful, buttery top fiber is available along with quite a few options for unprocessed fleece. There are also lovely dyed and undyed yarns, including non-superwash sock.Merino, Woolwww.beershebafarm.comaustraliamerino wooltonal variegatedacidfingering worstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Stellar FibreworksStellar Fibreworks yarn is hand-dyed, often with roof-harvested rain water in Cape Town, South Africa. The wind off the sea infuses the yarn with a hint of the Atlantic Ocean while it dries in the African sun. A song lyric is tucked into each colorway, and then it is ready to be yours! Yarns are not available on on the site but can be purchased through online LYS stockists. Note: There are well-marked links to Ravelry projects with each base listing.BFL, Merino, Woolstellarfibreworks.coms-africabfl merino wooltonal variegatedacidfingering lace worstedlocal
Bristol ClothBristol Cloth is about supporting the UK fabric industry, so they don’t have a lot of yarn, but the yarn they have is quite interesting. It’s made from UK sheep, of course, and dyed with runoff from their fabric processes, supplemented with botanicals like madder root. They will also sell you lovely undyed British wool.Romney, Shetland, ukromney shetland wooltonalbotanical naturalfingeringlocal
Riverside StudioKathryn, a visual artist with a passion for color and fiber, is the dyer behind Riverside Studio. “My studio is located in Farrellton, Quebec in an old elementary school called Place des Artistes de Farrellton. It is a hop, skip and a jump from the magnificent Gatineau River,” Kathryn says. Riverside Studio colorways easily fit into gradient and fade patterns, and the range of colorways is quite large.Cashmere, Merino, Woolkatsriversidestudio.comcanadacashmere merino woolgradient tonal variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering lace worsteddye-to-order
Fiber LilyKylie, the dyer behind Australia’s Fiber Lily, says this fiber journey “began as a therapeutic relief from anxiety and depression, as I believe it has for so many of us in the fiber arts community. Our need for downtime in an ever increasing fast paced lifestyle is paramount. With this in mind, Fiber Lily colorways are carefully curated for uplifting or calm, relaxing knitting and crochet experiences.” Kylie dyes only fiber from non-mulesed sheep. Colors are bright and beautiful.Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering lace sport
Hartlam YarnHartlam Yarn describes itself as “luxury yarn, indie dyed in small batches, with love from South Africa.” Yarn is beautiful and plump, in mostly tonal colorways, though I’m loving the Dragonfly blue and green variegated skeins.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Woolhartlam.coms-africaalpaca bfl cashmere merino silk wooltonal variegatedacidchunky dk fingering lace worsteddye-to-order
Yama YarnMadeleine is the dyer at Yama Yarn. “Adding color to yarn is my art; it is my creative expression and interpretation of the natural beauty I see around me,” Madeleine says. “Every shop update will offer a unique collection of colors inspired by the season, the plants that are flowering at the time, the colors in the garden and on the mountains and beaches where I go walking.” You may have seen Yama yarn in a recent collaboration with designer Andrea Mowry. Good to know: The South African merino industry does not practice mulesing.Alpaca, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolwww.yamayarn.coms-africaalpaca linen merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedacidchunky dk fingering lace worsted
Kim Dyes Yarn“Kim Dyes Yarn” is a complete sentence. This yarn is just awfully nice, across several different bases. Yarn can be purchased from the site and from a number of US local yarn shops. Additionally, to support LYS, Kim has a line of Community Matters colorways that are only available through shops. “ All of my yarns and spinning fibers are dyed by hand with love and care,” Kim says. “I am in love with gorgeous color and know you are, too.”Cashmere, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.kimdyesyarn.comuscashmere donegal merino mohair silk wool yaktonal tweed variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering lace worstedbipocbipoc
Earl Grey Fiber CompanyThe dyer at Earl Grey Fiber Company says that the name came not from their love of tea but a love of Star Trek, and Jean Luc Picard’s love of Earl Grey. The yarn has beautifully subtle colorways, which like the bases at Earl Grey, are generally named after kinds of tea. Gorgeous stuff, and the maker also donates a portion of proceeds to a number of worthy human rights causes.BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Wool, Yakearl-grey-fiber-co.myshopify.comusbfl cashmere merino wool yaktonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering sport
Jessica’s RabbitsIf you enjoy clever writing and bunnies, Jessica’s Rabbits is the yarn shop for you. Each skein comes with a photo of the represented bun, and often a quote from said bunny. Colorways are interestingly described, as well: “Produced during The Blue Period of bunny town (circa late 2019-April, 2020), Self Portrait is representative not of the chaotic zeitgeist of global modernity, but rather of the day the buns first tasted blueberries, and got really excited.” A portion of sales goes to animal rescue.Angora, Bamboo, Merino, Silkjessicasrabbits.comusangora bamboo merino silkmarl tonalbotanical natural undyedbulky dk fingering handspun jumbo lace worstedlocal
Miss La Motte YarnsMiss La Motte Yarn was born from Karen Cronje’s appreciation of painting, color and a desire to create sophisticated and beautiful hand dyed, speckled yarns. Pure merino wool provided a surprisingly vivid canvas for creative color explorations and experiments — and was ultimately not so different from the tools of Karen’s daily artistic studio practice. Each colorway is a composition where color, nuance, texture, layers and contrasting elements unify to create an evocative experience. Note: Patterns on the Featured Designs page, which are gorgeous, have URL links to Ravelry.Alpaca, Merino, Mohairmisslamotteyarns.coms-africaalpaca merino mohairhand-painted tonal solid variegatedaciddk fingering lace sport worstedlocal unique
Sew Happy JaneHeather Jane is the one woman show behind Sew Happy Jane. Heather Jane begins with ethical sourcing, then moves into dyeing. “My dye process starts with the end in mind,” Heather Jane says. “My speckled and hand painted yarns are methodically dyed to minimize pooling and flashing, and my tonal yarns are filled with rich, dimensional color in cohesive color palettes that make planning projects easy.” Note: There are marked links to patterns on Ravelry on this site.Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Woolsewhappyjane.comalpaca cashmere merino mohair woolhand-painted tonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering lacedye-to-order
Fiber for the PeopleTayler Earl is the dyer behind Fiber for the People®. Tayler describes the company as “a passion project focused on bringing you bold and evocative yarns artistically hand-dyed and designed to enliven your next project.” Lots to see here. Colorways are beautiful; I’m smitten with Barn Owl.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Polwarth, Silk, Tencel, Tussah Silk, Woolfiberforthepeople.comusalpaca bfl cashmere linen merino mohair polwarth silk tencel tussah-silk woolmarl tonal variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering lace sport super-bulky worsteddye-to-order
Wonderful WoolNaomi is the UK dyer behind Wonderful Wool. “I make and sell one of a kind items that are made with inspiration and love,” Naomi says. “Hand dyed fibre and yarn, carded rolags and batts — all are unique and made because I enjoy what I do. I hope you enjoy them, too!”BFL, Merino, Silk, WoolWonderfulWool.etsy.comeurope ukbfl merino silk woolgradient tonal variegatedacidfingering lace
Wing and a Prayer FarmTammy is the Vermont sheep farmer and dyer behind Wing and a Prayer Farm. Tammy gathers fiber from the Wing and a Prayer flock as well as those of some neighboring farms and produces beautiful natural-dyed and undyed yarns and fiber.Alpaca, Cormo, Cotswold, Merino, Mohair, Shetland, Wensleydale, Woolwww.wingandaprayerfarm.comusalpaca cormo cotswold merino mohair shetland wensleydale wooltonalbotanical natural undyedaran dk fingering jumbo worstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Mrs MoonWhen Karen and Susan started the Mrs Moon yarn shop, “we quickly worked out what our customers and we wanted when it came to handknitting yarns: simple luxury. A yarn that is natural, soft, wears well, is responsibly sourced and comes in beautiful colors!” Mrs Moon uses various dye types that all reach Oekotex and REACH standards. Mrs Moon yarn is sustainably sourced from non-mulesed sheep. Patterns are plentiful and cute.Alpaca, Merino, ukalpaca merino woolsolidaciddk jumbo super-bulky
DanDohYumiko is a knit and crochet designer working under the name DanDoh. Yumiko’s signature line of fibers are mainly plant-based, in beautiful solids and semi-solids that highlight DanDoh’s pattern. Each yarn page shows a dozen or so DanDoh patterns that go with it. All links to Ravelry are clearly marked on pattern pages.Cotton, Linen, Silkwww.dandoh.comuscotton linen silktonal soliddk fingering
Sassy Strings YarnRich colors and complementary colorways populate the shop of Tracy, the dyer behind Sassy Strings Yarn. Tracy has always had a love of crafting and especially loves to crochet and knit whenever possible. Sassy Strings is one of those sites where your brain immediately starts placing yarns with patterns.Merino, Mohair, Silk, WoolSassyStringsYarn.cacanadamerino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering worstedmini-skeins unique
Threaded EmbraceTaryn is the dyer at Threaded Embrace. Taryn is sensitive to the way most animal fibers feel on the skin and works with yarns that sensitive people can better tolerate. “I have chosen beautiful soft cotton and very low micron, ethical wool yarns to lovingly hand dye in Perth, Western Australia,” Taryn says. Wool is from an intergenerational flock Taryn of knows personally in Tasmania.Cotton, Merino, Woolwww.threadedembrace.comaustraliacotton merino wooltonal variegatedacid fiber-reactivedk fingering worsted
Modus Operandi FibersRin is the dyer behind Modus Operandi Fibers. “I love sharing the beauty of and process behind naturally dyed yarn, especially with those new to working with naturally dyed items,” Rin says. “By providing a wide array of bases, from superwash merino to rustic highland wool, I hope to have a little something for everyone, expanding the reach and love of naturally dyed yarn.” All pigments are botanical, and offerings include indigo-dyed yarns.Alpaca, Merino, Mohair, Peru. Highland, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.mofibers.comusalpaca merino mohair peruvian-highland silk wool yaktonalbotanical naturaldk fingering lace sport worsteddye-to-order
RetrosariaRetrosaria’s Rosa Pomar yarns are made from Portuguese sheep breeds with no chemical treatment or softeners. Retrosaria offers dyed and undyed yarns. There are also lots of great accessories and pattern kits. Note: Some kits require downloading a pattern from Ravelry.Bordaleira, Campaniça, Merino, Woolretrosaria.rosapomar.comeu europebordaleira campanica merino woolmarl tonal variegatedundyedbulky chunky dk fingering handspun super-bulky worstedlocal
Fiber Curio and SundriesEllen is the dyer at Fiber Curio and Sundries, based in Iowa. Fiber Curio and Sundries focuses on innovative ways to utilize US small farm fiber. “I purchase the fleeces featured here from small family farms that continue to uphold a great agricultural tradition,” Ellen says. Lots of rare breed spinning fiber like Clun Forest and Tunis. Unusual yarns, including Texel and Cheviot sock yarns. Several plant fibers, too.Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Cheviot, Churro, Cotton, CVM, Dorset, Linen, Llama, Mulberry Silk, Oxford, Romeldale, Shetland, Silk, Tencel, Texel, Tunis, WoolFiberCurio.etsy.comusalpaca bamboo bfl camel cheviot churro cotton cvm dorset-horn linen llama mulberry-silk oxford romeldale shetland silk tencel texel tunis woolmarl tonal variegatedacid undyedaran bulky dk fingering handspun worstedlocal
Cotswold AlpacasCotswold Alpacas sells yarn with the name of the alpaca the fleece came from on the skein. Don’t you love that? In addition to undyed yarns, Cotswold sells hand-dyed yarn that uses natural and botanical pigments. Truly lovely. The wee bits of angora in some of the yarns comes from Cotswold Alpaca’s bunnies.Alpaca, Angora, Silk, Tussah SilkCotswoldAlpacas.etsy.comeurope ukalpaca angora silk tussah-silktonalbotanical natural undyeddk fingering sportlocal
Kosy Kitchen FibresFi is the dyer at Kosy Kitchen Fibres. “I am a natural fiber yarn company providing top quality yarn, fleece and floss sourced from reputable UK based suppliers, and I like to work with British wool whenever I can,” Fi says. “I’m all about high quality products designed to inspire and excite my customers.” Yarns include a chainette with a slight halo, and fibre currently is Wensleydale top.Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Woolwww.kosykitchenfibres.comukalpaca bfl merino wooltonal variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering lacelocal
Blackwattle Alpaca Yarn and FibreBlackwattle Yarn and Fibre is the creation of Angela and Matthew Smith, which they run from Blackwattle Alpaca Farm in New South Wales, Australia. “Our farm and yarn businesses are named after the truly gorgeous, black wattle trees that grow across our property,” they say. “We started our alpaca fiber love affair following the purchase of two alpacas, when we moved to the farm in 2008. The alpaca numbers grew quickly, and we now run a herd of about 70 alpacas.” Blackwattle products are available on the website and through retailers in Australia, Germany and the US.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Hemp, Merino, Mulberry Silk, bfl cashmere hemp merino mulberry-silk silkhand-painted tonal variegatedacid undyeddk fingering lace sportlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Paton and DaughterLorraine, the dyer at Paton and Daughter, says, “I live in Sussex, where sheep abound. It was a lack of certain colors that led me to dye yarn. Our yarn is mostly British and ethically sourced. Our hand-spun fibre from sheep and alpaca is grown in Sussex.” Paton and Daughter uses natural dyes, most from Lorraine’s garden.Alpaca, BFL, Corriedale, Gotland, Jacob, Masham, Mohair, Texel, Wensleydale, Wool, ukalpaca bfl corriedale gotland jacob masham mohair texel wensleydale wool zwartblesmarl tonal variegatedbotanical natural undyedaran bulky chunky dk fingering handspun worstedlocal
Lucy Locket LandLucy Locket Land is a LYS in the UK that also functions as a community hub. The shop has its own yarn line, which is very nice indeed. I’m eyeing the BFL/bamboo sock.Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Cashmere, Exmoor BF, Merino, Peru. Highland, Silk, Wool, ukalpaca bamboo bfl cashmere exmoor-blueface merino peruvian-highland silk wool zwartblestonalacid
Trailhead YarnsCanadian dyer Samantha started Trailhead Yarns after an inspiring hike on the Cabot Trail. After developing a wool allergy three years later, Samantha switched Trailhead’s bases to plant-based fibers, including a very interesting recycled cotton. Colors are medium-hued, plus a bright, variegated Pride colorway.Cotton, Linen, Tenceltrailheadco.cacanadacotton linen tenceltonal variegatedbulky fingering lacelgbtqlgbtq
Lammermuir WoolScotland’s Lammermuir Wool offers Shetland yarn from its own flock. “Our home-grown sheep come in white, moorit, fawn, grey, Shetland black and true black,” they say. The yarn is sold undyed and in semisolid shades. Included in Lammermuir’s offerings are hard-to-find DK minis.Castlemilk M., Shetland, Woolwww.lammermuirwool.scoteurope ukcastlemilk-moorit shetland wooltonalacid undyedaran chunky dk fingering lacelocal mini-skeinsa-family-farma-family-farm
Cross Wind FarmMichigan’s Cross Wind Farm offers breed specific yarn and spinning fibers. Many batches are specific to individual sheep. Yarn and spinning fiber comes from the sheep raised and loved on Cross Wind Farm. Among the offerings is rarely seen yarn and fiber from Lincoln Longwool sheep in bright shades.BFL, Bord. Leicester, Lincoln, Romney, Woolcross-wind-farm-llc.square.siteusbfl border-leicester lincoln romney woolacid undyedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
The Yarn TherapistJennifer is the Canadian dyer at The Yarn Therapist. “Knitting is cheaper than therapy, well, marginally cheaper,” Jennifer says. “I knit to manage the stress of my full time job at a children’s hospital and being a mommy to a less than one year old.” Jennifer specializes in self-striping yarns from bright to warm and donates $5CAD to food banks for every sock set sold.Cashmere, Merino, SilkTheYarnTherapist.etsy.comcanadacashmere merino silkself-stripingaciddk fingering worsted
Home Farm WensleydalesHome Farm Wensleydales boasts the largest flock of rare-breed Wensleydale sheep in the world. “We do not commission spin, our wool is grown on our farm so we know where it comes from, and we know our sheep live another year to grow another fleece!” their website says. The shop has many beautiful offerings in spinning fiber and yarn, but I’m intrigued by a handspun yarn from Wensleydale locks that looks like the most natural and soft boucle imaginable.BFL, Wensleydale, Woolwww.homefarmwensleydales.comeurope ukbfl wensleydale wooltonalacid undyedaran bulky chunky dk fingering handspun sport worstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Irish Artisan YarnIrish Artisan Yarn (IAY) is a project by Tara Osborough, an award winning textile designer (Tarah Osborough Bespoke Textiles), after receiving requests from knitting and crochet enthusiasts that wanted to make their own collectible pieces after seeing Tara’s beautiful woven pieces. The lovely, restful colors are influenced by the Irish landscapes where Tara grew up, and yarns are hand-painted and -dyed. Check out the Rathlin variegated 4-ply.Alpaca, Bamboo, Merino, Silk, ukalpaca bamboo merino silk woolhand-painted variegatedaciddk fingering
Expression Fiber ArtsChandi and Tim run Expression Fiber Arts in North Carolina. “Simply put, we strive to inspire joy,” Chandi says. “We take inspiration from the world around us and turn that into yarn colorways and blends for you, in the hopes that it brings more joy, more excitement, more color, more self-expression (the reason for our company name!) and more creativity into your life.” Beautiful patterns from various designers are also available.Alpaca, Camel, Cashmere, Cotton, Donegal, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Tencel, Wool, Yakwww.expressionfiberarts.comusalpaca camel cashmere cotton donegal merino mulberry-silk silk tencel wool yaktonal tweed variegatedacidfingering lace sportbipocbipoc
Threads by Megan NicoleUS dyer Threads by Megan Nicole offers beautiful variegated and tonal skeins, including seasonal collections. There are hand-dyed yarns in almost every standard weight. Megan Nicole loves to dye to order, and will adjust any colorway to your specifications.Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, WoolTHREADSbymegannicole.etsy.comusalpaca cashmere merino silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering lace sport super-bulky worsteddye-to-order unique
In the Wool ShedIn The Wool Shed creates beautiful natural dyed yarns for knitting, crochet, weaving and creative textiles. “We use only natural fibers — British wool selected from pure breeds including our own flock of Lleyn sheep, and other selected British wool such as Bluefaced Leicester and Wensleydale,” the website says. Each hank of yarn is hand dyed using carefully selected natural dyes in order to produce a delightful palette.BFL, Dorset, Lleyn, Masham, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Tussah Silk, Wensleydalewww.inthewoolshed.comeurope ukbfl dorset-horn lleyn masham merino mohair silk tussah-silk wensleydaletonalbotanical natural undyedaran chunky dk fingeringlocal
Das MondschafGerman dyer Das Mondschaf (The Moon Sheep) offers gorgeous, rich, bright and deep colorways in both spinning fiber and yarns. It was difficult not to buy them out. Colorways make reference to a wider than usual variety of TV and movie franchises. Products are available online and through retailers in Europe and Hong Kong.Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, Yakdas-mondschaf.deeu europealpaca cashmere merino mohair silk wool yakhand-painted tonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace sport
Hook & LightHook & Light is a small natural dye business run by two UK sisters. “We dye all of our yarn by hand in small batches using only natural dyes, many of which we grow, forage or recycle from kitchen scraps. We aim to show that natural dyes can be fun, colourful and whimsical,” they say.Alpaca, BFL, Cheviot, Corriedale, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.hookandlight.comeurope ukalpaca bfl cheviot corriedale merino silk wooltonal variegatedbotanical naturalaran chunky fingeringunique
Gam Farm Rare BreedsGam Farm sits at the edge of Grassington in the Yorkshire Dales national park. It is home to many varieties of rare breeds and an extensive collection of vintage agricultural machinery and farming implements. Their shop features beautiful yarns, mostly undyed, as well as rare breed fiber and fleeces.Hampshire, Hebridean, Shetland, Tencel, Wensleydale, WF Woodland, Wool, ukhampshire hebridean shetland tencel wensleydale whitefaced-woodland wool yorkshiremarl tonalacid undyedaran bulky chunky dk fingering super-bulky worstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
nielanellNielanell is a Scottish shop offering “alternative Shetland knitwear,” readymade. Gorgeous, interesting stuff, but we’re here to talk about Niela Nell Kalra’s handspun yarns. These are beautiful, bulky and superbulky thick-and-thin spins dyed with botanical dyes, mainly indigo.Alpaca, BFL, Linen, Merino, Mohair, N. Ronaldsay, Polwarth, Shetland, Silk, Tussah Silk, Woolwww.nielanell.comeurope ukalpaca bfl linen merino mohair north-ronaldsay polwarth shetland silk tussah-silk wooltonalbotanical naturalbulky super-bulkyunique
Catskill MerinoCatskill Merino is a woman-owned, small farm in the Hudson Valley of New York. “We raise Saxon Merino sheep that produce superfine merino wool. Every purchase makes a difference on a small farm,” their website says. “We love our sheep and know you will love their wool!” Yarn is hand-dyed or undyed, with some botanical and other natural dye bases.Merino, Woolwww.catskillmerino.comusmerino wooltonal variegatedacid botanical natural undyedbulky lace sport super-bulky worstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Fruitful FusionIshrat is the UK dyer and owner of Fruitful Fusion. “As a knitter and crocheter of many years, I began dyeing yarn while I was living in North Africa,” Ishrat says. “It was difficult to find nice yarn and pretty much impossible to get hand dyed. So I gave it a shot and fell in love!”Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Merino, Mohair, Silk, ukalpaca bamboo bfl merino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering lacedye-to-orderbipocbipoc
BluFiber CompanyJoshua is the dyer behind BluFiber Company, based in Portland, Oregon. “I’m a fiber artist who has been knitting and crafting for over 20 years,” Joshua says. “I specialize in color and luxe fibers that are sustainably sourced from around the world.”Alpaca, Camel, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Peru. Highland, Silk, Targhee, Wool, YakBluFiberCompany.etsy.comusalpaca camel cashmere merino mohair peruvian-highland silk targhee wool yakacidaran dk fingering lace sport worsteddye-to-orderbipocbipoc
Debonnaire YarnsErica is the UK dyer and designer behind Debonnaire Yarns. Debonnaire’s mission is to inspire makers by providing incredible colorways, exquisite yarns and unique designs along with top customer service. Colors are rich and saturated. Patterns are interesting and worth a look. Mulberry silk yarns include options with sequins and beads. Some patterns are available in French.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Corriedale, Donegal, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.debonnaireyarns.comeurope ukalpaca bfl cashmere corriedale donegal merino mulberry-silk silk wool yaktonal solid tweed variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering lacelocal
Exmoor Horn WoolAs you might expect, this UK site sells wool from Exmoor Horn sheep, with a little BFL cross thrown in. Colors are inspired by the Exmoor region’s landscape.Exmoor, Exmoor ukexmoor exmoor-bluefacesolidaciddk fingeringlocal
Salt River MillsSalt River Mills is a product of The North American Suri Company. All yarns are made using Suri blends and are designed to showcase this unique fiber’s attributes: drape, luster, intense color, and elegant wearability. Yarns are beautiful and include a super bulky single-ply and a sport-weight textured yarn that are both very interesting.Alpaca, Angora, Merino, Woolsaltrivermills.comusalpaca angora merino woolsolidacidsport super-bulky
Caithness YarnsCaithness Yarns offers premium quality artisan yarns made from sheep sourced from high-welfare small to medium farms in the North of Scotland. The focus is on the traditional breed here the North Country Cheviot, with side lines from select British Rare Breed sheep like the Castlemilk Moorits in the Caithness flock. Dyed colors are gorgeous, as are the naturals. “I wanted to start buying the ‘black sheep’ fleeces that exist in many flocks and are unwanted by the wool board. More fool them cos they are lovely,” the maker says.Castlemilk M., Cheviotwww.caithnessyarns.comeurope ukcastlemilk-moorit cheviottonal solidacid undyedaran chunky dklocal
Horse ‘n’ Round StudioHorse ’n’ Round Studio is a maker of yarn, spinning/felting tools and supplies, and finished items. “I have roving and fleeces from local farms as well as my own,” this maker says. “I also have some original knitting and crochet patterns, as well as a woodworking pattern for a historical Swedish band loom.”Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Bord. Leicester, Cheviot, Cormo, Corriedale, Cotton, Finn, Gotland, Icelandic, Jacob, Lincoln, Llama, Masham, Merino, Mohair, Polwarth, Rambouillet, Romney, Shetland, Silk, Southdown, Soy, Suffolk, Targhee, Teeswater, Tussah Silk, Wool, bamboo bfl border-leicester cheviot cormo corriedale cotton finn gotland icelandic jacob lincoln llama masham merino mohair polwarth rambouillet romney shetland silk southdown soy suffolk targhee teeswater tussah-silk wool yakgradient hand-painted marl self-striping tonal solid variegatedacid undyeddk fingering handspun sport worsteddye-to-order local uniquea-family-farma-family-farm
Ovis et CeteraGerman dyer Ovis et Cetera makes semisolid yarns in a variety of fibers. Shades are gentle and glorious.BFL, Corriedale, Ramie, Shetland, Silk, Texel, Tussah Silk, Wensleydale, Woolwww.ovisetcetera.comeu europebfl corriedale ramie shetland silk texel tussah-silk wensleydale wooltonalaciddk fingering sport worsted
Purl Alpaca DesignsAfter a bleak period in her life, Tracy of Purl Alpaca Designs bought three alpacas in 2007. Tracy’s not sure why, just love at first sight and a good idea at the time! Today, after a career has an actor, recruiter and candle factory proprietor, Tracy keeps the alpacas and doubles as yarn producer and knit designer.Alpaca, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.purlalpacadesigns.comeurope ukalpaca merino silk woolsolidacid undyedchunky dk sport worstedlocal
The Knitting ShedThe Knitting Shed, home of Ainsworth & Plin yarn, was started by Vicky after she developed a passion for all things woolly whilst going through treatment for breast cancer. Today, husband Paul and sisters-in-law Nicola and Louise run the business in her memory. Beautiful yarn abounds, some with natural dyes. Nicola and Louise also have some patterns up. Note: Some patterns open in Ravelry and are marked as such.Alpaca, BFL, Masham, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wooltheknittingshed.comeurope ukalpaca bfl masham merino mohair silk wooltonal tweed variegatedacid botanical naturaldk fingering lace
The Periwinkle SheepKarin is the dyer and chief bottle washer at The Periwinkle Sheep. The shop offers semi solids, handpaints, and one-of-a-kind skeins. All yarns are lovingly handdyed for depth of color in Karin’s studio in Albany, New York.Alpaca, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, Yakperiwinklesheepyarns.comusalpaca merino mohair silk wool yakhand-painted tonal variegatedacidchunky fingering lace sport worstedunique
Savvy SkeinsSouth Texas dyer Ali is the artist behind Savvy Skeins. “Savvy Skeins yarn is dyed one by one by hand, out of my home kitchen,” Ali says. “My approach to dyeing is very organic and abstract. Colors will come into my mind and then are translated onto undyed hanks.” My fave is Red Panda.Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.savvyskeins.comuscashmere merino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace
Voie de VieDenise is the designer and dyer behind Voie de Vie. “I design knitwear, crochet for the home as well as one’s wardrobe, and I am now hand-painting/dyeing yarns. I’ve been into textiles … like … forever,” Denise says.Merinovoiedevie.bigcartel.comusmerinotonal tweed variegatedacidfingering
Leo & Roxy Yarn Co.Jolyn and Kerri named their business, Leo & Roxy Yarn Co., after a bouncy Rambouillet sheep and a sassy conure. Their yarn is bright, beautiful and bountiful, with colorways like Thunder Pecan, Unicorn Burps and the enigmatic Colour #3. Lots to see here.BFL, Cashmere, Cotton, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.leoandroxyyarnco.comcanadabfl cashmere cotton merino mohair silk woolmarl tonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace sport super-bulky worsteddye-to-orderbipocbipoc
Doulton Border Leicester YarnDoulton Border Leicester yarn is made from the fleeces of rare breed, British Border Leicester sheep that live to grow old. The site offers undyed top and unprocessed fleece, as well as a range of solid yarns, mainly Border Leicester, with a Suffolk offering, as well. Buy the yarn on the site or from retailers in the UK, US, Italy and Taiwan.Bord. Leicester, Suffolk, Wooldoultonborderleicesteryarn.comeurope ukborder-leicester suffolk woolsolidacidaran dk fingeringlocal
Bigwigs AngoraUK yarn maker Sarah keeps about 100 angora rabbits and offers a selection of undyed angora fiber, as well as beautiful semisolid angora blend yarns, both dyed and undyed.Alpaca, Angora, BFL, Corriedale, Merino, ukalpaca angora bfl corriedale merino wooltonalaciddk fingeringlocal
This Craft or ThatMichigan dyer Missy does not feel a need to decide on one craft or another, though Missy acknowledges being addicted to dyeing. “I knit, sew, crochet, papercraft, weave and the list goes on! If I had a favorite, my house might not be consumed by so much fabric, yarn, paper, stamps, looms, sewing machines, etc.,” Missy says. This Craft or That carries many colorways on quite a number of bases. I’m loving the DK BFL.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Peru. Highland, Polwarth, Silk, Woolthiscraftorthat.comusalpaca bfl cashmere merino peruvian-highland polwarth silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering sport worsteddye-to-order
McMullin Fiber CoUS dyer Kate started McMullin Fiber Co when she lived in a small town in New Mexico with no LYS. The shop was the ultimate stash excuse — what’s better than being able to say, “Oh that’s not my yarn, that’s for the shop,” after all? Now it has grown into Kate’s passion, and a way to ensure the kids have summer jobs waiting.Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.mcmullinfiberco.comuscashmere merino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace sport worsted
Kate SeleneSo much beautiful dye to order yarn is available from Kate Selene. Colorways are available in standard skeins or as 10g or 20g minis. Also available for the 10 gram squishes are bespoke little yarn holders that look a bit like adorable toad houses. My favorite colorway is between Christmas Tree and Fairy Lights at Night.Merino, ukmerino woolhand-painted tonal variegatedaciddk fingeringdye-to-order
Timber YarnsTimber Yarns is an independent Canadian yarn company located in the beautiful town of Conestogo, Ontario. It specializes in high quality semi-tonal, self-striping sock yarn that is hand dyed using acid dyes. Skeins are featured with a knitted up sample. Lots of seasonal colorways, too.Merino, Wooltimberyarns.comcanadamerino woolself-striping tonalacidfingering
Odd Knots and ThreadsFlorida maker Daniella is the dyer and designer behind Odd Knots and Threads. Colorways are named for mineral and crystals, and are true to their inspirations. Patterns are mainly crochet with some charming knitted mittens. Patterns are moving to Daniella’s main site and are currently available on Etsy.Alpaca, Merino, Woolwww.oddknotsandthreads.comusalpaca merino wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering super-bulky worsteddye-to-order uniquebipocbipoc
Ivy & AutumnCourtney is the Idaho-based dyer and knitting designer behind Ivy & Autumn. Most yarn on the site is dyed to order, with beautiful seasonal collections in the ready to ship section. The Colorways page shows how dyes look on up to three different bases, so you can really get a sense of what your finished product will look like. Lovely colors, including a gentle tweed.BFL, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Peru. Highland, Woolivyandautumn.comusbfl donegal merino mohair peruvian-highland wooltonal tweed variegatedacidfingering lace sport worsteddye-to-order
Murky Depths DyeworksDebbie is the dyer behind Murky Depths Dyeworks, based in upstate New York. Colors are a mix between brights, deep variegated skeins and softer tones.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Llama, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, Yakmurkydepths.etsy.comusalpaca bfl cashmere llama merino mohair silk wool yakhand-painted tonal variegatedaran dk fingering lace
GigglingGecko YarnsSwitzerland’s GigglingGecko Yarns started out as an online shop in collaboration with a local yarn store, Rosa Träume, to provide you with knitting and crocheting products when you just cannot make it into the shop. Now Judy hand-dyes GigglingGecko Yarns brand. GigglingGecko can be purchased through the website or at retailers in the EU, the US and Hong Kong.Alpaca, Merino, Silk, Wool, Yakgigglinggeckoyarns.comeuropealpaca merino silk wool yaktonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace sportunique
Foula WoolFoula is the most remote, inhabited island in the UK and is home to a traditional Shetland sheep breed known locally as Foula sheep. Foula Wool hand-shears the sheep, which come in many colors, and then has the wool professionally spun to produce a high quality Shetland knitting yarn with a strong softness and pronounced texture that is sure to inspire anyone with a love of pure wool and traditional British sheep.Shetland, ukshetland wooltonal solidundyeddk fingering lacelocal
Freyalyn’s FibresFreyalyn’s Fibres is a small-scale kitchen sink dyer of British fibers and mostly sock yarns, in brilliant, repeatable and sustainable colors. Products are posted on the Freyalyn’s Fibres blog as they become available and can be purchased by contacting the dyer directly. It’s beautiful work.BFL, Exmoor, Exmoor BF, Merinofreyalyn.blogspot.comeurope ukbfl exmoor exmoor-blueface merinogradient hand-painted tonal variegatedacid naturaldk fingering lacedye-to-order local unique
Dodgson Wood/Shear DelightDodgson Wood and its subsidiary Shear Delight sell beautiful untreated fleeces and yarns. (Be aware, gentle souls, that this website also sells sheepskin and meat.) Yarns are beautiful dyed and undyed and encompass a number of British sheep breeds and crosses, including the BFL Castlemilk Moorit cross that Dodgson Wood is calling Castle Blue.BFL, Castlemilk M., Cheviot, Gotland, Herdwick, Teeswater, ukbfl castlemilk-moorit cheviot gotland herdwick teeswater wooltonal variegatedacid undyedaran dk fingeringlocal
LovehandyedGrace is the dyer behind Lovehandyed. Grace and son David run The Wool Mouse, a yarn and accessories business in the UK. When they couldn’t find yarns they liked, Grace set to dyeing their own. The tweeds with multicolor nep are especially fun.Corriedale, Merino, Polwarth, ukcorriedale merino polwarth wooltonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingeringdye-to-order
Wool is the AnswerLincolnshire dyers Marie and Dominique are Wool is the Answer. “You may ask why we are called Wool is the Answer?” they say. “For us the answer is simple, as crafters of many things, there is no question to which wool is not the answer!” All yarn is pre-wound into cakes, and colors are rich and beautiful.Donegal, Merino, Wool, ukdonegal merino wool yaktonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering
Uradale YarnsUradale organic knitting yarns reflect the colors of the Uradale Shetland flock. These natural fleece colors, in 10 shades, remain unbleached and undyed through the organic scouring process. Uradale sells dyed, unbleached yarns, as well, in a range of solids.Shetland, Woolwww.uradale.comeurope ukshetland wooltonal solidacidaran dk fingeringlocal
All Wool That Ends WoolAll Wool That Ends Wool is the home of beautiful rainbow shades, some bright, some dark. There are gradients, mini rainbow sets and lots of hand-dyed rainbow skeins (and other stuff). And don’t let the name fool you; there are plant-based skeins, as well.Bamboo, Cashmere, Cotton, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, ukbamboo cashmere cotton linen merino mohair silk wool yakgradient self-striping tonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering super-bulkydye-to-order
Sea Turtle Fiber ArtsSea Turtle Fiber Arts has a lot of fun stuff. Great gradient sets like the Seashore Yarn Set, Evil Twins sets of coordinating yarns, and grab bags of mystery yarn at a significant discount. Note that patterns are for sale through the site or through URL links to Ravelry.Cashmere, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Woolseaturtlefiberarts.comcanadacashmere merino mulberry-silk woolgradient hand-painted marl tonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering worstedmini-skeins
Coast to Coast Yarn CoThe dyer behind Coast to Coast Yarn Co says the yarn and fiber is “from my hands, to yours — hand-dyed wool, yarn, and spinning fiber, from one maker to another.”Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, cashmere merino silk wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingeringmini-skeins
Wild WoolAlice dyes skeins of yarn influenced by nature. Alice is based in East London and has a beautiful selection of 4ply and dk yarn. Alice also does custom dyes. The colorway that’s currently featured of a trout is spectacular. Wild Wool also has a line of neons in three levels of intensity that will knock your soon-to-be-knit socks off.Merino, Woolwww.wildwoolyarns.comeurope ukmerino woolhand-painted self-striping tonal variegatedaciddk fingeringdye-to-order
Zwartbles IrelandZwartbles Ireland makes one yarn and does it well. It sells, wait for it, Zwartbles yarn from Irish sheep, undyed, in worsted weight. It looks great, and the price is good.Wool, Zwartbleszwartblesireland.comeu europewool zwartblestonalundyedworsted
Molly Girl Yarn“I’ve never taken a class or a lesson on dyeing (or anything yarn related, for that matter) so my techniques are unique. That is to say, I made them up,” says the maker behind Molly Girl Yarn. “I love to experiment and try new things. Since no one ever told me how to do it right, nothing I try is wrong. … It’s always a fun ride to see what happens.” Lots of great stuff here.Corn, Llama, Merino, Mohair, SeaCell, Silk, Tussah Silk, Woolmollygirlyarn.comuscorn llama merino mohair seacell silk tussah-silk wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace sport worsted
Ozetta Handmade Fiber ArtsOzetta’s founder calls the company “a dream planted by my great-grandmother.” Here, you will find sustainable, organic, non-superwash fibers paired with dyes found in nature. Lovely yarn in earthy tones.Columbia, Cotton, Merino, Peru. Highland, Woolwww.ozettaknitwear.comuscolumbia cotton merino peruvian-highland wooltonalnatural undyeddk worsted
Woolberry Fiber CoBethany and Rhys are the dyers behind Woolberry Fiber Co. Their baby, Theodore, is the squishability tester. Rhys grew up in a small community in New Zealand in a home where wool was a central part of his life. Rhys’ mom spun, dyed, and knit most of the kids’ wardrobe. Bethany grew up in Denver, Colorado and learned to knit at 12. Since that day, Bethany has had a deep love for all things woolly.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Cormo, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwoolberryfiberco.comusalpaca bfl cashmere cormo merino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace worsted
Sugarplum CircusSugarplum Circus is a micro-dyery located in the beautiful Pacific Northwest; where fine yarns are dyed in small batches with layers upon layers of color and love. Semi-solids are especially gorgeous. Note: The PomPom pattern lists have marked links to Ravelry.Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolsugarplumcircus.comusalpaca bfl merino mohair silk wooltonal solid variegatedacidaran fingering lace sportdye-to-order mini-skeins
Barnyard KnitsThe dyer behind Barnyard Knits became involved with knitting and dyeing after the dyer’s mother passed away. “It keeps my mind busy and allows me to be creative,” the dyer says. “I love using my memories to create new colorways. The possibilities are endless when I put those blank skeins in the pots! And I can’t help but feel that my mom is watching over me and guiding me on this incredible journey.” I’m loving the Winterberry and Stormy Seas colorways. Note: Patterns using the yarn have URL links to Ravelry.Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Woolbarnyardknits.comusalpaca cashmere merino silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace sport worsted
HauteKnit YarnShellee is the dyer behind HauteKnit Yarn. “I specialize in colorways with small pops of color that will not pool but dye pretty much everything but gradients and self striping yarns. Although I do have a few colors that stripe as socks!”Bamboo, Cotton, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolhauteknityarn.comusbamboo cotton merino mohair silk woolhand-painted marl self-striping tonal variegatedacid undyedbulky dk fingering lace sport super-bulky worstedunique
The Dye ShackNaomi is the force behind The Dye Shack. “I’m a knitter and hooker with a passion for color and hand dyed yarn,” Naomi says. “I used to dye in my family kitchen until an incident with my cat and a lot of purple dye!! Yarn is now dyed in a purpose built (and cat free) studio in my garden.” I’m wondering if the cat looked as nice as the Gothic Plum colorway.Merino, ukmerino wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering
Rhapsodye YarnsEmily is the UK dyer behind Rhapsodye Yarns. Emily’s description for a colorway that didn’t turn out quite as she had expected is worth it all: “ I think it must be the most hideous colorway that has ever been created. … If you buy this yarn, you will be judged.” (The colors are actually kind of cute.)Alpaca, Bamboo, Linen, Merino, Silk, Wool, ukalpaca bamboo linen merino silk wool yakmarl tonal variegatedaciddk fingering
Botanical YarnSophie is the dyer behind Botanical Yarn. “I live in Yorkshire, UK, with a large collection of house plants. (You can never have too many plants!),” Sophie says. “I dye a variety of different bases of yarn, from my laundry room at home. My colorways are inspired by some of my favorite plants, hence their unusual names!”Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolbotanicalyarn.comeurope ukalpaca bfl merino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lacedye-to-order
Cozy Color WorksUS dyer Cozy Color Works specializes in superwash merino. They take custom orders and also sell kits with printed patterns included, and a Ravelry download. I’m enjoying the rich variegated colorways like “English Garden” and “Bayou.”Merino, Woolwww.cozycolorworks.comusmerino woolhand-painted tonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins
Hue LocoNicole is the dyer behind Hue Loco yarn and the voice of the Hue Loco Podcast. Yarns are in beautiful shades. I’m loving the Backyard Chickens colorways. Lots of beautiful, cool shades and bright warmth among the offerings.Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Woolhueloco.comusalpaca cashmere merino mohair woolhand-painted tonal variegatedacidbulky fingering lace super-bulky worsted
Wild Hare Fiber StudioMelissa is the dyer behind Wild Hare Fiber Studio. Wild Hare has hand dyed and handspun yarns and spinning fiber, felting supplies, spinning wheels & tools, kits and clubs. Colors are gorgeous, and the flashes of glow in the dark dyes are a lot of fun.Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Woolwildharefiber.comuscashmere merino mohair woolgradient marl tonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace
Coastal ColoursCoastal Colours has been dyeing luxury yarn and fiber since 2010, based on the proprietor’s love of knitting and spinning. This UK company offers a wide variety of fibers and some interesting kit options.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Donegal, Linen, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Silk, Teeswater, Tussah Silk, Wensleydale, bfl cashmere donegal linen merino mulberry-silk polwarth silk teeswater tussah-silk wensleydale wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace
Destination YarnJeanne is the owner and dyer at Destination Yarn, based in Cleveland. “At Destination Yarn, we believe in the power of place to inspire creativity in all forms,” Jeanne says. “Through this passion for travel and color we translate places and experiences into vibrant colorways just for you.”Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wooldestinationyarn.comuscashmere merino mohair silk woolhand-painted tonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace sport worsted
Dragon Hoard YarnDragon Hoard Yarn is one of those sites where the dog keeps looking at you funny because you make the weirdest happy noises while looking at all the pretty colors. Really gorgeous variegated and tonal yarns here.BFL, Highland, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wooldragonhoardyarnco.comusbfl highland merino mohair silk wooltonal tweed variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins
Forbidden Fiber CoForbidden Fiber Co offers beautiful yarn in a wide variety of colorways. I’m loving “Amok! Amok! Amok!” and may end up with it in my cart. Products are available on the site and through retailers across the US and in Israel.Alpaca, Cotton, Linen, Merino, Wool, Yakwww.forbiddenfiberco.comusalpaca cotton linen merino wool yaktonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace sport worsted
Jo Knit SewHow do you not love a website that opens with, “Hello, fellow yarnies and pants lovers”? Jo Knit Sew is the project of a busy mom who dyes beautiful yarns in soft and bright colorways.Merino, Woolwww.joknitsew.comusmerino wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering jumbo lacedye-to-order mini-skeins
Uschitita Fibre ArtStephanie is the German dyer behind Uchitita Fibre Art. Beautiful colorways with clever names like Stroopwafel and Sweatpants. I’m infatuated with Wild at Heart, a vivid mix of pinks and greens. Products are available through the website and through retailers in the US, EU, Canada, China and Iceland.Alpaca, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolwww.uschitita.comeu europealpaca merino mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedacidfingering lace
Peace FleeceIn 1985 Peter had an idea and traveled to Moscow with a proposal. If he could find a Russian family who would sell him wool, he would buy it and bring it back to Maine to blend with US wool and make a yarn called Peace Fleece. Central to the creation of Peace Fleece was the belief that if historic enemies could do business together, the potential for conflict between them might be reduced. The Russian and US fiber would be spun together, and the hats and sweaters knit from this yarn would affirm that Soviet-American cooperation was possible. “Warm …Merino, Mohair, Rambouillet, Woolwww.peacefleece.comusmerino mohair rambouillet wooltonalaciddk worsted
Western Sky KnitsWestern Sky Knits is run from a Montana cattle ranch run by the fourth and fifth generations of the same family. Yarns include some very bright variegated skeins and more muted tonal shades, as well.Cashmere, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Rambouillet, Silk, Woolwsknits.comuscashmere donegal merino mohair rambouillet silk wooltonal tweed variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering lace sport worsted
Yarn Over New YorkJessie is the owner, dyer and designer behind Yarn Over New York. They are proudly located in Harlem, New York. Offerings include lots of rainbow shades and cool tones.Alpaca, Donegal, Merino, Silk, Woolyarnovernewyork.comusalpaca donegal merino silk wooltonal tweed variegatedacidbulky dk fingering sport worsteddye-to-order
Ewe MommaTracey is the dyer behind Ewe Momma, an independent dye studio and yarn boutique based in Enniskillen’s Buttermarket in County Fermanagh. In addition to beautiful yarn, her site has miniature-book stitch markers that are really well done. Tracey has inventory on the website and on Etsy.BFL, Donegal, Gotland, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wensleydale, ukbfl donegal gotland merino mohair silk wensleydale woolmarl tonal tweed variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering lace sport
River Rat ArtsSan Clemente, California artist Stacey Rivera operates in a number of media, including hand-dyed and handspun yarn. Colors are beautiful, as you would expect from a visual artist.Merino, Woolwww.riverratyarn.comusmerino woolmarl tonal variegatedacidbulky fingering
Rain’s (Obsessive) StitcheryDyer Rain has a wide array of yarns and fiber (including allergy-friendly and vegan options) for your knitting, crocheting, spinning, felting and fluff-petting needs, in all the hand-dyed colors your heart desires.Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Cashmere, Cotton, Merino, Silk, Wool, Yakrainsews.comusalpaca bamboo bfl camel cashmere cotton merino silk wool yakgradient tonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace sportdye-to-order mini-skeins
WhistlebareAt Whistlebare, producing yarn is entirely a family affair. “Every stage of the process is in our hands from selecting the livestock to labelling the last skein of yarn,” says founder Alice. “When you buy natural yarn from Whistlebare, you know that it has been produced with the utmost care; both for its quality and beauty, and its concern for animal welfare and environmental impact.”Mohair, Wensleydale, Woolwhistlebare.comeurope ukmohair wensleydale wooltonalaran dk fingeringlocal
Spectrum FibreSisters Briony and Megan are the dyers at Spectrum Fibre. “I love creating modern colorways with neon speckles that bring delight and joy. I get inspiration from everything around me, often its places that I’ve traveled to or images that I’ve seen and collected,” founder Briony says. “Sometimes color combinations just come to me, and I have a big notebook full of ideas for colorways that I’ve scribbled down after seeing a painting or the colors on some packaging.” The saturated colors in the mohair collection are stunning.Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, ukmerino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering super-bulky
Mr. B YarnMr. B Yarn is a product of Clare Bird’s Birdstreet UK shop. Yarns are mainly tonal and semi-solid, with very nice shades available.Merino, Mohair, Silk, WoolBirdStreetYarn.comeurope ukmerino mohair silk wooltonalaciddk fingering lace
Kremke Soul WoolBritta and Carsten are the makers behind Kremke Soul Wool. They considered naming their business Kremke Slow Wool, to emphasize the enjoyment of making one’s own garments, but in the end decided their yarns were with and for the soul. Yarns are mostly semisolid, with some interesting choices, like a paper option, and a recycled yarn.Alpaca, Cashmere, Cotton, Llama, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Tencel, Woolwww.kremkegarne.deeu europealpaca cashmere cotton llama mohair mulberry-silk silk tencel wooltonal solid variegatedacid undyeddk fingering lace worsted
HavirlandCarol is the US dyer behind Havirland, a small batch dyer, based in southern Maryland. Havirland takes its holiday themes seriously, offering colorways and accessories for the occasion. Self-striping colorways are fun and bright, balanced by lovely neutrals.Merino, Woolhavirland.etsy.comusmerino woolself-striping tonalacidfingering
Sunday KnitsAs a life-long knitter and more recent knitwear designer, Carol Sunday started Sunday Knits yarns in 2008 “after I couldn’t find any hand knitting yarns that suited my wishes for softness, requirements for gauge, and that came in the palette of colors that I had in mind.” Yarns are ethically sourced and include gradient sets and lots of cashmere.Angora, Cashmere, Merino, Woolwww.sundayknits.comusangora cashmere merino woolgradient marl solidacidfingering sport worsted
Atomic Fiber Co.Sayra is the self-described “wool obsessed” dyer behind Atomic Fiber Co. “My batts and yarn are made using the best fibers I can find,” Sayra says. “My products are feltable unless noted. I like to use wool form local sources that pamper their sheep. I buy only from reputable animal friendly farms.” I’m loving the variegated marl/semisolid skeins, and the batts and roving are gorgeous.Merino, Mohair, Peru. Highland, Silk, Woolatomicfiberco.etsy.comusmerino mohair peruvian-highland silk woolmarl tonal variegatedacidfingering lace worstedlocal
APL Crafts Fine YarnAPLCrafts Fine Yarns (Applecrafts) is a small hand dyed yarn company. “I am delighted to share my craft with knitters, crocheters, weavers, and anyone who is as obsessed with yarn as much as I am,” says the dyer. Colorways are very nice; I’m loving the Romantic Endeavor, and it always makes me happy to see Pride colorways. Note: There is a bit of animation as the page loads and you scroll; the yarn photos go from smaller to full-size.BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Polwarth, WoolAPLCraftsFineYarn.etsy.comusbfl cashmere merino polwarth woolhand-painted tonal variegatedaciddk fingeringbipocbipoc
Guntree Gully AlpacasGuntree Gully Alpacas is a working farm in New Zealand that is open to the public. It sells dyed and undyed alpaca yarn, mostly worsted undyedworstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Dizzy Blonde StudiosLaura is the dyer behind Dizzy Blonde Studios, but the title of Dizzy Blonde goes to Trixie, Laura’s pomeranian mix, who has a tendency to chase her tail until she crashes into things. “I’m a knitter, designer and fiber enthusiast who has now ventured into the creative application of color to string as a new artistic outlet,” Laura says. “Whether you’d describe my colorways as subtly variegated or tonally shifting solids, they are fresh and unique. I even have some high-contrast variegations for those of a more daring nature.” Root of All Evil, a brilliant black to blue variegated, is …Cashmere, Corriedale, Merino, Silkwww.dbsyarns.comuscashmere corriedale merino silktonal variegatedaciddk fingeringdye-to-order
Southern SkeinsFlorida-based Southern Skeins sells small batch, hand-dyed yarn with color + fiber + passion. Southern Skeins goal is to provide affordable hand-dyed yarn in all price points. Hand dyed yarn doesn’t need to be expensive to be a luxury, they say.Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, SilkSouthernSkeinsYarn.etsy.comusalpaca cashmere merino silktonal variegatedacidbulky dk sport
Balnahard FarmBalnahard Farm is on the Isle of Colonsay about 20 miles off the coast of Scotland. The farm sells yarns and fiber from Colonsay Wool Growers flocks of BFL and Hebridean sheep. Yarns are dyed using botanical pigments, and many are undyed. Fleeces are available raw or carded.BFL, Hebridean, Woolwww.balnahard.comeurope ukbfl hebridean wooltonalbotanical natural undyedaran chunkylocala-family-farma-family-farm
Blue Barn FiberHolly and Dan at Blue Barn Fiber hand dye every order as it comes in. “Let us know if you want something that you don’t see, and we can make it for you!” they say. “We also offer a wide variety of yarn bases for our hand dyed yarns, and can get other bases if you don’t see exactly what you need. All of our variegated yarn colorways can also be made into gradients and vice versa.”BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, WoolBlueBarnFiber.etsy.comusbfl cashmere merino silk woolgradient tonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace worsteddye-to-order
Fiberdog FibersWhilst trying to get the “Underdog” theme out of my head, I will tell you that US dyer and spinner Nat has put together a beautiful collection of handspun yarns, and fibers so that you can spin your own. Nat does so with the help of German shepherd Hestia, who “helps” with Nat’s spinning far too much.BFL, Romney, Wensleydale, Woolwww.fiberdogfibers.comusbfl romney wensleydale wooltonal variegatedaciddk handspun sportmini-skeins unique
The Wandering FlockGeraldine is the maker behind The Wandering Flock. Offerings include neons, neutrals and deep semi-solids. The neons are worked into some interesting variegated skeins that almost read as pastels. Good stuff.Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.TheWanderingFlock.comuscashmere merino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering worstedbipocbipoc
Anomalous MindCaroline is the Michigan dyer behind Anomalous Mind. In addition to really lovely variegated colorways in sock-weight yarn, Caroline produces knitting bags in cute fabrics and sells great accessories.Merino, WoolAnomalousMind.etsy.comusmerino wooltweed variegatedacidfingering
Lavender SheepYvonne is the dyer behind LavenderSheep. “Everything around me inspires me to make new things! I create every day the things that bring me joy,” Yvonne says. Yvonne finds inspiration in the beauty of the Pacific Northwest.Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woollavendersheep.etsy.comusmerino mohair silk woolgradient variegatedacid undyedbulky fingering lace worstedunique
The Wool KitchenHelen is the founder and hand dyer behind The Wool Kitchen based in east London. “I dye from my garden studio shed,” Helen says. “From Frida Kahlo to David Bowie, to super-novas and the Jurassic coastline, I’m endlessly discovering inspiration for new and unique colour-ways that are only achievable by hand.” Lots of nice colorways here, including a very interesting Neon Camo and Cosmic Girl Dark, a deep blue with rainbow accents.Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.thewoolkitchen.comeurope ukalpaca bamboo bfl merino silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace
Prosper YarnNew Zealand dyer behind Prosper Yarn says, “Warning: I am a yarn enabler! Read further at your own yarn storage risk.” Fair warning.Merino, Mohair, Polwarth, Woolprosperyarn.comaustraliamerino mohair polwarth wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace super-bulky worstedlocal mini-skeins
Eve Chambers TextilesIrish dyer Eve established Eve Chambers Textiles back in 2010 ( known back then as Eve & Apple). “I love colors and the textures of fibers,” Eve says. “Hand dyeing and spinning is my way of exploring these elements.” Eve’s yarns have interesting features, like speckles that glow under black lights.Cotton, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Silk, WoolEveChambersTextiles.etsy.comeu europecotton linen merino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace worsted
Cookston CraftsClaire is the Scottish dyer behind Cookston Crafts. In addition to dyeing beautiful yarn and fiber, Claire teaches crochet, knitting and sewing from her workshop.Alpaca, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.cookstoncrafts.comeurope ukalpaca merino mohair silk wool yaktonal variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering lace
Dye CandyHutch is the yarn and fiber dyer behind Dye Candy, which has fun colorway names like “That’s a Nice Tnetennba” and “Unicorn Massacre.” The “American Cheese” colorway is particularly color-accurate. In addition to great names, Hutch creates interesting color combos. Dye Candy also offers a three-skein mystery pack for a significant discount.Alpaca, Bamboo, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Wool, ukalpaca bamboo cashmere merino silk wool yaktonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace
Blue Sky FibersLinda Niemeyer at Blue Sky Fibers began as an alpaca farmer, and there is still plenty of alpaca represented in the Blue Sky line. Yarns are available on the site and through retailers worldwide.Alpaca, Cashmere, Cotton, Merino, Woolblueskyfibers.comusalpaca cashmere cotton merino wooltonal solid variegatedacid undyedaran bulky dk fingering jumbo sport super-bulky worsted
Avalon Springs FarmAs the farm’s name suggests, Karen, the dyer at Avalon Springs Farm, has a penchant for Arthurian legend. Base names and patterns by a variety of designers carry the theme through. Avalon Springs Farm creates a wide variety of yarns and fiber, some from their own flock. “Our approach to production is to find the best match for each kind of fiber and each individual fleece,” says the website. “Some fleeces are meant to be roving, and some are meant to be yarn. Some are meant to be shown off for their natural color and others a catalyst for Karen’s …Alpaca, Bamboo, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Tussah Silk, Woolwww.avalonspringsfarm.comusalpaca bamboo merino mohair silk tussah-silk woolmarl tonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering jumbo sport super-bulky worstedlocal uniquea-family-farma-family-farm
For the Love of YarnLisa of For the Love of Yarn creates beautiful colorways from a Glasgow studio. Lisa started by making easy-to-hold crochet hooks using polymer clay and now, in addition to a yarn line, has created collections of patterns for both knit and crochet. Good to know: Lisa offers volume discounts on yarn if you order four skeins or more. For the Love’s Cherubs line is dyed by Lisa’s children and supports children’s charities.BFL, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Silk, ukbfl donegal merino mohair silk woolhand-painted tonal tweed variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering lace
Swans Island CompanyMaine’s Swans Island Company makes yarns from local flocks and GOTS-certified organic merino. Yarns are spun on vintage machinery and then hand-dyed, often with natural pigments. In addition to yarn, Swans Island Company sells woven items.Alpaca, Merino, Rambouillet, Woolswansislandcompany.comusalpaca merino rambouillet woolvariegatedbotanical fiber-reactive naturaldk fingering sport worsted
CeCe’s WoolNew York dyer CeCe’s Wool works with their own sheep and those of nearby farms to produce their yarn line. “We know the farmers who supply our wool, and we know their sheep. These are happy sheep, raised locally using sustainable agricultural practices.” Colorways include the All Cooped Up line for those of you who know that chicken eggs come in more colors than white and brown. Note: Kit listings include full-URL links to Ravelry patterns.BFL, Finn, Jacob, Merino, Woolwww.ceceswool.comusbfl finn jacob merino wooltonal variegatedundyedfingering sport super-bulky worstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
DyeForYarnGerman dyers Nicole and Cordula started DyeForYarn when they couldn’t find the shades they wanted for their lace shawls. Today, DyeForYarn stands for hand-dyed yarns of highest quality in unique color ways. They dye small lots of no more than six skeins, which are often one of a kind. Yarns are mostly lace weight, suited for elegant shawls and stoles, fine cardigans and light sweaters. Yarns are available through their Etsy shop and at retailers in the EU, UK, US, Iceland, China and Japan.Alpaca, BFL, Camel, Cashmere, Manx Loagh., Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Tussah Silk, Wool, Yakwww.dyeforyarn.comeu europealpaca bfl camel cashmere manx-loaghtan merino mulberry-silk silk tussah-silk wool yaktonal solidaciddk fingering lace sport
Cat & Sparrow AustraliaThe story of Cat & Sparrow began when Cathy was looking for a spinning wheel. “I answered an ad on Ebay and begged the seller to let me pick up the wheel that very same day. She happily obliged and that’s how I met Rachael (Sparrow),” Cathy says. “We hit off like house on fire, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, it’s history. Unfortunately soon after we started Cat & Sparrow Rachael had to return to England but neither of us wanted to give up what we started, so we became Cat & Sparrow Australia …Bamboo, BFL, Bond, Cotton, Linen, Merino, bfl bond cotton linen merino silkself-striping tonal variegatedacid botanical naturalaran chunky dk fingering handspun lace worstedbipocbipoc
Round Mountain FibersRound Mountain Fibers is a boutique wholesale fiber-arts studio based in Brattleboro, Vermont. They offer an exclusive and unique line of hand-dyed yarn inspired by nature. Collections are: Ornithology (inspired by birds), Botany (inspired by plants), Entomology (inspired by insects), and Aquatic (inspired by underwater creatures).” They sell mainly through LYS, with an extensive list of online and brick and mortar retailers on the site. Brick and mortar stores are all in the US, and the online ones also include international retailers. Note: The blog contains a few URL-based links to Ravelry.Merino, Woolroundmountainfibers.comusmerino wooltonal variegatedaciddk worsted
FyberspatesJeni is the maker behind Fyberspates. “We love strong vibrant hues contrasted with soft metallic grays. We believe that texture is important to show off colour and our hand dyes are made specifically not to distract from the fabrics created with our yarns.” Fyberspates yarns are available on the site, through online retailers and through shops in the UK, EU, Iceland, China and Canada.Alpaca, BFL, Highland, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolfyberspates.comeurope ukalpaca bfl highland merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal solid variegatedacidaran dk fingering
GamerCraftingAngie is the dyer behind GamerCrafting yarns. Why “geeky themes” for colorways? “Why NOT geeky themes?” says Angie. “Many people use awesome things in their world as inspiration, like landscapes, literature, or butterflies. To me, video games are their own art form, so I figured there would be plenty of inspiration on offer.” Lots to see here if you love yarn, even more if you also love gaming.Bamboo, BFL, Merino, Woolgamercrafting.comeurope ukbamboo bfl merino wooltonal variegatedacidbulky chunky dk fingering lace
Explorer Knits + FibersAli is the yarn dyer and knitter behind Explorer Knits + Fibers. “My passion for dyeing is something I could have never expected,” Ali says. “Creating something so unique and inspired by places I’ve traveled brings me so much joy and inspiration. AND seeing others create beautiful knit garments with my hand-dyed yarn is the most special feeling in the world!” Note: Most yarn is sold through pre-order or ready to ship shop updates. See the colorways page to get an idea of the yarns, and then follow Explorer Knits on Instagram or subscribe to the newsletter to get the …Alpaca, Cashmere, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolexplorerknitsandfibers.comusalpaca cashmere donegal merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering lace worsteddye-to-order
An Caitín BeagAn Caitín Beag is Irish for The Little Small Cat. The dyer and designer behind An Caitín Beag says, “I’m Irish, and while I’m no longer very fluent I do love the way the language sounds and works.” This shop is filled with everything to do with yarns and cats. Colorways are gorgeous.BFL, Corriedale, Gotland, Merino, Woolcaitinbeag.comeurope ukbfl corriedale gotland merino wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering
Ritual DyesRitual Dyes is a yarn shop in Portland, Oregon that has its own line of hand-dyed yarns. Drawing inspiration from nature, the great Pacific Northwest, nostalgia and the occult, Ritual Dyes cares deeply about the crafting community and the community at large.Cotton, Linen, Merino, Rambouillet, Woolritualdyes.comuscotton linen merino rambouillet wooltonal variegatedacidfingering lace worsted
Shenandoah Fiber MillDavid and Susan Rabern, owners and operators of Oak Tree Farm, located in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia raise alpacas and run the Shenandoah Fiber Mill. Yarns include fiber from the Rabern alpacas and much more.Alpaca, Angora, Bamboo, Cashmere, Cheviot, Icelandic, Merino, Possum, Shetland, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.shenandoahfiber.comusalpaca angora bamboo cashmere cheviot icelandic merino possum shetland silk wool yaktonalundyedaran dk sportlocala-family-farma-family-farm
MirasolMirasol yarns was founded by Norwegians Kari Hestnes and Per Svendsen to support the Mirasol School, which educates children in an isolated part of Peru, including the children of fiber farmers. Mirasol is available through yarn retailers worldwide. The link below tells you about the school program, rather than the yarn, but isn’t it nice?Alpaca, Angora, Bamboo, Cotton, Linen, Llama, Merino, angora bamboo cotton linen llama merino silktonal solid variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering lace sport super-bulky worsted
Misti AlpacaPeruvian dyer Misti Alpaca sells alpaca, cotton and silk yarns. Most yarns are shown as knitted samples, including knitted socks for the sock yarns. The ply on the chunky yarns looks especially nice.Alpaca, Cotton, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.mistialpaca.coms-americaalpaca cotton merino silk woolhand-painted marl tonal variegatedacid undyedchunky fingering lace worsted
The Fiber SeedThe Fiber Seed’s Lindsay English says, “I dye yarn, not only, with a purpose to be used, but to be the spark of creativity in another person. I want what I do to bring a little joy to someone else’s life, to put a smile on their face.” The Fiber Seed sources yarn from small US farms. Colorways are extra fun, with lots of variegation and speckles used in really nice ways.Merino, Woolwww.thefiberseed.comusmerino woolhand-painted tonal variegatedaciddk fingering worsted
KoiguTaiu and Kersti Landra handpaint most Koigu yarn, which is spun on 1960s equipment in their shop outside Toronto. Offerings include matched color sets and “pencil box” mini sets. Patterns are in the process of addinginclusive sizing, and they’ll size one up for you if it hasn’t happened yet on the one you like.Alpaca, Bison, Cashmere, Corriedale, Gotland, Lincoln, Linen, Masham, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.koigu.comcanadaalpaca bison cashmere corriedale gotland lincoln linen masham merino mohair silk woolhand-painted tonal variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering lace
Made In America YarnsMade In America Yarns is a mill that creates a little bit of everything and sells both by the skein and the cone. There are good prices on undyed fiber, like $15 USD for a pound of linen at this writing. Lots of cotton and linen, some wool, and lots of specialty accent fibers with sparkles and synthetics. Lots of lace. No, it’s not an indie dyer, but it could make the right project really affordable with a better quality than your local big box store. Note: The home page contains motion.Bamboo, Cotton, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Soy, Woolwww.madeinamericayarns.comusbamboo cotton linen merino mohair silk soy woolsolid variegatedacid undyedaran bulky dk fingering lace sport worsted
KauniKauni began in Denmark as an importer of Estonian handmade crafts. Then it shaped the products of Estonian knitting workshops to the Danish market. Today, it sell Estonian-made yarns and knitwear. Possibly best known for its long color changes, Kauni strives for environmental responsibility in everything from packaging to dyes. Buy Kauni from the website or in shops worldwide.Woolwww.kauni.comeu europewoolgradient solidacid undyedfingering lace
Ewe Ewe YarnsHeather Walpole says, “I created Ewe Ewe Yarns to be about finding your own colorful knitting adventure. Grab a color, and pair it with something unexpected! Or choose an everyday palate of neutrals. The decision is all yours!” The Merino superwash solids in four weights are designed to all coordinate. Lots of patterns at Ewe Ewe, as well. Listings contain clearly marked links to Ravelry.Merino, Woolwww.eweewe.comusmerino woolsolidacidbulky fingering sport worsted
John Arbon TextilesJohn Arbon started the John Arbon Textiles mill, along with wife Juliet. John Arbon Textiles is based on a very simple concept: a return to old-style textile manufacture by sustainably sourcing raw fiber locally, wherever possible, and converting it in the UK into high quality tops and yarns.Alpaca, BFL, Corriedale, Exmoor BF, Masham, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Romney, Silk, Wensleydale, Wool, Zwartbleswww.jarbon.comeurope ukalpaca bfl corriedale exmoor-blueface masham merino mulberry-silk romney silk wensleydale wool zwartblessolid variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace sport worsted
Angora OnlineAngora Online sells fiber and yarn from their own bunny friends and from other fibers from BFL to Bamboo. “Our beautiful yarns are made from high quality personally selected angora rabbit fibers. Our bunnies are fed twice a day and given a specially selected rabbit feed, seeds, herbs and timothy hay plus a treat such as a piece of carrot or apple.” Angora fibers are harvested in a cruelty free manner and handspun into yarn.Alpaca, Angora, Bamboo, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Polwarth, Silk, Woolwww.angoraonline.comusalpaca angora bamboo bfl cashmere merino polwarth silk wooltonal solid variegatedacid undyedbulky dk fingering handspun sport worstedlocal
Wild Atlantic YarnsBased in the North West of Ireland, Wild Atlantic yarns is run by Kathleen (with frequent visits, input and distractions from four young children, one golden retriever and a husband). The rich heritage and stunning landscape of Ireland are the influences and inspiration behind the designs, and Wild Atlantic draws upon Irish art, literature and nature when creating new color stories. Note: There is a small amount of motion on the home page.BFL, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.wildatlanticyarns.comeu europebfl donegal merino mohair silk wooltonal tweed variegatedacidaran dk fingering lacedye-to-order
The Corner of Knit & TeaThe Corner of Knit & Tea, is where Laura sells handspun yarns. “I select each braid carefully for color and fiber quality, and then I spin that fiber into beautiful, squishy, barberpoling yarn,” Laura says. “There is nothing like knitting with handspun – it creates the warmest, nicest socks, hats, shawls, mittens … anything and everything you can knit.” Laura kindly credits dyers of the fiber that make up each skein.Alpaca, BFL, Camel, Charollais, Merino, Polwarth, Rambouillet, Rose, Silk, Targhee, Tussah Silk, Wool, YakCornerofKnitandTea.etsy.comusalpaca bfl camel charollais merino polwarth rambouillet rose silk targhee tussah-silk wool yakmarldk handspun sport worsted
De Rerum NaturaSolenn Couix-Loarer of French dyer De Rerum Natura says, “I wanted to believe that we didn’t have to close our eyes on the unknown sources of yarn, on its disastrous carbon footprint and the questionable breeding conditions of sheep in order to enjoy the exquisite sensation of smooth yarn on our needles. I’ve met breeders and industrial yarn makers bursting with ideas to work and create differently.”Linen, Merino d’Arles, Silkdererumnatura.freu europelinen merino-darles silksolidacid fiber-reactivearan dk fingering sport worstedlocal
Magpie Fibers“Magpie Fibers is a multi-racial woman owned business run by a group of incredible women from many backgrounds; diversity is who we are. Inclusivity is our journey, and we’d love for you to join us,” says the Magpie website. The yarn is lovely. I have my eye on the Solstice DK, a cotton/wool/silk blend. Magpie Fibers can be purchased on the site or through shops in the US, UK, Australia and Canada.Cashmere, Corriedale, Cotton, Merino, Silkwww.magpiefibers.comuscashmere corriedale cotton merino silktonaldk fingering worstedbipocbipoc
Red Dog YarnSam Bova is the dyer behind Red Dog Yarn, which produces beautiful handspun in a variety of colors and styles. “All my things are made with my own two hands,” Sam says. “With so many amazing farms in my area it isn’t hard to incorporate local fiber in my spinning as often as possible.”Corriedale, Linen, Mohair, Shetland, Wool, Zwartblesreddogyarn.etsy.comuscorriedale linen mohair shetland wool zwartblesmarl tonalacid botanical naturalbulky handspun jumbo super-bulkylocal
Melissa’s Yarn BarnMelissa’s Yarn Barn, based in Iowa, sells beautiful sock yarns in playful colorways like Barbie and charming ones like Stargazer and Snowy Owl. Fiber is equally beautiful.Alpaca, Merino, WoolMelissasYarnBarn.etsy.comusalpaca merino woolhand-painted marl tonal variegatedaciddk fingering handspun worsted
Susan Crawford VintageSusan runs Susan Crawford Vintage with the help of husband Gavin and daughter Charlie. “We live on a small tenant farm in the North Lancashire hills and it is from here we operate our small independent yarn, design and publishing company,” Susan says. “My passions for knitting, wool, fashion history and books are the threads that tie the separate areas of the business together; and sustainable, ethical, traceable, inclusive, slow fashion is at the core of everything we do.”BFL, Jacob, Lonk, Shetland, Woolsusancrawfordvintage.comeurope ukbfl jacob lonk shetland woolsolid variegatedacid undyeddk fingering sportlocala-family-farma-family-farm
WoolfolkWoolfolk strives to create an incomparable composition of fiber with a refined, modern palette for the discerning knitter. Offerings include chainette-style yarns. Each shade is inspired by its home in the lush Pacific Northwest and carefully chosen for its timeless versatility, from subtle gradients to smart accents. Note: Patterns on this site contain well-marked links to Ravelry. Yarns are available through the Woolfolk site and through retailers in Asia, the US, UK, EU and Australia.Linen, Merino, Woolwoolfolkyarn.comuslinen merino wooltonal soliddk sport
Spirited FibersSpirited Fibers is produced by Adirondack Yarns of Lake Placid, New York. There are several dozen colorways in both fingering and worsted. I’m eyeing the unusual Snow Leopard colorway. Note: Some of the kit pages have URL links to Ravelry for the accompanying pattern.Merino, Woolwww.adirondackyarns.comusmerino wooltonal solidacidfingering worsted
NuaCarol Feller is a knitwear designer based in Cork, Ireland and the artist behind Stolen Stitches and Nua yarns. Nua yarns are a luxurious blend of merino, linen and yak fibers.Linen, Merino, Wool, Yakstolenstitches.comeu europelinen merino wool yaktonalsport worsted
Queenie CrochetTracie is the Illinois dyer behind Queenie Crochet. “All our yarn bases are carefully selected to ensure high quality and exquisite softness making for an incomparable project-making experience,” Tracie says. Tracie’s yarn is also mulesing-free. “You can usually find me curled up with yarn, either a crochet hook or knitting needles, and a big cup of tea (when I’m not scrolling on Instagram!),” Tracie says.Alpaca, BFL, Camel, Cashmere, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolqueeniecrochet.comusalpaca bfl camel cashmere donegal merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal tweed variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering sportdye-to-order mini-skeins
Moseley ParkJane, the dyer at Australia’s Moseley Park, works a sheep and wheat farm with husband Ian on Eyre Peninsula. Learning to dye started with needing affordable yarn. Today, Jane is also the owner of the Earth Palette dye company. “I never fail to be fascinated with wool and fibre, and the endless variety available,” Jane says.Camel, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.moseleyparkhome.comaustraliacamel cashmere merino silk wool yakgradient self-striping tonal variegatedacid undyedbulky chunky dk fingering lacelocala-family-farma-family-farm
Done RovingPaula and Stephen Farrar are the dyers behind Done Roving. Lots to see from this family-run US business. Patterns page contains suggestions for their yarn, and most of patterns have well-marked links that go to Ravelry.Bamboo, Merino, Silkdoneroving.comusbamboo merino silkgradient marl self-striping tonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering worsted
Willow Knits Hand MadeAnne is the dyer behind Willow Knits in Enfield, which offers a variety of silk yarns in fingering and worsted weight.Silkwillowknits.etsy.comeurope uksilktonal solid variegatedacidfingering worsteddye-to-order
Serendipitous YarnsU.S. dyer Serendipitous Wool offers a variety of beautiful, bright variegated yarns and complementary semi solids.BFL, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.serendipitouswool.comusbfl merino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering worstedbipocbipoc
Yoshi and LucyDenise is the dyer behind Yoshi and Lucy yarns. Yoshi and Lucy yarn is hand dyed in New York using professional acid dyes to create charming colors that work well alone or paired together. The stunning complementary colors work well together for trendy fade projects.Merino, WoolYoshiandLucy.etsy.comusmerino wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace sport worsteddye-to-orderbipocbipoc
A Knitter’s HomesteadRiver Kelly is the maker and creator behind A Knitter’s Homestead. “I live with my family on a small farm in the southern region of The States,” River says. “I enjoy knitting, gardening and camping trips. We live slowly on our land while enjoying life’s simple joys.”Merino, Mohair, Woolwww.aknittershomestead.comusmerino mohair wooltonal tweedacidfingering lacebipocbipoc
Middle Brook FiberworksMiddle Brook Fiberworks grew out of the pure joy of creating and sharing creative fiber arts endeavors with others. MBF offers a line of products, from handspun yarn to all-natural lotion bars, as well as classes in its teaching studio. Every product embodies passionate dedication to create items that are unique and delightful, with a focus on sourcing materials that are local, sustainable, and pure.Alpaca, Corriedale, CVM, Mohair, Muga Silk, Shetland, Silk, Tussah Silk, Woolwww.middlebrookfiberworks.comusalpaca corriedale cvm mohair muga-silk shetland silk tussah-silk wooltonalbotanical natural undyedbulky fingering handspun sport worstedlocalbipocbipoc
Aisling YarnsChrista is the artist behind Aisling Yarns and brings her unique sense of color, design, and method to every product. Among Aisling Yarns’ offerings are beautiful seasonal colorways. Aisling also produces beautiful Shaker boxes, designed for knitting and sewing and made from salvaged trees.Alpaca, BFL, Donegal, Linen, Merino, Silk, Tussah Silk, Wool, Yakwww.aislingyarns.comusalpaca bfl donegal linen merino silk tussah-silk wool yaktonal tweed variegatedacidaran dk fingering lacedye-to-order local
Hawari BazaarMichigan designer and dyer Corinne is the artist behind Hawari Bazaar Designs. “I have been crocheting and knitting for the last eight years or so, but it wasn’t until 2016 that I discovered yarn dyeing – and wow. I was hooked! It perfectly suited my painting and crafting needs. I could paint the yarn, then knit it into something fun – how perfect!” Corinne says.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Tussah Silk, WoolHawariBazaar.comusalpaca bfl cashmere merino mohair tussah-silk wooltonal variegateddk fingering sport super-bulky worsteddye-to-order unique
Sheepscot Harbor YarnsLinda is the dyer and designer at Sheepscot Harbor Yarns, based on Davis Island in Maine. Sheepscot Harbor Yarns uses indigo and other natural dyes for its fibers, and also offers patterns and kits that show off the beauty of the yarns.Coopworth, Mohair, Woolwww.harboryarns.comuscoopworth mohair wooltonalbotanical naturalworstedunique
Morehouse Farm MerinoMorehouse Farm began with a plan to grow the finest wool in the US and to re-introduce Merino sheep to New England. Once a wool grower’s favorite, the Merino sheep had all but disappeared from New England farms. Now their champion sheep produce commercially dyed and small-batch yarn. Lots of patterns to see here, too, including the most adorable animal patterns for things like an alligator scarf and animal backpacks.Merino, Woolwww.morehousefarm.comusmerino woolhand-painted marl tonal solid variegatedacidbulky lace sport super-bulky worstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Sweet Paprika DesignsSweet Paprika Designs offers high-quality materials for knitters and crocheters, with a focus on locally sourced and sustainable products. Co-owners (and sisters) Debbie and Elizabeth create their own hand-dyed yarns, knitting kits and patterns in their Montreal dye studio and organize knitting and dyeing events in the community. The gradient sets are exceptional, and Sweet Paprika offers a discount on sweater quantities.BFL, Camel, Linen, Merino, Norbouillet, Silk, Tussah Silk, Woolsweetpaprikadesigns.comcanadabfl camel linen merino norbouillet silk tussah-silk woolgradient tonal variegatedacid fiber-reactivebulky dk fingering lace worstedlocal
Kristin OmdahlIn addition to being a best-selling knit and crochet designer, Florida’s Kristin Omdahl offers a line of yarns. Kristin is the founder of Project Kristin Cares. Kristin donates one-for-one for every item sold monthly from the shop to help fellow survivors of domestic violence. Fibers are mostly plant-based, and there are some beautiful colorways. (I’m looking at you, Meteor Shower and Seaglass.)Bamboo, Casein, Cotton, Linen, Merino, Woolwww.kristinomdahl.comusbamboo casein cotton linen merino wooltonal variegatedacid undyeddk fingering sport worsted
The Loving PathDebbie Jamieson is the dyer behind Ontario’s The Loving Path. “I started hand dyeing yarn 5 years ago when my (then) little son asked for new mittens. As a homeschooler, I thought, ‘What a fun project this could be!’ My sweet boy dyed his mitten yarn all himself. The result was stunning … and we were hooked.”BFL, Merino, Mohair, Woolwww.thelovingpathyarn.comcanadabfl merino mohair wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace worsted
Lã nollinSylvie and Johanna are a mother/daughter duo that has decided to create a small family business dedicated to embroidery and knitting wools, hand dyed naturally. “We were both at a turning point of our lives so we decided to combine our strengths and our respective skills to carry out this beautiful woolly project,” they say.Dorset, Merino d’Arleslanollin.comeu europedorset-horn merino-darlestonalbotanical naturalfingering laceembroidery-thread local
Rosies MomentsRosies Moments is an indie dyer specialising in luxury yarns and fiber. Fiber was out of stock at this writing. “I hand paint ethically sourced luxurious yarns and fibers for knitting, crochet, spinning and weaving,” the dyer says. “A large selection of my yarns are produced in British mills. My inspiration comes from the Somerset countryside and my everyday life.” Rosies Moments yarn includes yarn that glows under black light, and a tweed with white NEP.Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Donegal, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, SeaCell, Silk, Wool, ukalpaca bamboo bfl camel donegal linen merino mohair mulberry-silk seacell silk wool yakhand-painted self-striping tonal tweed variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace sportdye-to-order local
YarninchenYarninchen has a cartoon sheep that is also … a bunny? The yarn and fiber are beautiful, with some gorgeous variegated and tonal colorways.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Tencel, WoolYarninchen.etsy.comeu europealpaca bfl cashmere merino mohair silk tencel woolhand-painted tonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering lace sport
Moods of ColorsSwedish dyer Moods of Colors offers everything from icy pastels to neons, in a variety of bases. Translation leads to color names like Soil Green Moods that will make you smile. The just-viewed category within each yarn weight shimmies for a half-second after you hit the back button, so if you’re sensitive to motion, look away until the page settles. Patterns for kits are available through clearly marked links to Ravelry.Alpaca, Cormo, Corriedale, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolwww.moodsofcolors.comeu europealpaca cormo corriedale merino mohair mulberry-silk silk woolmarl tonal tweed variegatedacidchunky dk fingering lace sport
Hu MadeAmanda Hu is the dyer behind Hu Made. “I’m happiest when I’m making things and exploring different methods/ textures. Color is at the core of my textile work, and I’m so happy to share some of those explorations here with you.” Amanda is also a paper maker and book binder. Hu Made is based in the big apple New York City and inspired by unexpected color combinations drawn from the nooks and crannies of this bustling metropolis.Cotton, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Romney, Silk, Woolhu-made.comuscotton linen merino mohair romney silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering lace sportdye-to-order localbipocbipoc
Orange Flower YarnKarin is the dyer behind Orange Flower Yarn. “I dye a wide variety of yarns made of merino wool, BFL wool, silk, nylon, cashmere, linen, and alpaca blends,” Karin said. “My favorites tend to be the 100% wool yarns – both superwash and non-superwash. … I enjoy creating new colorways and tend to lean toward muted, complex, and layered colors, though I do like bold, saturated, hues, too!Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Silk, Tussah Silk, Wool, Yakwww.orangefloweryarn.comusalpaca bfl cashmere linen merino mohair mulberry-silk polwarth silk tussah-silk wool yaktonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace sport worsted
Vida Lifestyle New YorkAll Vida Lifestyle yarns are hand-dyed locally in New York. “We believe that a colorful life is a happy life, and having dessert for breakfast makes it even better!” the website says.Alpaca, Cashmere, Donegal, Merino, Woolwww.vidalifestyleny.comusalpaca cashmere donegal merino woolself-striping tonal tweed variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace super-bulky
Casual Fashion QueenSheena is the dyer behind Casual Fashion Queen. “I get my inspiration from everything around me. Literally, everything!” Sheena says. “I am constantly listening to music, so that plays a big part in naming colorways, but I have found myself dyeing random things in my life like my parakeet Chloe, who inspired Fat Bottom Girls. I have always been a very colorful person, inside and out, so I think color speaks to me and dyeing yarn is how I speak back.”Merino, Woolwww.casualfashionqueen.comusmerino wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingeringdye-to-order
Sweet FiberMelissa is the dyer behind Sweet Fiber, a luxury hand dyed yarn company on the south coast of British Columbia. “Inspired by the beautiful place we call home, we strive to supply today’s knitters with incredible colourways, exquisite yarns and unique knitwear designs,” Melissa says. Offerings include 100% cashmere aran-weight yarnCashmere, Merino, merino wooltonalacidaran dk sport worsteddye-to-order
Comma Chameleon Yarn Co.Erika is the one-woman dyer-worker bee behind this small-time business. “I live and dye out of my kitchen in Des Moines, Iowa,” Erika says. “I send each of my skeins out into the world with the same thrill that they’re destined to be crafted into more than the sum of their parts.” Erica offers Curated Combos to match Comma Chameleon Yarns in ways you may not have considered.Merino, Peru. Highland, Woolcommachameleonyarnco.comusmerino peruvian-highland wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering
The Kinetic Knitter YarnsKara is the artist behind The Kinetic Knitter. “I have been knitting and crocheting since I was very young. I have always been drawn to all things arts and crafts, Kara says. “I am a photographer, animal lover and of course, yarn lover! I am so happy to be able to create art on skeins of yarn for others to enjoy.”Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Silk, WoolTheKineticKnitter.etsy.comusalpaca bfl merino silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace super-bulky worsted
Neatnik YarnsCanadian dyer Neatnik Yarns is all about color and luxury, especially bright variegated colorways on soft, chunky yarn. “My process involves dyeing yarn in micro batches, in such a way as to layer colors on top of each other,” says owner Angela Ashton. “It is more time consuming than the usual method of using one application of dye, but it provides that depth of color that I am addicted to.”Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Woolneatnikyarns.comcanadaalpaca cashmere merino silk wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering handspun jumbo sport worsted
Parkour KittiesLois Teo is the dyer behind Singapore-based Parkour Kitties. “I am a knit/crochet addict with a huge passion for craft-works. All items are hand dyed by me,” Lois says. Lois will dye to order and will also create a custom colorwork for you and your parkour kitties.Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Silk, WoolParkourKittiesFibers.etsy.comasiacashmere merino mohair mulberry-silk polwarth silk woolmarl tonal variegatedaciddk fingering lacedye-to-order unique
Spincycle YarnsU.S. dyers Kate and Rachel began Spincycle Yarns as a handspinnery in 2004, “the two of us kettle dyeing and spinning all of our yarn in small batches and selling at our local farmers’ market. When, in 2012, a little fiber mill opened its doors just south of our Bellingham, Washington, studio and dye house, we partnered with them to begin production of a millspun yarn that would maintain the look of our handspun yarn but which could be produced at a much faster pace. Turns out that was a pretty good idea.” Yarn is available through the website and …Merino, Woolspincycleyarns.comusmerino woolmarl variegatedaciddk sport worsted
The Grey Sheep Co.Emma of The Grey Sheep Co. says, “Our aim is to demonstrate that exceptional knitting yarns can be produced from a caring and ethical farm, that invests in the landscape, biodiversity and care of its animals. … Each animal is treated as an individual with no flockwide use of antibiotics. The lambs are left on the ewes to self wean meaning that the lambs are not stressed and consequently are stronger and more resilient to illness. Our goal is to prove that we can produce awesome yarn, but not at the expense of our animals and our land.” Yarns is …Gotland, Hampshire, Merino, Shetland, ukgotland hampshire merino shetland wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lacelocala-family-farma-family-farm
Cape May Fiber CoNew Jersey based Cape May Fiber Co is inspired by the sea and shore. “Taking my fine arts degree and my knowledge of yarns and fibers, my goal is to produce extraordinary colors on yarns that bring joy and comfort to those who knit and wear them,” the dyer says. I get so much joy out of seeing a fellow knitter make something I designed. It truly brings happiness to my heart to know someone enjoyed what was once a sketch in my mind.”Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, Mulberry Silk, SeaCell, Silk, Wool, Yakcapemayfiber.comusalpaca cashmere merino mulberry-silk seacell silk wool yakgradient tonal variegatedacid botanical naturalchunky dk fingering lace super-bulkyunique
Andromeda SockMelissa B. is the dyer behind Andromeda Sock. “It’s been a really fun trip so far!” Melissa says. “I’m really lucky to dye in a home studio in the lovely city of Colorado Springs. All items made in a smoke free, cat friendly home. (The cat doesn’t go in the studio.)Merino, Woolwww.andromedasockyarn.comusmerino wooltonal variegatedacidchunky dk fingering sportdye-to-order
The Wool BarnThe Wool Barn is a small, artisan hand-dyed yarn company based in Hertfordshire, England. The Wool Barn was born out of love for knitting with high quality yarns and luxury fibers. It uses traditional kettle dyeing methods and enjoy the slow process of making small batches of uniquely hand dyed yarns. Gorgeous semi-solid colors.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.thewoolbarn.comeurope ukalpaca bfl cashmere merino mohair silk wool yaktonalaciddk fingering lacedye-to-order
Henlia HandmadeMindy Kingery is the CEO of Henlia Handmade, a U.S. yarn company that does everything possible to create an environment-friendly product. Henlia uses natural dyes, and all fibers are from the U.S., including some from Mindy’s own sheep.Alpaca, Cormo, Merino, Rambouillet, Woolhenliahandmade.comusalpaca cormo merino rambouillet wooltonal variegatedbotanical naturalfingering worstedlocal
Cloud 9 FiberworksCanadian dyer Daria is the artist behind Cloud 9 Fiberworks. There are several breed-specific yarns and spinning fiber, in gorgeous colors, including a yarny tribute to TV’s best mom, Morticia Addams.Merino, Shetland, Silk, shetland silk woolself-striping tonal variegatedacidfingering worsted
Green Tea YarnsSadie is the artist behind Green Tea Yarns. “With a background in fashion and textiles and a daily uniform of black, it was as though I was returning to a long lost love when I rediscovered the fiber arts in 2014. Seeking out gorgeous yarns from around the world to fondle and to dye – a blend of art and science, I seek to create unique and unusual colorways, beautiful yarns and gorgeous gradients to help knitters and crocheters create beautiful things that they will cherish for years to come,” Sadie says. “I love tea – a mug of Chai …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Cashmere, Corriedale, Cotton, Hemp, Linen, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, SeaCell, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.GreenTeaYarns.etsy.comaustraliaalpaca bamboo bfl camel cashmere corriedale cotton hemp linen merino mulberry-silk polwarth seacell silk wool yakgradient tonal solid variegatedacid botanical fiber-reactive naturalaran dk fingering handspun lace sportunique
The Crafty BirdCrochet designer and dyer Robyn Berry is indeed The Crafty Bird. The hat patterns are creative and range from traditional to modern designs. The yarn has rich tones, with some fall colors emerging, as well.BFL, Merino, ukbfl merino wooltonal variegatedaran dk fingering
Fibre Art StudioCanadian dyer Yoriko Oki is the artist behind Fibre Art Studio. Yarns range from tweeds to variegated skeins in a number of bases. Yoriko also sells undyed yarns including mini skeins and a mohair boucle.Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Peru. Highland, Silk, WoolFibreArtStudio.etsy.comcanadadonegal merino mohair peruvian-highland silk wooltonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering lace worstedbipocbipoc
Rhythm KnitsNew Yorker Yvonne Goodwin is the dyer behind Rhythm Knits. These medium tone, mostly variegated yarns are in repeatable batches and available dyed to order.Cashmere, Merino, WoolRhythmKnits.etsy.comuscashmere merino wooltonal variegatedacidfingering worsteddye-to-orderbipocbipoc
The Uncommon ThreadCe started The Uncommon Thread in 2010 after knitting for a few years and becoming completely addicted to hand-dyed yarns. Ce loves color, texture and most of all, knitting. The Uncommon Thread sells lots of complementary colors in a number of bases and weights. In addition to the website, the yarn is available through shops in the UK, US, EU, Canada and Japan.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Silk, ukalpaca bfl cashmere merino mulberry-silk polwarth silk wooltonalacidaran bulky dk fingering lace sportdye-to-order
WildStar FibersNakia is the creator and dyer behind WildStar Fibers, based in Seattle. “My love of all the creative arts goes back to toddlerhood when I could be found coloring (unsanctioned) murals across the walls of my home. … Each skein of WildStar Fibers yarn is hand dyed by me in my home studio,” Nakia says. “My inspiration comes from the world around me. Books, movies, music, nature, art, everywhere and everything.” Colors are rich and bright, and there is a lot to choose from, which won’t make it easy.Merino, Woolwildstarfibers.square.siteusmerino wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingeringdye-to-orderbipocbipoc
BzyPeachLaverne is the designer and dyer behind BzyPeach, based in Atlanta. In addition to Laverne’s crochet patterns, the site has bright, hand-dyed cotton skeins you’ll really like. And don’t miss the clever tote bags on the Etsy site. Note: There is small amount of motion as pages load on Laverne’s main site.Cotton, Tencelwww.bzypeach.comuscotton tenceltonal solid variegatedfiber-reactivedk fingeringembroidery-thread mini-skeinsbipocbipoc
Teresa Ruch DesignsOregon dyer Teresa Ruch Designs specializes in dyeing a Tencel yarn that is made from Canadian wood pulp from junk trees that grow in poor soil with very little water. It’s environmentally responsible, holds color well, is very drapy and has a beautiful shine.Tencelwww.teresaruchdesigns.comustenceltonal solid variegatedacid undyedfingering lace
Baah YarnMira Cole is the dyer behind Southern California’s Baah Yarn. This handpainted yarn is available in numerous shades, in a number of bases and several weights. Baah is available mainly through U.S. local yarn shops. One online shop is also listed.Alpaca, Cashmere, Highland, Merino, Woolbaahyarn.comusalpaca cashmere highland merino wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering sport super-bulky worsted
mudpunchChantel, the dyer behind mudpunch, says the company is named after a childhood entrepreneurial venture. No supplies for lemonade? Make mudpunch. Today, Chantel makes beautiful, crisp sell-striping yarn from a home-based studio in Canada. These yarns go fast, so you might want to watch the mudpunch Instagram account to see when the store is about to restock.Merino, Woolmudpunch.comcanadamerino woolself-stripingacidfingering
Shirley Brian YarnsBeckie is sole dyer, web-site operator, packer, shipper, e-mailer, and head of anything and everything that goes into Shirley Brian Yarns. The business is named for Beckie’s grandmother, who was never not knitting. Shirley Brian Yarns is available on the site and also through shops in the U.S. and Canada. I am loving the Deconstructed Fade Sock colorways.BFL, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wool, Yakshirleybrian.comcanadabfl donegal merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wool yakself-striping tonal tweed variegatedacidfingeringdye-to-order
Misfit YarnsMichele is the dyer behind Misfit Yarns in Chicago. This shop features vibrant and fun hand-dyed yarns, and hand-dyed silk scarves. “I specialize in variegated, speckled and semi-solid colorways with unique color combos,” Michele says.BFL, Camel, Merino, Silk, Woolmisfityarns.etsy.comusbfl camel merino silk wooltonal variegatedacid botanical naturaldk fingering sportdye-to-order
Hazel KnitsHazel Knits offer tonal yarns in a spectrum of colors that offers the possibility for any number of gradient sets. Yarns are available on the website and through retailers in the US, UK and Canada.Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.hazelknits.comuscashmere merino mohair silk wooltonalaciddk fingering lace
Toad Hollow YarnsOn an island in New Jersey is a fairy tale of a yarn shop called Toad Hollow. Sisters Helen and Mary Beth Graham have turned their love of fabric (you really must look) and yarn into colorways themed to stories like Little Red Riding Hood and The Princess Bride. If you like this aestethic, you’ll love the shades, and you’ll love Toad Hollow’s knitting bags, too.Alpaca, Cotton, Donegal, Merino, Silk, Wooltoadhollownj.comusalpaca cotton donegal merino silk wooltonal tweed variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace
Tine & FloydWhile training a sheepdog, the proprietor of Tine & Floyd noticed that fleeces were being used as dog bedding. The trainer explained that wool prices were so low that shearing costs couldn’t be recouped. What’s more, there was little demand for colored wool from rare breeds. “I pondered about that for a while, and after a few months decided that I would take Sarah’s output the following year and see whether I could promote the wool and turn my crafting into a business.” Tine & Floyd colorways lean toward cooler colors in bases from lace to super bulky.BFL, Corriedale, Icelandic, Merino, Mohair, Ryeland, Silk, Tussah Silk, ukbfl corriedale icelandic merino mohair ryeland silk tussah-silk woolmarl tonal variegatedacid undyedaran bulky dk fingering lace super-bulky worstedlocal
KKISSIKissi is a small independent textile designer producing exquisite hand-dyed yarns from the KKISSI studio in Bath. Kissi works with natural fibers to create an eclectic blend of tonal and saturated colors. Kissi draws on a wide range of influences from West country landscapes, global cityscapes to African tribal art. Kissi’s love of fiber extends to spinning, weaving, tapestry work and sewing. I’d tell you about the Smoke Rose Gradient fingering, but I bought the last one.Bamboo, Linen, Merino, Silk, WoolKKISSI.etsy.comeurope ukbamboo linen merino silk wooltonal variegatedacidfingeringbipocbipoc
Myrtle YarnThere’s a lot of beautiful squish to see in Canadian dyer Kara’s Myrtle Yarn shop. There are lovely bright colors and soothing neutrals, dyed in small batches, with larger amounts available as dye-to-order.Merino, Woolwww.myrtleyarn.comcanadamerino wooltonal variegatedacidaran bulky chunky dk fingering worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins uniquebipocbipoc
Dyed by Hand YarnsAustralian dyer Julie of Dyed by Hand Yarns started textile adventures at an early age. Today, Julie is “surrounded by an Australian rural setting I spend much of my time immersed in fiber related pursuits, combining the wondrous colors of nature with yarn to tell my story.” Yarn is available in a number of colorways across a variety of bases.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.dyedbyhandyarns.comaustraliaalpaca bfl cashmere merino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace
Loop Fiber StudioNew York state’s Loop Fiber Studio, run by Stephanie Gorin, produces Yin Yang yarn, a lovely marl that is available in one colorway and its opposite for interesting knitting combinations. Yin Yang is spun at a craft mini mill with lots of human interaction and very little computerized automation.Merino, Woolloopfiberstudio.comusmerino woolmarlacidfingering worsted
Jill Draper Makes StuffJill Draper Makes Stuff is a truly handmade company. Its hand-dyed yarn is made in many cases from locally sourced wool and spun in the U.S. Its mission is to supply the world of knitters and crocheters with colorful hand dyed yarn and spinning fiber made with love in New York’s Hudson Valley. Note that the pattern suggestions section has clearly marked links to Ravelry.Alpaca, Cheviot, Merino, Rambouillet, Targhee, cheviot merino rambouillet targhee woolmarl tonal tweed variegatedacidaran dk fingering sport worstedlocal
Daughter of a ShepherdThe Daughter of a Shepherd journey began the Hebridean sheep who graze Escrick Park Estate, shepherded by the owner’s father, John Atkinson. With a firm commitment to using only 100% British wool from shepherds and producers within the United Kingdom, Daughter of a Shepherd aims to support all aspects of British manufacturing in its processing and production. Fibers are interesting, like the Ram Jam line that uses yarn from a number of British breeds that would otherwise be discarded. Most are undyed, while some are dyed. Quality is gorgeous.BFL, Castlemilk M., Cheviot, Exmoor BF, Hebridean, Texel, Wool, Zwartblesdaughterofashepherd.comeurope ukbfl castlemilk-moorit cheviot exmoor-blueface hebridean texel wool zwartblessolid variegatedacid undyedaran chunky dk fingering lace sportlocal
Coop KnitsSock designer extraordinaire Rachel Coopey’s Coop Knits offers everything from heathered solids to ultra-bright neon sock yarn. Rachel’s clever pattern books are available on the site, and individual patterns can be purchased on Ravelry and LoveCrafts.Merino, ukmerino woolsolidacidfingering
Queen’s Yarn BoutiqueRoshelle is the owner and dyer of Queen’s Yarn Boutique yarns. “I started dyeing yarn because when I went to yarn shops, I could not find the colorways that I had in my head,” Roshelle says. “I am not afraid of color!! The brighter, the bolder, the more vibrant … the better!! My yarn bases are named after Prince songs. I have fond memories with my daddy Wendell listening to Prince’s Diamonds and Pearls on a cassette tape as a little girl. My shop name Queen’s Yarn Boutique is inspired by my amazing and beautiful Grandma Queen.”BFL, Cashmere, Donegal, Merino, Woolqueensyarnboutique.comusbfl cashmere donegal merino wooltonal variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering sport super-bulky worstedbipocbipoc
The Crochet CoveThe Crochet Cove, a home-based business in the Washington, D.C., area, specializes in luxury wool and wool blends for the modern crocheter and knitter. “Our mission is to increase representation in the fiber arts community, provide playful, rich-colored yarn, and most of all, change how the world views crochet. How would you like some silk in your granny squares?” asks dyer Nia. “Our yarn is dyed in small batches, which means each hank has its own unique characteristics and no two finished objects will be the same.”Merino, Woolwww.thecrochetcove.comusmerino wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering worstedbipocbipoc
Emma’s YarnEmma’s Yarn was started by Emma, a then 15-year-old home-schooled student who was dying yarn for a math lesson about ratios and fell in love with fiber and color. Emma is finishing high school, and sister Aspen, who just graduated college, has joined Emma in dyeing and developing Emma’s Yarn full time. With a family of knitters and weavers with entrepreneurial minds and a passion for color, Emma’s Yarn quickly went from a creative school lesson to a family-run, lots-of-fun dye studio in Winter Haven, Florida. To support LYS, Emma’s Yarn is for sale only through LYS sites in the …Cashmere, Cotton, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.emmasyarn.comuscashmere cotton merino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering
A Hundred RavensA Hundred Ravens is a small studio in New Hampshire producing “amazing hand-dyed yarn.” Their definition of amazing holds up: consistent color, stability, no knots, consistent diameter, interesting fiber combinations, seasonal colorways, gradient sets, coordinating colorways and more. “There’s a lot of hand-dyed yarn out there. Our commitment is to be the best,” says A Hundred Ravens. Colors and colorways are beautiful here.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Linen, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wool, Yakahundredravens.comusalpaca bfl cashmere linen merino mulberry-silk silk wool yakgradient tonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace worsteddye-to-order mini-skeins
Sealy MacWheelyHaving fallen completely in love with alpacas, Katie Seal, the maker behind Sealy MacWheely yarns, quickly learned to spin and then to dye. In 2018, “with the support of a Kickstarter campaign and the generosity of 155 incredible backers, Sealy MacWheely opened its doors for the first time as a local yarn and fiber shop in the lovely wee town of Kirkintilloch!” Katie says, adding that an alpaca herd is still on the wish list. Colors in these yarns are really nice, and there are fun colorways named for elements of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” and “Firefly.”Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.sealymacwheely.comeurope ukalpaca bfl cashmere merino silk wool yaktonal variegatedacid undyeddk fingering lacedye-to-order local unique
WollelfeAustrian dyer Katrin is the artist behind Wollelfe, an Austrian shop that creates gradient-dyed yarn. “Since 2012, we dye everything by hand in our yarn studio,” Katrin says. “This results in stunning yarns and gradients that are not interrupted by any annoying knots.”Cashmere, Cotton, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, WoolWollelfe.etsy.comeu europecashmere cotton merino mulberry-silk silk woolgradient solid variegatedaciddk fingering lacedye-to-order
Songbird Yarn & FibresSongbird Yarn & Fibres describes itself, fittingly, as a fledgling indie dyer. “I love mixing my two passions, birds and yarn!” says the Canadian dyer. “Each colorway includes some fun facts about the specific bird I am featuring.” Songbird Yarn & Fibres donates a portion of each skein price to Birds Canada toward conservation efforts. Among the offerings are matching sets of yarns, adorably called Love Birds, and sock tubes for “fledgling” knitters. Note: Some kits are sold with Ravelry download codes.Merino, Woolsongbirdfibres.cacanadamerino wooltonal variegatedacidbulky fingering lace worsteddye-to-order
Rehwa FibersRehwa Fibers helps Tibetan nomads benefit from the sale and trade of yak fiber. Proceeds help support communities and help families send their children to school. Most yarn is 100% yak; some has Merino or silk mixed in. Lots of great yarns and patterns, too.Merino, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.reywafibers.comusmerino silk wool yaktonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace sport
GarthenorSally Davies’ Garthenor yarn company helped write the first ever organic standards for woollen yarns. “In 2003, we became the first company in the world to produce fully certified organic wool yarns – and we’ve never stopped,” Sally says. “Since then, we’ve been obsessed with traceable, ethical yarns. Everything we do is certified to Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS).”Blk. Welsh Mtn., Castlemilk M., Dorset, Galway, Herdwick, Jacob, Llanwenog, Manx Loagh., N. Ronaldsay, Portland, Romney, Ryeland, Shetlandgarthenor.comeurope ukblack-welsh-mtn castlemilk-moorit dorset-horn galway herdwick jacob llanwenog manx-loaghtan north-ronaldsay portland romney ryeland shetlandmarl tonalacid undyedaran chunky dk fingering lace super-bulkylocal
Alex CreatesAlexander Reynoso is a self-taught fiber artist who has done installations/fabrications for artists like London Kaye, NaomiRag, Nathan Vincent, Knitsforlife, ishKnits, Magda Sayeg and more. Alex started Alex Creates at age 14. Alex also was behind the 2019 LGBT Center tree yarnbombs in the Greenwich Village and creates yarn bombs for special occasions. Alex’s website offers hand-dyed yarn in beautiful, bright colorways, in gradients, tonal and variegated skeins, plus handspun art yarns.Bamboo, Cotton, Merino, Rambouillet, Woolwww.alexcreates.ususbamboo cotton merino rambouillet woolgradient tonal variegatedaciddk fingering handspun worstedbipocbipoc
Tippy Tree YarnsTiffany Foppe is the dyer behind Tippy Tree Yarns. There are lots of styles of yarns to choose from, and colorways from garden hues to brights.Donegal, Merino, Wooltippytreeyarns.comusdonegal merino wooltonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering super-bulky worsted
Ginger Twist StudioJess learned to knit in Oregon, and Kathleen learned in Australia. Now they celebrate their love of fiber by operating Ginger Twist Studio in Scotland. The shop offers their hand-dyed yarns, as well as yarns from other makers. Yarns are tonal, across a wide array of bases.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Corriedale, Lincoln, Linen, Masham, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Shetland, Silk, Wensleydale, Woolgingertwiststudio.comeurope ukalpaca bfl cashmere corriedale lincoln linen masham mohair mulberry-silk shetland silk wensleydale wooltonalacidaran chunky dk fingering lace sport worsted
Sassy Black Yarns“My yarn loving journey first started in 1998,” says Connecticut dyer Lakisher at Sassy Black Yarns. “After joining the military, one of my many duty stations was in Seoul, Korea. I had the opportunity to tour a fabric mill and fell in love immediately. … I love making scarves and shawls, but I needed something more. I decided to give dyeing a try, and immediately fell in like/lust/love with it. A co-worker told me that I should turn my love of yarn into a business, because I would be the perfect one to put extra sass in it.” I especially …Cotton, Linen, Merino, Peru. Highland, Woolwww.sassyblackyarns.comuscotton linen merino peruvian-highland wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering sport worstedbipocbipoc
Penberth YarnsPenberth Yarns proprietor Sarah Whittle is a fiber artist, hand spinner, weaver, knitter and crocheter based near Land’s End in Cornwall. “In fact, I love everything woolly. I take my inspiration for my yarns from my love of nature and the sea,” Sarah says. Penberth Yarns are a range of beautiful handspun fibers from various sheep breeds. Offerings include art yarns with a bit of sparkle or beads.BFL, Corriedale, Exmoor BF, Gotland, Masham, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Silk, Teeswater, Tussah Silk, Wool, ZwartblesPenberthYarns.etsy.comeurope ukbfl corriedale exmoor-blueface gotland masham merino mohair mulberry-silk polwarth silk teeswater tussah-silk wool zwartblesmarl tonal variegatedacid botanical natural undyedbulky chunky dk handspun sport super-bulky
Sheep on MarsHand-dyer Natasha is the proprietor of Nottingham-based Sheep on Mars. Natasha’s love of wool began with spinning. That led Natasha into hand-dyeing, which became such a passion that it led to the establishment of Sheep On Mars as a full-time endeavor. In addition to beautiful wools (Dheck out the chunky; the texture is divine.), Sheep on Mars sells vegan silk, a rayon fiber with lovely sheen and drape. Perfect for summer.Corriedale, Merino, Rayon, Silk, Woolwww.sheeponmars.comeurope ukcorriedale merino rayon silk wooltonal solid variegatedacidchunky dk fingering
Joy to the WoolLondon-based Joy to the Wool is a holiday cornucopia of hand-dyed sock yarns. There are a number of colorways each for Christmas, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Easter … you get the idea. Most come with a themed stitch marker to make your project festive.WoolJoytotheWoolCo.etsy.comeurope ukwooltonal variegatedacidfingering
ModeKnit YarnThe late Minnesota knit and crochet designer Annie Modesitt wanted to create a line of hand dyed yarns in the semi-solids and color blends that she found so inspiring. After 30+ years as a knitting designer, author and knitting teacher, Annie had firm ideas about creating colors that would work well in many combinations, allowing anyone to feel like an absolute color maven.Alpaca, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.modeknityarn.comusalpaca merino silk wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace worsted
AnzulaAnzula is located in downtown Fresno, California. “We are passionate about good yarn and vibrant colors. Our team hand-dyes yarn and fibers made from the most luxurious fibers in the world like cashmere, tussah silk, linen, merino, targhee, tencel, alpaca, yak, and milk protein. Our intense love of knitting, crocheting, weaving has lead us to create over 140 stunning colorways, all of which are available in every yarn base we offer.” The Anzula website lists online and brick and mortar retailers in the US, Canada, UK, EU, Australasia, and Japan.Bamboo, Casein, Linen, Merino, Silk, Targhee, Tussah Silk, Wool, Yakanzula.comusbamboo casein linen merino silk targhee tussah-silk wool yaktonalacidaran bulky chunky dk fingering lace sport super-bulky worsted
Bluebell YarnsBluebell Yarns began with a small idea several years ago and has steadily grown ever since. The business is run by Becca (BeccaBadger in various places on the internet) from Becca’s home in Dorset. Bluebell Yarns creates hand-dyed, British, non-superwash yarns that contain no synthetic materials. All fibers are from the UK. British wool is often only available undyed. “My aim is to allow everyone to enjoy British sheep breeds while also enjoying hand dyed yarn,” Becca says. The results are gorgeous.Alpaca, Dorset, Jacob, Masham, Merino, Mohair, Shetland, Teeswater, Texel, WF Woodland, ukalpaca dorset-horn jacob masham merino mohair shetland teeswater texel whitefaced-woodland wooltonal variegatedacid undyedaran chunky dk fingering lacelocal
Ripples CraftsHelen Lockhart of Ripples Crafts lives in the Northwest Highlands of Scotland with husband, Stevan. Together, they run the business, which sells Helen’s hand-dyed yarn. “Besides dyeing yarn, I am also an avid knitter, not very good crocheter and a beginner at weaving on my rigid heddle loom,” Helen says. Offerings at Ripple Crafts come in lovely colors and include a rarely seen aran tweed.BFL, Bowmont, Donegal, Exmoor BF, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wensleydale, Wool, Yakwww.ripplescrafts.comeurope ukbfl bowmont donegal exmoor-blueface merino mohair silk wensleydale wool yaktonal tweed variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace sport
Knitted Wit“We dye yarn for the hand knitter and fill each skein with as much color and sass as they can handle!” says Lorijean Kelly of Knitted Wit. Knitted Wit National Park colorways are named after beautiful places in the US like North Cascades National Park (wow). Lorijean also has sassy colorways for mythical creatures.Merino, Mohair, Polwarth, Silk, Targhee, WoolKnittedWit.etsy.comusmerino mohair polwarth silk targhee wooltonal variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering lace sport worsted
Abstract FiberAbstract Fiber makes gorgeous yarn in the Pacific Northwest. Owners Lori and Lew dye everything from lace weight to bulky in an array of colorways. The Kente Spirit colorway is particularly beautiful.Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Targhee, Woolwww.abstractfiber.comuscashmere merino silk targhee wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace sport worstedbipocbipoc
The Blue BrickYou know those yarn sites that make you catch your breath? The Blue Brick is one of those. The colors. Each base is named for a beautiful part of Canada, of which there are many. The Blue Brick sells skeins as large as 1200 yards, and has some yarn-theme photo prints you might enjoy for your crafting nook.Cashmere, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolshop.thebluebrick.cacanadacashmere merino mulberry-silk silk woolacidfingering sportbipoc
Sea Change FibersSarah is the dyer behind Sea Change Fibers, based in amazing Santa Cruz, California. Sea Change was born out of a desire to combine the gorgeous colors and variations of hand dyed processes with wooly non-superwash yarn that people will love to knit. “Vibrant colors are a signature of Sea Change Fibers,” Sarah says. “We are always inspired by the colors of nature, especially those found in and around Monterey Bay and the redwood forests. We love dyeing and knitting with complex jewel tones as well as tonal neutrals. While we do cycle in new colors frequently, we rarely retire …BFL, Corriedale, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Rambouillet, Silk, Wool, Yakseachangefibers.comusbfl corriedale merino mulberry-silk rambouillet silk wool yakmarl tonal tweed variegatedacid undyeddk fingering lace sport worsteddye-to-order
Nomadic YarnsU.S. dyer Ashley Aguilar’s “About” page says, simply, “Hi. I hoard yarn.” Does there need to be more? Nomadic Yarns come in rich, self-striping colorways and tonals. Check out Christmas Past. Many colorways are dye-to-order, on a variety of bases that include a Donegal tweed.BFL, Donegal, Merino, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.nomadicyarns.comusbfl donegal merino silk wool yakself-striping tonal tweedacidfingering sportdye-to-orderbipocbipoc
LGF Suris YarnsMargaret and mom Sue raise Suri alpacas at Little Gidding Farm in Minnesota. “We have focused on having the finest Suri alpaca yarn available,” Margaret says. LGF has the yarn processed and spun locally, adding in other locally sourced fibers. LGF Suris Yarns typically sells only through retailers, to help LYS stay afloat, but during the pandemic they are planning to offer yarns through the website. They also sell patterns through clearly marked links to Ravelry and at their brick and mortar store.Alpaca, Targhee, Woollgfsuris.comusalpaca targhee wooltonalaciddk fingering lace sport worstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
From Me To Yarn“Our goal at From Me To Yarn is to share the love of color and empower crafters everywhere to express themselves through fiber,” writes dyer and owner Jessica Frias. “We believe that crafters can help make the world a brighter, more inclusive and understanding version of itself, and we wanted to start our mission by offering our customers something that will make them feel special just for being their amazing selves.” From Me To Yarn makes monthly donations “to charities focusing on empowering communities all over the world.”Donegal, Merino, Woolfrommetoyarn.comusdonegal merino wooltweed variegatedaciddk fingeringdye-to-orderbipocbipoc
Three Fates YarnSteph Fregosi of Three Fates Yarn is the daughter of artists. “The end result is that I’ve always had a life-long obsession with color.” A knitter, “I decided to explore the creation of the colors of the yarns I worked with and began playing with a yarn dyeing kit.” Steph particularly enjoys sock yarn. “I love thinking about all the colors that people will wear on their feet, no matter the occasion or where they work. As a knitter, I love working with colors that I enjoy looking at and am particularly fond of jewel tones and of blue-greens.”Merino, Rambouillet, Silk, Wool, Yakthree-fates-yarn.myshopify.comusmerino rambouillet silk wool yakgradient tonalaciddk fingeringlocal uniquebipocbipoc
Marianated YarnsAll Marianated Yarns marianate in colorful marianades while waiting to join your stash. All yarns are hand dyed in small batches in Marian’s New Jersey home. Many yarns are dyed as they are ordered – please allow 5-8 business days for dyeing your order. Gradient sets and most kits are generally in stock and ready to ship. These yarns made me squeal. Just gorgeous.BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolmarianatedyarns.comusbfl cashmere merino mohair mulberry-silk silk woolgradient tonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace super-bulky worsteduniquebipocbipoc
Ash & BumbleAsh & Bumble is a small-batch, hand-dyed yarn company based in Indianapolis. “We take ethically sourced fiber from mills around the world and add some artistic flair by using desirable and trendy dyeing methods in order to create unique skeins of yarn! We are inspired by anything naturally occurring around us that make beautiful and interesting color combinations.” Lots of bases to choose from here, and beautiful hues.Alpaca, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.ashandbumble.comusalpaca merino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace sport worstedunique
WitchCraftyLadyAlmas Whitton is the Epsom, UK dyer who runs WitchCraftyLady. “I spin my own yarns, dye fiber for spinners, make mini skein sets of hand dyed yarns and also sew bags and crochet flowers. I try to offer a range of products at prices that won’t break the bank. My passion is to share that love of creating with people from all over the world.” Almas’ delicate shades are just heartbreakingly perfect, and the deeper ones will make you smile.BFL, Corriedale, Polwarth, Shetland, Wensleydale, WoolWitchCraftyLady.etsy.comeurope ukbfl corriedale polwarth shetland wensleydale woolfingering handspunbipocbipoc
Colour Me HappySharyn McNab sells beautiful freeform crochet garments and patterns as well as hand-dyed Colour Me Happy cotton fingering-weight at the Sharyn Makes shop on Etsy.CottonSharynMakes.etsy.comaustraliacottonvariegatedacidfingering
Demelza’s DelightsDemelza’s Delights from Cornwall, UK, offers a variety of colorways, mostly in sock yarn. Each arrives with a stitch marker, also made by dyer Rachel Hornton, that is themed to the colorway’s name. Adorable.Alpaca, Merino, Mohair, WoolDemelzasDelights.etsy.comeurope ukalpaca merino mohair wooltonal variegatedacidaran fingeringunique
Yarn BabyColorado dyer Shannon of Yarn Baby says, “When I became a mom … my babies only liked blankies made of yarn, so I started calling them my little ‘Yarn Babies’ – thus the name of my shop. Now my boys are little fiber experts, preferring blankets made with bamboo and/or silk so they ‘feel cold.’ They know their fibers! I started with crochet, then took a spinning class, started dyeing roving (for my own use) and then fell head over heels in love with dyeing yarn.” Yarn Baby is one of my favorites for its beautiful colorways. Yarn Baby also …Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolwww.yarnbaby.bizusmerino mulberry-silk silk woolhand-painted tonal variegatedacid undyedaran dk fingering sport worsted
Dusty Dimples“When I’m not running around after the kids (did you know I have 5!) the husband or house, you will find me in my little place of tranquility, the Studio a.k.a The Garage,” says Dusty of Dusty Dimples. “Here I create with love all the things I plan to enable you with so that you can knit or crochet your next project with. When I’m not doing the above, I’m planning over a journal with a cup of tea and biscuits, all the future colorways I plan to bring to Dusty Dimples.” Dusty has such a good eye for color …Merino, Woolwww.dustydimples.comeurope ukmerino wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering
The Yarn BadgerUK dyer The Yarn Badger offers a unique range of hand dyed natural yarns. Natural fibers feel great and are biodegradable too. The maker says, “My yarns are dyed by hand in my workspace here in Sheffield. I currently carry Blue Faced Leicester and Merino wool 4ply sock yarns (blended with either nylon or bamboo). I also have a selection of alpaca yarns that are hypoallergenic for those who are unable to wear wool or, like me, just love the feel of alpaca yarns!”Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Bord. Leicester, Merino, Silk, Wooltheyarnbadger.comeurope ukalpaca bamboo bfl border-leicester merino silk woolself-striping tonal variegatednaturalchunky dk fingering handspundye-to-order local
Euphoria KnitsJanessa Cargile grew up crocheting. “In 2017 my husband took a job in San Antonio, and I found myself in a new city without a job for the first time in a number of years. So I started knitting, And I mean really knitting. … But being a mother of three, my yarn budget wasn’t going to get me all those gorgeous indie dyed yarns I so desperately wanted to knit up into something beautiful and functional.” So Janessa started experimenting with dyeing. It has been my pleasure to create beautiful colors, on yarns that I personally love to knit. …Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Lincoln, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Peru. Highland, Polwarth, Silk, Wooleuphoriaknits.comusalpaca bfl cashmere lincoln merino mohair mulberry-silk peruvian-highland polwarth silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace worsted
Silly Sheep Designs“My grandmother taught me to knit in 2003, and ever since then my love of fiber arts has grown immensely,” says the proprietor of Silly Sheep Designs. “I adore many types of crafting, including spinning and creating beautiful handspun yarns.” The company, based in Las Vegas, sells multicolor specked skeins that come with a hand-crafted stitch marker.Merino, WoolSillySheepDesigns.etsy.comusmerino woolvariegatedacidfingering
SweetGeorgia YarnsFounded in 2005 by Felicia Lo, SweetGeorgia Yarns is an artisan yarn company that is passionate about bringing you stunningly saturated colors, luxurious natural fibres and yarns of the highest quality. Based in Vancouver, Canada, SweetGeorgia designs and distribute an exclusive collection of hand-dyed yarns of fine merino wool, silk, mohair, and cashmere in every weight from lace and sock to sweater and chunky yarns. SweetGeorgia Yarns can be bought through the website and through retailers in Canada, the U.S., the U.K., and more.Alpaca, Cashmere, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, SeaCell, Silk, Tussah Silksweetgeorgiayarns.comcanadaalpaca cashmere linen merino mohair mulberry-silk seacell silk tussah-silktonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace worstedbipocbipoc
Green Goat RanchSarah Luraschi-Weiss is the owner of New Jersey’s Green Goat Ranch, which raises mohair goats. “As a kid I was always drawing, coloring, and painting. I loved (and still do) Disney, Jim Henson, and the whimsical ocean art of Wyland. … While attending college, I was lucky enough to begin an internship at the Jim Henson Company which turned into a job after graduation. I worked on costumes (Big Bird, Samson, Abelardo) and props (Cookie Monster’s cookie, letter of the day, grouch food) for Sesame Street for 5 years and received 3 Emmy Awards. I am now a wife, mother, …Alpaca, Cotton, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolgreengoatranch.comusalpaca cotton merino mohair silk woolmarl variegatedacidbulky dk handspun super-bulky worstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Rosy Green WoolRosy of Rosy Green Wool comes from a family that once owned a spinning mill. Rosy’s grandmother taught her all about wool. Years later, Rosy and partner Patrick wanted to create a yarn brand that was free of cruelty to animals and to workers. All Rosy Green Wool is GOTS certified organic, and they sell cute patterns by a variety of designers. Their website is available in English and German. This maker offers undyed Manx Loagthan and Merino.Manx Loagh., Merino, Woolrosygreenwool.comeu europemanx-loaghtan merino wooltonal solidacid undyedaran fingering sport
Liverpool YarnsErika Flory’s yarn company, based in Philadelphia, specializes in UK Shetland wool, both dyed and undyed. Liverpool Yarn was born Erika’s love of fiber and traditional knitting from around the world. Liverpool Yarns lets Erika share the qualities of Shetland wool with knitters, fiber lovers and crafters everywhere. It offers warm undyed yarns and richly dyed colors combine with Shetland’s renown qualities: softness, springiness, remarkable stitch definition and durability.Shetland, Woolliverpoolyarns.comusshetland wooltonalacid undyedfingering
Lisa Souza Dyeworks StudiosWhen people ask California dyer Lisa Souza how she came into this profession, “I can merely say that I have been an artist all of my life. While I studied to be a watercolorist/illustrator in art college, my real love was always fiber. … This three-decade career has come about through my many years of being a knitwear designer, spinner and dyer. I now focus solely on dyeing mill spun yarns and fabulously decadent luxury handspun yarns.”Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Polwarth, SeaCell, Silk, Targhee, Wool, Yaklisaknit.comusalpaca bamboo bfl camel cashmere merino mohair polwarth seacell silk targhee wool yakmarl tonal variegatedacidfingering handspun lace sport
Peak District YarnsPeak District Yarns’ unique hand-dyed yarns are inspired by the landscape of the Peak District. All yarns are hand-dyed in their Tideswell studio, where they only dye small quantities of each colourway, so once they’re gone they’re gone. Lots of undyed yarn here, as well, including an undyed tweed.Alpaca, BFL, Derby. Gritstone, Merino, Silk, Wool, ukalpaca bfl derbyshire-gritstone merino silk wool yaktonal tweed variegatedacid undyedaran dk fingeringlocal mini-skeins unique
Red Door Fibre StudioRed Door Fibre Studio was born out of a need for more. More connection. More intentional creating. More of what we love in the world. Kate, owner and dyer, felt as if there was part of her own little knitting world that lacked that feeling of slowing down and making something she loved, not just something she knew how. “Here at Red Door, we believe that everyone has a place in the fiber community. We believe that no matter what fiber you use, you’re worthy of being here. Our collections are based on different types of media: movies, video games, …Merino, Mohair, mohair wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace worsted
K-Zip KnitsAs a small batch yarn company, based in Surrey, British Columbia, K-Zip Knits is always looking for ways to brighten up the rainy days that the Pacific Northwest is known for, and what better way then by adding a bit of color to your wardrobe! Color doesn’t just look good on you, it looks good on everyone, especially when it rains for 30 days at a time!Cashmere, Merino, Woolwww.kzipknits.comcanadacashmere merino wooltonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering sport
RiverKnitsBecci and Markus started dyeing yarn at home on our narrowboat, which was moored on the River Nene. “We both left our high-pressure corporate engineering jobs, which enabled us to work at our own pace while exploring the UK waterways, and to spend time with our young son. After a couple of years, the business grew and we moved it into a studio in Weedon, Northamptonshire, and we reclaimed the boat fully as our living space. We are both knitters and crocheters and we love wool, especially when it’s sustainably sourced.” RiverKnits yarn is available through the site, and also …BFL, Exmoor BF, Mohair, Silk, Wensleydale, Wool, ukbfl exmoor-blueface mohair silk wensleydale wool zwartblesmarl tonal variegatedacid undyeddk fingeringdye-to-order
lolodiditLolodidit hand dyes luxury yarn in small batches from a warehouse studio in Las Vegas, Nevada. Lolodidit is BIPOC-owned, run by a team of “amazing and diverse women, who we are so thankful for and proud to work with. Everyone is welcome here!” Lolodidit stocks and dyes-to-order a wide variety of colorways. Their collection includes pop culture themes like The Walking Dead. They also sell colorways for U.S. football teams and other sports.Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Silk, Wool, Yaklolodidit.comusmerino mohair mulberry-silk polwarth silk wool yaktonal variegatedacid undyeddk fingering sport super-bulky worsteddye-to-orderbipocbipoc
Ranching Tradition FiberIn addition to plenty of spinnable fibers, dyes and spinning tools, Kami of Ranching Tradition Fiber of Whitehall, Montana carries beautiful yarns made from local wool, locally spun and dyed. Offerings include everything from undyed wool, to a bright handspun with longwool tails peeking out, to sparkle. There’s a lot to see here.Camel, Rambouillet, Silk, Targhee, Woolwww.ranchingtraditionfiber.comuscamel rambouillet silk targhee woolmarl tonal variegatedacid undyedaran bulky dk fingering handspun sport super-bulky worstedlocal
Timber and TwineTimber and Twine is a project of Small Acre Farm in Fort Collins, Colorado. TeDi herds the sheep and runs the yarn business, while and partner Toot creates beautiful fiber tools. Since acquiring Timber and Twine, TeDi has continued with its botanically dyed Australian Merino yarn, expanded to botanically dyed Peruvian cotton line and added Indian silk. “Importing botanically dyed yarn has deepened my interest in natural dyes, and I am continuing my own adventure with fibers from our farm, local fiber growers and have recently begun to dye some mill spun yarn that will be perfect for bigger projects …BFL, Cotton, CVM, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.smallacrefarm.comusbfl cotton cvm merino silk wooltonalbotanical natural undyeddk handspun worstedlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Freia Fine HandpaintsU.S. dyer Freia Fine Handpaints has self-striping and ombre yarns in dozens of colorways. Freia also makes dozens of semi-solids to match. Think of the possibilities. “To achieve the long color runs in our Flux and Ombré yarns we have developed our own dyeing process. Though labor intensive, the hands-on nature of the process allows us to ensure an even consistency in the yarn and colors over multiple dye lots.” Freia is available on its website; in shops in the U.S., Canada, the UK, the EU, Bermuda, Israel, and Japan; and through large online retailers.Alpaca, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolfreiafibers.comusalpaca merino mulberry-silk silk woolgradient hand-painted self-striping tonalacidfingering lace sport super-bulky worsted
Treasure Goddess YarnU.S. dyer Christine Long Derks’ Treasure Goddess Yarn has a pirate sheep as its mascot, and pirate puns throughout. For that alone, this dyer deserves your attention. Treasure Goddess Yarn is a one-woman business that gets by with a lot of help from fibery friends! “I dye intense, saturated tonal colors on luxury yarn bases,” Christine says. “I create colorways that let you create projects that look as gorgeous all knit up (& crocheted up & woven up) as they do in the skein!”Alpaca, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolwww.treasuregoddess.comusalpaca merino mulberry-silk silk wooltonalacidbulky dk fingering handspun lace worsted
Lucky Violet Color Co.Lucky Violet Color Co is three generations of fine artists with an intense love of aesthetics, color, and fiber. “Our innovative, proprietary fiber dyeing and painting techniques produce colors and palettes designed to help fiber artists elevate hand knit and crochet projects to new, aesthetic heights.” All yarn is dyed to order. “We dye and paint carefully in micro batches so you can get exactly the colors needed to bring your fiber dreams to life.“Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wool, Yakiliveonafarm.comusalpaca bfl cashmere merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wool yakhand-painted tonal variegatedacidfingering lace sport worsteddye-to-order
Black ElephantPetra is the owner of Black Elephant. “I moved to Sheffield, South Yorkshire almost 10 years ago and as it is cold most of the year than I am used to from Slovakia, I rediscovered my love for knitting,” Petra says. Soon, Petra discovered hand dyed yarn. “It took me two university degrees to realize what I really, really want to do the most: Hand dyeing my own yarn and creating easy to follow knitting kits for total beginners.” Petra’s beautifully dyed yarns are sold on the Black Elephant website and at shops across the UK, EU, US, Japan, Taiwan …BFL, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Silkblackelephant.ukeurope ukbfl linen merino mohair silktonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace sportdye-to-order
Easy KnitsLondon-based Easy Knits was started by Jon Dunn-Ballam, a knitter, spinner and hand-dyer. Jon was taught to knit by a grandmother, and went on to study graphic design. After discovering a love for knitting socks, Jon wanted more bright and fun colorway choices and began experimenting with dyes. Jon’s yarn is now in shops throughout Europe and is know for its wild and wonderful colors on luxury bases. These colors are, in fact, glorious.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Exmoor BF, Gotland, Masham, Merino, Mohair, Polwarth, Silk, ukalpaca bfl cashmere exmoor-blueface gotland masham merino mohair polwarth silk zwartblesgradient tonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace sport
The Corner of CraftHannah runs The Corner of Craft from her home in the UK as an operation of one. “The yarn I dye is inspired by the game Dungeons & Dragons. I’m a huge fan of table top role playing games and find so much joy out of dyeing beautiful colorways taken from monsters and spells found within the game.”BFL, Merino, ukbfl merino woolvariegatedaciddk fingering
West Green Loft YarnsWest Green Loft Yarns is a small dye studio in the West Sussex, UK countryside producing beautiful colors on luxury bases. Colorways are inspired by vintage and shabby chic items and the dyer’s love of 18th and 19th century literature, especially Jane Austen. Really beautiful.Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolwestgreenloftyarns.comeurope ukcashmere merino mohair mulberry-silk silk woolsolid variegatedaciddk fingering lace
Nat Helm YarnsNat Helm says, “I live in Bollington on the edge of the Peak District in the UK, and I use my beautiful surroundings as the inspiration for my yarn dyeing. I also occasionally sell some of my newly crafted items as well as my hand-dyed yarns.” Nat’s palette is from bright to muted to solids to tweed. Have a look.Alpaca, BFL, Cotton, Donegal, Merino, WoolNatHelmYarns.etsy.comeurope ukalpaca bfl cotton donegal merino wooltonal solid tweed variegatedaran dk fingeringdye-to-order
The Woolly TangleTanya Hardman is the dyer behind The Woolly Tangle, based in Bangor, UK. “After losing my mother in law to cancer and developing long term health problems, I’ve learnt not to say ‘maybe next year,” Tanya says. “I’ve decided to act on a long held ambition to sell the fruits of my crafting time for others to enjoy.”Alpaca, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, YakTheWoollyTangle.etsy.comeurope ukalpaca merino mohair silk wool yaktonal solid variegatedaciddk fingering lace
Qing FibreQing Fibre is the creative vision of Layla (Qing) Yang. While learning to knit, Layla wanted more variegated and eye-catching colors that popped and changed with each stitch. She set about creating them herself, and thus Qing Fibre was born in 2016. Since then Layla has been on a creative journey, sourcing ethically produced fibres from Peru and England to hand-dye in Qing’s London based studio. With Layla’s amazing eye for color, Qing strives to be unique and produce lovely skeins of art.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wool, ukalpaca bfl cashmere merino mulberry-silk silk wool yaktonal variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering lace
Rainbow HeirloomRainbow Heirloom, based in Edinburgh, is a one-woman operation, which combines Nina Davies’ passion for creativity and exploration with a love of brilliantly vivid colors and gorgeous yarns. Nina began dipping hands into the dye pots with business founder Emily Wessel (of Tin Can Knits). “In 2016, I took over as the owner of Rainbow Heirloom and have since devoted myself to it full-time. My colors are an extension of my own personality and style; they’re what I love to dye, knit with, and wear.” Nina has a very good eye for color, indeed.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolrainbowheirloom.comeurope ukalpaca bfl cashmere merino mohair silk wooltonalacidaran chunky dk fingering lacelocal
Woolly Mama YarnsKassy Simmonds is the dyer behind Woolly Mama Yarns, based in Manchester, UK. “I offer a selection of beautiful and vibrant hand dyed yarns for your knitting and crochet projects,” Kassy says. “I am passionate about yarn and fiber crafts and want to inspire you to find the perfect yarn for your next knitting or crochet project. Every skein I create is lovingly hand dyed with care and all of my yarns are ethically sourced.”Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwoollymamayarns.comeurope ukmerino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran dk fingering lacemini-skeins
Blacker YarnsBlacker Yarns is the producer for you if you love breed-specific wools and “woolly wools.” The interface is great, too. You can search by breed, by color, by weight. … It’s a site after Yarn Database’s own heart.BFL, Boreray, Cornish Mule, Corriedale, Gotland, Jacob, Lincoln, Linen, Manx Loagh., N. Ronaldsay, Romney, Shetland, Soay, Teeswater, Texel, ukbfl boreray cornish-mule corriedale gotland jacob lincoln linen manx-loaghtan north-ronaldsay romney shetland soay teeswater texel woolsolidacid undyedaran dk fingering lace worstedlocal
Meadowcroft DyeworksMeadowcroft Dyeworks is a Pittsburgh-area father-and-son team, Dave & Will Burrows. Dave learned to knit from his grandfather, who learned from his own father, a blacksmith and wheelwright who emigrated from Wales. Dave and Will are both artists, which shows in the colorways and intensity of their Yarn Rehab yarns. The dyeworks is named for the nearby Meadowcroft Rockshelter, where artifacts have been found dating back 16,000 years or more. Each listing shows a knitted swatch.Alpaca, Donegal, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolmeadowcroft-dyeworks.comusalpaca donegal merino mulberry-silk silk woolhand-painted tonal tweed variegatedbulky chunky fingering lace sport worsted
Dragonfly FibersDragonfly Fibers is known for high-quality knitting and crochet yarns which are hand-dyed in vibrant, rich, sometimes crazy colors. Many of its base yarns are proprietary and cannot be found anywhere else. The partnership is a multi-coast operation. Amy lives and works in Portland, Oregon; Lisa lives and works in southern Vermont.Cashmere, Highland, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolwww.dragonflyfibers.comuscashmere highland merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace sport worsted
Leading Men Fiber ArtsWith their hand-dyed colorways inspired by the theatre, pop culture, and nature, partners Steve and Andy truly are the Leading Men in the world of color. Established in August 2013, their dye studio is located in Central Illinois. They specialize in semi-solid, variegated, speckled, and gradient yarn dyeing techniques. Their Colorways page shows knitted swatches of each colorway.BFL, Merino, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.leadingmenfiberarts.comusbfl merino silk wool yakgradient tonal variegatedaciddye-to-order
Passion Knits YarnAin (sounds like Ine or Ein) Munn calls Passion Knits Yarn “my labor of love. We specialize in hand-dyed yarns on a variety of weights and base with bold, vibrant and imaginative colors. As a child, I learned to crochet, and fell in love with yarn, from my grandmother and aunt while growing up in Queens, New York. I fell in love with yarn again when I took my first knitting class at a local yarn shop and a beginner dyeing class at a Baltimore Yarn Store. My colorway names reflect different facets of my life, to include my childhood, …Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Donegal, Merino, Yakwww.passionknitsyarn.comusalpaca bfl cashmere donegal merino yaktonal tweed variegatedaciddk fingering sport worsteddye-to-orderbipocbipoc
Lana PlantaeLana Plantae is a well established alpaca and sheep family farm near Buxton, Maine. “We raise our animals using organic principles and use natural dyes only on our yarn. As out little yarn business has grown, we remain committed to using local wool only, and buy from other small farms. In season we also grow many dye plants on the farm. Our colors are vibrant but never garish. The natural colors all work very well together.” While Lana Plantae gets its website up and running, sales are through its shop, Lincoln, Rambouillet, Silk, lincoln rambouillet silk wooltonal solidbotanical naturalfingering lace worstedlocala-family-farm bipoca-family-farm bipoc
Beehive YarnsBeth is the knitter, dyer and owner behind Beehive Yarns. “I started dyeing yarn about 3 years ago now and have enjoyed growing the business from my kitchen table to our very own garden studio. My colorways are inspired by all sorts of adventures – travel, film, books – and you will notice a lot of song titles. Always at the heart is a love of all things vintage and particularly mid-century. That’s where the names for my yarn bases came from – all those glamorous ladies with beehive hairdos from the 1960s.”Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolwww.beehiveyarns.comeurope ukalpaca bfl cashmere merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal solid variegatedaciddk fingering lace
Flying FibersFlying Fibers in Landisville, Pennsylvania focuses on premium, breed-specific, British and U.S. fibers and yarns. Why British yarns? Well, to make a long story short, Jeri met Matthew, an Englishman from Yorkshire in the winter of 1987. On her first trip to visit him later that year, she fell in love with all the sheep and wool that she saw. Today, Jeri, Matthew, and their daughter, Irina, decided to focus on the British fibers and the companies that they love so much. As shepherds themselves, they also wanted to keep the fiber growing and processing community alive in the United …BFL, Lincoln, Llama, Shetland, Wensleydale, Woolwww.flyingfibers.comusbfl lincoln llama shetland wensleydale woolhand-painted marl tonal variegatedacid botanical natural undyedaran dk fingering sportlocal
Lamington Lass YarnsThe Lamington Lass of Lewes, England, was taught to knit at an early age “by a very strict Scottish granny who was determined that I would do it properly! Despite what could have been a very off-putting exercise my love of knitting and all things woolly has grown and grown, and even now, ***** years later, I am still totally addicted to working with wool. I have added dyeing and more recently spinning to my skills so now (theoretically) I can start from scratch and have total control over the end product.”Alpaca, BFL, Camel, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Peru. Highland, Silk, Wool, YakLamingtonLassYarns.etsy.comeurope ukalpaca bfl camel donegal merino mohair peruvian-highland silk wool yaksolid tweed variegatedacid undyedaran chunky dk fingering lacelocal
The Fibre FoxGeorgie is the owner, dyer and knitter behind The Fibre Fox, “born in the summer of 2018, when I left my family business and started to hand dye my own yarns. I had worked in my parents’ local yarn shop since the age of 13, and I knew that I just needed to work with yarn forever. All the yarn is dyed in my garden based studio at my home in the stunning Lincolnshire Wolds.” The color transitions in Georgie’s yarns are perfection.Alpaca, BFL, Camel, Cashmere, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wool, ukalpaca bfl camel cashmere donegal merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wool yaktonal tweed variegatedacidchunky dk fingering lacemini-skeins
Solstice YarnsEleanor Lee is the artist behind Solstice Yarns. “Originally from an island on the West coast of Cumbria, UK, I presently live in West Yorkshire in England,” Eleanor says. “I love yarn, color, nature and the sea. … I dye yarn in small batches so you will always receive colors that are original, artistic and unique. No mass production here!” Many of the colorways have dreamy, Solstice-theme names, including Fiery Mead Moon and Band of Fearsome Faeries.Alpaca, Bamboo, Camel, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolwww.solsticeyarn.comeurope ukalpaca bamboo camel mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal solid variegatedacidfingering lace
Mothy and the SquidMothy and the Squid is an indie dyer based in Kirkintilloch, East Dunbartonshire. Mothy and the Squid specializes in premium sock yarn inspired by nature’s brights. Each yarn is posted with a photo of its inspiration, and the effect is both charming and stunning. You can also view these nature-inspired yarns by season.Alpaca, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Tussah Silk, Woolmothyandthesquid.comeurope ukalpaca merino mulberry-silk silk tussah-silk wooltonal solid variegatedacid undyedaran chunky dk fingering
The Guy with the HookNetherlands designer Mark Roseboom, The Guy with the Hook, sells jaw-droppingly good crochet patterns, and a few very nice knits, as well. The use of color in the samples is nothing short of inspiring. Patterns are available in English, German, Danish, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, and French, with a few in Hungarian and Russian. In addition to beautiful blankets and other pieces for the home, Mark sells hand-dyed yarn. Patterns are available through clearly marked links to Mark’s Etsy and Ravelry shops.Merino, Woolengimonogifts.etsy.comeumerino wooltonal variegatedfingering
Oink PigmentsEstablished in 2010, Oink Pigments is a purveyor of small-batch, hand-dyed yarns in Vista, California and Indianapolis, Indiana. Owners Alexa, Helena, and Julie are a trio of strong-willed women who love pigs, puns, and purls (and parentheses). Oink has more than 20 yarn, fiber, & accoutrement offerings in more than 100 bright and playful colorways. Whenever possible, they source products that are 100% USA made. Every member of Oink Pigments’ diverse team proudly and constantly works to be a friend and ally to POC, LGBTQIA+, and beyond, regardless of what letters, labels, or pronouns you use to self-identify.Bamboo, Cashmere, Linen, Merino, Silk, Targhee, cashmere linen merino silk targhee wooltonal variegatedacid undyedbulky chunky dk fingering sport worsteddye-to-order unique
BumpyYarnAntonia Stonell is an English mother of 18-year-old triplets, living in beautiful Bavaria, Germany with her lovely husband. “I love making things, whether it’s sewing, quilting, cooking, knitting, crochet or painting. We love caravanning and camping, and this influences some of my craft work,” Antonia says. In addition to all the beautiful yarn-squish in Antonia’s BumpyCrafts shop, Antonia is starting to add knitting patterns to the mix.Merino, Woolbumpycrafts.etsy.comeu europemerino wooltonal variegatedacidfingering
Biscotte Hand-Dyed YarnsBiscotte Yarns is a family owned business in St. Bruno, Quebec that specializes in hand-dyed yarns since 2007. “We started dyeing yarns by pure pleasure and from thread to needle, our unique colorways started to arouse the interest of knitsters. After more than a decade, this is where we are!“ Knitsters, Biscotte has some fun self-striping yarns, yarns made from milk protein (casein), and beautiful colors.Alpaca, Bamboo, Casein, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolbiscotteyarns.comcanadaalpaca bamboo casein cashmere merino mohair mulberry-silk silk woolself-striping tonal tweed variegatedacidaran dk fingering lace sport worsted
UP North YarnsMonica Thoune is the maker behind UP North Yarns. “I hand-dye luxurious natural fibers/yarns in the colors I see abounding in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I gain inspiration from nature, the four seasons; gorgeous hues from my flower beds; the Great Lakes, and even the amazing colors I see in the rocks I collect from all over the UP.” There are botanical dyes using everything from avocado pits to dandelions, and the Great Lakes Inspired and Bird Series colorways are to dye for.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, SilkUPNorthYarns.etsy.comusalpaca bfl cashmere donegal merino mohair mulberry-silk silkgradient marl tonal tweed variegatedacid botanical naturalchunky dk fingering lace sport worstedmini-skeins
Wendy’s WondersWendy’s Wonders, based in South Carolina, creates beautiful and unusual gradient-dyed yarn. The speckled gradient is especially tempting. Yarn comes in a number of weights and color combinations. Kits list Ravelry URLs for patterns.Merino, Silk, Wool, Yakwendyswonders127llc.comusmerino silk wool yakgradient hand-painted variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering lace worsted
Unique Yarns Co.Chiara of London-based Unique Yarns Co. has been in the yarn business for the fashion industry for many years. “But why should a beautiful yarn exist only for one season and be for only one designer brand? I wanted everyone to enjoy these yarns.” Unique Yarns has some interesting offerings, including a line entirely dyed using minerals like graphite and gold ochre, recycled yarns (from plastic bottles), and phosphorescent yarns.Alpaca, Cashmere, Cotton, Wooluniqueyarnsco.comeurope ukalpaca cashmere cotton wooltonal variegatedbotanical natural undyedchunky dk fingering lace sport worsted
Pigment & PlyCreator Jessica Sharpe of Pigment & Ply says the company is a passion project fueled by a love of color and a strong knitting addiction. Yarns are dyed in her Essex, England kitchen. All Pigment & Ply yarn is ethically sourced and produced and is mulesing-free.Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolwww.pigmentandply.comeurope ukalpaca bfl merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lacelocal
Skein QueenSkein Queen is based in Royal Berkshire. Each of its colorways is dyed in small batches, and most are limited editions. There are also 64 repeatable colorways. There are a staggering number of bases available, and the yarn can be purchased through the site or through shops in the United Kingdom, the European Union, the United States, Japan and Taiwan.Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Corriedale, Donegal, Exmoor BF, Masham, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Silk, ukalpaca bfl cashmere corriedale donegal exmoor-blueface masham merino mohair mulberry-silk polwarth silk wooltonal tweed variegatedacidaran chunky dk fingering laceunique
Eden Cottage YarnsVictoria Magnus of Eden Cottage Yarns began dyeing to find the colors she wanted to knit. The company’s emphasis is on simple, gorgeous colors, including its signature muted semi-solid palette. ECY fibers are available at shops in the UK, United States, Australia, Japan, China and Taiwan.Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, ukalpaca bfl merino mulberry-silk silk wooltonalacidaran chunky dk fingering lace
Erika KnightErika Knight has a passion for supporting fibers local to Britain. Yarns and dyes are well considered to give the knitter a beautiful, high quality yarn for all projects. The idea behind Erika Knight yarns is to promote sustainable, natural fibers and traditional aesthetics. Erika Knight yarns are sold worldwide.BFL, Cotton, Nettle, ukbfl cotton nettle woolsolid
Under the Olive Tree KnitsUnder the Olive Tree Knits’ Jem Arrowsmith is a knitwear designer and yarn dyer based in the United Kingdom. Under the Olive Tree, not surprisingly, sells yarn, patterns and kits combining the two.BFL, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.undertheolivetreeknits.comeurope ukbfl merino silk woolgradient tonal variegatedacidchunky dk fingering lace sportdye-to-order
Purl SohoPurl Soho is a beloved resource for fiber artists of every ilk, from knitters and crocheters to quilters and embroiderers. Family owned since 2002, it has shared its passion for beauty and exceptional design, for natural fibers and needlecraft traditions. Purl Soho is especially proud of its Purl Soho Yarns and patterns by its team of in-house designers, with occasional patterns by guest designers.Alpaca, Cashmere, Cotton, Highland, Linen, Merino, Woolwww.purlsoho.comusalpaca cashmere cotton highland linen merino woolsolidacid undyedfingering lace sport worsted
Purple SproutingPaula is the yarn lover and dyer behind Purple Sprouting. Originally from England, Paula has lived in the Netherlands and Scotland and now has made New Zealand home. Paula says, “At Purple Sprouting we create hand dyed yarns in unique colorways that we hope will satisfy your speckled, variegated and semi-solid yarn needs. Yarns that are a pleasure to work with. Yarns that we want to knit with ourselves. Our yarns are hand dyed in small batches, using acid and fiber reactive dyes, in our dyeing studio located on the outskirts of Hamilton (Kirikiriroa), New Zealand.”Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolwww.purplesprouting.comaustraliaalpaca bfl merino mulberry-silk silk wooltonal solidacid botanical naturaldk fingering lace worsted
Smiling Dog FarmSmiling Dog Farm is owned and operated by Laura Chandler and Bill Sweeney. “Over the years, we have made many friends and acquaintances in the farming community in New Jersey, something that is invaluable when you need help and advice. Our customers are always welcome to visit the farm, watch the animals grazing in the pastures, and enjoy the peaceful and beautiful environment.” Laura and Bill farm Gotland sheep and know each one by name and personality. They also sell cruelty free eggs, and have a retirement coop and yard for hens that are no longer laying.Gotland, Merino, Woolwww.smiling-dog-farm.comusgotland merino woolacid undyedsportlocala-family-farma-family-farm
Briar Rose FibersBriar Rose Fibers in Caledonia, Michigan offers large skeins of beautiful, rich, earthy colors. Dyer Chris Roosien told Stepping Away from the Edge, “I’ve been dyeing yarn and combed top for over 14 years now. When I first started dyeing, I made sweater kits for my friends. I could never find enough wool in dark colors to make sweaters for myself, so I started dyeing. I love deep, dark, moody saturated colors, but I dye lots of colors — because not everyone loves dark. I am inspired by a lot of things … but mostly just what’s in my head …Alpaca, Corriedale, Merino, Silk, Woolbriarrosefibers.netusalpaca corriedale merino silk woolmarl tonal variegatedacidaran bulky fingering sport worsted
Yarn Shoppe DenverIn addition to being a yarn community hub in Denver, Yarns Shoppe Denver dyes and sells its own yarns. Owner Cassandra Allen Brown says, “I love my hand dyed yarns! My customers do also! The joy that I feel in creating the various color ways is sheer bliss. I spend countless hours working and designing new colors for fingering weights and worsted weight wool and superwash Merino fibers. Stop by and pick up a few skeins.”Highland, Merino, Woolyarnshoppedenver.comushighland merino woolhand-painted tonal variegatedacidfingering worstedbipocbipoc
Kelbourne WoolensPhiladelphia based Kelbourne Woolens is Courtney Kelley and Kate Gagnon Osborn. Founded in 2008, Kelbourne Woolens is yarn for knitters, by knitters. Says their website, “Our line of quality, affordable, and classic yarns are meant to be the ones you reach for again and again.” Kelbourne Woolens yarn is stocked worldwide. Kelbourne Woolens’ warehouse is GOTS Certified, and every employee, including interns, earns at least $15 per hour.Alpaca, Cotton, Highland, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Shetland, Silk, Tussah Silk, Woolkelbournewoolens.comusalpaca cotton highland linen merino mohair mulberry-silk shetland silk tussah-silk woolsolidacid undyedaran dk fingering lace sport worsted
Turtlepurl YarnsHillsborough, New Brunswick-based Turtlepurl Yarns produces bright, self-striping fingering weight yarn, paired with matching semi-solid skeins for heels and toes. The pairings are dyed together so that they are always a perfect match.Cashmere, Merino, Woolturtlepurl.etsy.comcanadacashmere merino woolself-striping tonalacidfingeringmini-skeins
Bare Naked WoolsBare Naked Wool’s custom-spun artisan yarns are carefully curated by knit designer Anne Hanson to produce exceptional finished fabrics for handknitters and fiber artists. “We only select the highest-quality, rare and exotic fibers, then work with small local mills and spinners right here in the U.S. to deliver a finished yarn that you’ll love working with. Our yarn skeins stand out from the crowd because we make sure they retain all their wonderful, natural goodness. They’re sustainably made using earth-friendly, animal-friendly processes and they are completely free of all the harmful chemicals commonly found in textiles so you get the …Alpaca, Bamboo, Bison, Cashmere, Churro, Columbia, Coopworth, Corriedale, Hemp, Jacob, Lincoln, Linen, Llama, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Rambouillet, Romney, Shetland, Silk, Targhee, Tussah Silk, Wool, Yakwww.barenakedwools.comusalpaca bamboo bison cashmere churro columbia coopworth corriedale hemp jacob lincoln linen llama merino mulberry-silk rambouillet romney shetland silk targhee tussah-silk wool yaksolidacid undyeddk fingering lace sport worsted
Windy Valley MuskoxWindy Valley Muskox is a family owned yarn business that provides the finest luxury yarns, including Qiviut, Vicuna and Suri Alpaca. Yarns are available dyed and undyed, and though prices for luxury fibers can run high, WVM has a variety of offerings. “Our materials are found in remote parts of the world where we have developed sustainable sources that are environmentally sensitive and that coincide with Aboriginal values,” they say.Alpaca, Bison, Cashmere, Guanaco, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Qiviut, Silk, Vicuna, Woolwww.windyvalleymuskox.netusalpaca bison cashmere guanaco merino mulberry-silk qiviut silk vicuna wooltonal solidacid undyedlace
Indigodragonfly StudioIndigodragonfly Studio in Haliburton, Ontario offers an individual and unique takes on traditional yarn dyeing, refusing to be a cog in the cookie-cutter yarn industry. “We specialize in luxury yarns with an emphasis on finding the best yarns as well as developing custom yarns with our global-wide mill partners to bring you products no-one else has. We are also well-known for our humour – we could call that blue skein Dye Lot #346 but where’s the fun in that – one of our yarn clubs is the Smart-Ass Knitters for World Domination Club; ’nuff said?”Cashmere, Linen, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Silk, Tussah Silk, Wool, Yakindigodragonfly.cacanadacashmere linen merino mulberry-silk polwarth silk tussah-silk wool yaktonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace sport super-bulky worsted
Long Island Yarn & FarmLong Island Yarn & Farm is committed to the well being of camelids and other fibered livestock. In addition to selling yarn, the farm offers shearing, educational programs and llama sales. Plenty of undyed and botanical dye yarns, along with an interesting yarn/sari silk blend.Alpaca, Bamboo, Llama, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.lilivestockco.comusalpaca bamboo llama merino silk wooltonal solidbotanical natural undyedfingering handspun sport worsteda-family-farma-family-farm
mYakFibers from mYak are among the rarest and most refined in the world, from the soft undercoat of baby yaks and of Tibetan cashmere goats to the heart of the wool of an ancient breed of Tibetan sheep grazing on the high altitude pastures of the Tibetan Plateau. mYak controls its pastures to avoid animal overcrowding and collects the down through combing and not shearing. mYak does no depigmentation.Silk, Wool, Yakmyak.itsilk wool yaksolidacid undyeddk fingering lace
Bewitched PigmentsBewitched Pigments is Lorna Michelle and Gwyndylyn, a mother-daughter collaboration brought about from a deep love of color and fiber. “Always looking for something a little different and not always finding it, we decided we could make our own and share it with everyone. Armed with a slow roaster, a bag of yarn, and a tub of dye we created our first skein and knew this was what we should be doing. Immersed in our love of nature and drawing on our magic passed down through the generations, we knew that magic starts at the seed of the soul, just …Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolbewitchedpigments.comuscashmere merino mohair silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace worstedmini-skeins uniquelgbtqlgbtq
Yarn Hero Fiber ArtsYarn Hero Fiber Arts is run by Lynnell Koser out of her home studio in Frederick, Maryland. Yarn Hero Fiber Arts features hand-dyed mill-spun yarn, handspun yarn, and spinning fibers. Yarn Hero’s signature yarn line is their ColorMix Yarn collection, a process in which the wool is hand painted first, and then sent to a local, family-run spinning mill to spin into yarn. Yarn Hero is also available in shops in the United States and the United Kingdom.Merino, Woolwww.yarnhero.comusmerino woolhand-painted marl self-striping tonal variegatedaciddk fingering handspun sport worsted
Urban Girl YarnsAshland, Virginia dyer Shelia Anderson started dyeing four years ago “and I have never looked back. I started knitting when I was 6 years old and I thought there was nothing else that could bring me such joy, until I mixed the dye and stood in the glow of the fumes. All the pretty colors had me hooked. Now whenever I see a sweater, shawl, or any knitted/crocheted item I start to visualize different color combinations an I run to the pot and try to make my vision reality.”Woolurbangirlyarns.comuswooltonal solid variegatedaciddk fingeringbipocbipoc
LolaBean Yarn Co.Georgia-based “LolaBean Yarn Co. began 5 years ago with a single stitch; that quickly turned into a thousand stitches as I contemplated on what I would do to pass time while my husband was away in Afghanistan. … One day, I came across a Youtube video of someone dyeing yarn, and I thought to myself ‘Hey you should try this!’ So I did. … The rest is history. After the birth of my daughter … I decided to rebrand my company in honor of my little princess, in hopes that one day I would be able to pass something down …Cashmere, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.lolabeanyarnco.comuscashmere donegal merino mohair silk wool yaktonal variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering lace sport super-bulky worstedbipocbipoc
Ancient Arts Yarn“Ancient Arts Yarn is an artisan hand dye company drawing our inspirations from nature, art, and our love of stories. We use only premium bases ethically sourced, ethically milled, and spun exclusively for us. Our yarns are ideal for knitting, crochet, weaving, and any other craft requiring a top-quality yarn. All yarns are individually hand dyed in small dye lots using environmentally conscious dyes and dyeing practices.” All true, but also there are colorways to match various breeds of dogs and cats.Linen, Manx Loagh., Merino, Mohair, Nettle, Punta Arenas, Silk, Tussah Silk, Woolancientartsfibre.comcanadalinen manx-loaghtan merino mohair nettle punta-arenas silk tussah-silk wooltonal solid variegatedacidbulky dk fingering lace sport worsteddye-to-order
Green Mountain SpinneryGreen Mountain Spinnery is a worker-owned cooperative in Putney, Vermont. “Since our founding 37 years ago we have been designing and producing richly colored, must-touch classic and contemporary yarns. To this day, our goals remain unchanged: to create yarns of the highest quality, to help sustain regional sheep farming, and to develop environmentally sound ways to process natural fibers. … We make every effort to purchase directly from individual growers. Unlike most commercial mills, The Green Mountain Spinnery uses no chemicals to bleach, moth-proof or shrink-proof yarns.” Yarns include recycled fibers.Alpaca, Cotton, Mohair, Targhee, Woolwww.spinnery.comusalpaca cotton mohair targhee woolsolid tweed variegatedacid undyedbulky dk fingering worstedlocal
KDD & CoKate Davies established Kate Davies Designs (KDD) in 2010, when a stroke ended Kate’s career as a literary academic. “From its one-woman beginnings, KDD has grown into a small successful business encompassing many different aspects of design and manufacturing in the west of Scotland.” Check out the part of Kate’s website that shows the process for making KDD’s beautiful tweeds.Alpaca, Mohair, Peru. Highland, Woolwww.shopkdd.comeurope ukalpaca mohair peruvian-highland woolsolid tweedundyedbulky dk fingeringlocal
Alexandra the Art of YarnAlexandra The Art of Yarn, in the heart of Oregon’s Willamette Valley, is an independent yarn company taking pleasure in providing customized hand dyed yarns. They are always searching for new luxury yarns and fibers that you will enjoy and have added several lines to an already diverse inventory.Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, Yakalexandratheartofyarn.comuscashmere merino mohair silk wool yakgradient tonal variegatedaciddk fingering lace
Woolly Goodness YarnsJenny is the dyer behind Woolly Goodness Yarns. Jenny says, “I dye the yarns from my home in lovely West Sussex in the South Downs National Park, and often take walks in the beautiful countryside around me. I like to be inspired by all of the colors in nature, but I also find inspiration from everyday life. … I make sure that all the yarns in the shop are lovely and soft so that they can be worn next to the skin.”Alpaca, Bamboo, Cashmere, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Silk, Woolwoollygoodnessyarns.comeurope ukalpaca bamboo cashmere merino mulberry-silk polwarth silk wooltonal variegatedaciddk fingering sport
Hedgerow FibersJane, yarn dyer and owner of Hedgerow Yarns, says, “I’ve always had a lifelong fascination with yarn and have been knitting and crocheting since I was a small child. It was this fascination that led me to my passion for hand dyed yarns and eventually to me experimenting with dyeing yarn. I started dyeing in 2015 after relocating to North Staffordshire from a busy London life. … I now dye yarn in small, often one of a kind batches at home in my little kitchen. I love experimenting with colors and take a lot of inspiration from nature and plants. …Alpaca, BFL, Donegal, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wool, ukalpaca bfl donegal merino mohair mulberry-silk silk wool yakhand-painted tweed variegatedacidaran dk fingering laceunique
Wull StudiosLiz at Wull Studios is “passionate about sustainability from a practical perspective, because I’ve seen how easy it is to get derailed by a health issue if there isn’t already a plan in place for that situation, and how easy it is to get derailed by poor planning with regard to production capabilities, supply chain issues, and the general unpredictability of life. I am even more passionate about sustainability from an environmental perspective, and I’m thrilled to be able to center my company around this goal.”Cashmere, Copper, Linen, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolwww.wullstudios.comuscashmere copper linen merino mulberry-silk silk woolgradient tonalacid botanical naturaldk fingering lace worsteddye-to-order local unique
Yarn Snob YarnsKeith Leonard of Knits All Done, a finishing service, and Yarn Snob Yarns gained a love for knitting at the early age of 11 when he joined a lunchtime knitting program at his grade school in his hometown of Haworth, New Jersey. After working at several knitting stores in upstate New York, New Jersey and New York City, he discovered that while knitters love to knit, most don’t have the skills, knowledge, and/or desire to do the “finishing.” So he took a chance and started Knits All Done – a specialized service for knitwear finishing. Keith’s yarns range from solids …Cashmere, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Woolwww.knitsalldone.comuscashmere linen merino mohair mulberry-silk silk woolmarl tonal solid variegatedacidbulky dk fingering worsted
Barton River YarnDonna Drachunus, proprietor of Barton River Yarn in Barton, Vermont says, “My passion for knitting, and for the processes leading up to the yarn we knit with combined with the stories behind those fibers, yarns and stitches, is what Sheep to Shawl is all about.”Mohair, Woolbartonriveryarn.comusmohair wooltonal solid variegatedacidaran worstedlocal
Dragon Hill StudioSharon Carter and partner live in Oxfordshire, England with “our lovely pooch, Pippin. I have always loved making things and I’ve tried my hand at lots of different crafts. I enjoy knitting, crochet & sewing. I also love art — especially drawing and printmaking.” Sharon is a tech editor with a background in computer programming. “I love technology and gadgets!”Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Merino, Silk, ukalpaca bfl cashmere merino silk woolself-striping tonal solid variegatedaciddk fingering worsted
Truly HookedVerity Castledine and Verity’s husband, Meyrick, are the team behind Truly Hooked. Producing beautiful, bold and brilliant yarns, as well as award winning pattern books, “Truly Hooked aims to bring a splash of color to your stash. Every skein is dyed by hand, bringing you unique luxury yarns that are a pleasure to work with.” Some yarns are pictured with knit and crochet swatches. And site offerings include mohair minis. Yarn is available on the site and at shops throughout the UK and in the US and Australia.Alpaca, Cashmere, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Wool, Yakwww.trulyhooked.comeurope ukalpaca cashmere merino mohair silk wool yaktonal solid variegatedacidbulky chunky dk fingering lacedye-to-order mini-skeins unique
Shirsty Cat DesignsKelly Straub of Shirsty Cat Designs says, “My goal was to create beautiful art that I could wear and give to friends so they could enjoy it, too, so I started knitting and never looked back. … We know that you invest a lot of time and energy into creating wonderful, wearable art; but every great artist needs supplies. We here at Shirsty Cat are committed to providing you with beautiful fibers at affordable prices. We want to make sure that your art is not constrained by supply, that you can always afford the yarns you need for all your …Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Tussah Silk, Woolwww.shirstycat.comusalpaca bfl merino mohair silk tussah-silk wooltonal variegatedbulky dk fingering lace sport worsteddye-to-order
Essence of AutumnSheryl Cox of Canada’s Essence of Autumn says, “In our native country, Autumn is a breathtaking, spectacularly beautiful and unruly time of year. Brightly colored leaves swirl and play in the crisp untamed breezes. That fresh, invigorating spirit makes you just want to breathe deeply and fill your lungs with the joy of living. That spirit … that Essence of Autumn is what we try to capture in our yarns and designs.”Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Linen, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolessenceofautumnyarn.comcanadaalpaca bfl cashmere linen merino mohair silk wooltonal solid variegatedacid undyedaran bulky dk fingering lace sport worstedbipocbipoc
Chicken Coop DyeworksChicken Coop Dyeworks is a North Central Texas company. “We sell yarn on various bases, including Merino, Polwarth, Blue Face Leicester (“BFL”) and silk along with many unique blends. We will soon add fiber and yarn from our own flock of Rambouillet sheep. With a love of color, we make a commitment to our customers to provide unique and interesting colorways on luxurious bases, using a variety of dyeing techniques.”Merino, Silk, Woolcoopdye.comusmerino silk wooltonal variegatedacidaran bulky dk fingering lace worsteddye-to-order localbipocbipoc
Mother of PurlLauren McElroy runs home-based Mother of Purl in “rural Wisconsin, the occupied land that is the traditional and ancestral home of the oceti sakowin, ho-chunk, sauk and meskwaki peoples.” Lauren’s website says, “I am designing and knitting every day. I am dyeing wool and spinning daily. I am sharing my unique perspective on knitwear design and offering it to the world. Being someone with an intersection of many identities, it is important that my artwork is for the liberation of all oppressed people and the uplifting of my ancestors.” Lauren processes the fleeces, hand-dyes the yarn, and hand-spins each skein.Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Corriedale, Cotton, Merino, Mohair, Romney, Shetland, Silk, Wensleydale, Woolwww.motherofpurl.netusalpaca bamboo bfl corriedale cotton merino mohair romney shetland silk wensleydale woolmarl variegatedacid botanical natural undyedaran dk sport worstedlocal uniquebipoc lgbtqbipoc lgbtq
Youghiogheny YarnsNestled in the Youghiogheny (YAH-kuh-GAY-knee) River valley in Connellsville, Pennsylvania, Youghiogheny Yarns is the creation of husband and wife team Todd and Keri Fosbrink. “Color is everywhere in the Youghiogheny River valley no matter the season, and Youghiogheny Yarns wants to help you bring some of that color into your life and projects.”Merino, Silk, Wool, Yakyoughioghenyyarns.comusmerino silk wool yakhand-painted tonal solid tweed variegatedacidbulky dk fingering sportdye-to-order