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KnowWhere FarmsKnowWhere Farms is a small Canadian family farm that writes, “We raise our animals according to regenerative agricultural ideas, with …Corriedale, Woolwww.knowwherefarms.cacanadaroving unprocessed-fleececorriedale woollocal uniquea-family-farma-family-farm
Idris EmporiumWales-based artist Idris Elemental loved to draw fanciful creatures based in anime and tattoo art, then decided to knit and …idrisemporium.comeurope ukmini-skeinsdisabled lgbtq neurodivergentdisabled lgbtq neurodivergent
Opal Moon DesignUS dyer Robin at Opal Moon Design offers hand-dyed spinning fiber and occasionally handmade project bags! “I live in the …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Charollais, Cheviot, Cormo, Corriedale, Dorset Horn, Exmoor, Finn, Gotland, Icelandic, Jacob, Leicester, Lincoln, Merino, Polwarth, Rambouillet, Romney, Shetland, Targhee, Woolopalmooncreative.etsy.comusroving topalpaca bamboo bfl charollais cheviot cormo corriedale dorset-horn exmoor finnish gotland icelandic jacob leicester lincoln merino polwarth rambouillet romney shetland targhee wooldisabled lgbtq neurodivergentdisabled lgbtq neurodivergent
The Wool SeekerThis Quebec-based small-batch dyer offers high-quality yarns and fibers for artisans and enthusiasts. “While I split my time between Canada …BFL, Merino, Woolthewoolseeker.etsy.comcanada s-africatopbfl merino wooldye-to-order local mini-skeins unique
Maritime Family FiberLacie lives among the inlets and craggy coastlines between Downeast Maine and New Brunswick. In 2017, the nearby Briggs and …Woolmaritimefamilyfiber.comuspencil-rovingwoollocala-family-farma-family-farm
Quillin Fiber ArtsNew Mexico dyer Dedri Quillin says, “Weaver, spinner, dyer and owner of Quillin Fiber Arts in Las Cruces, New Mexico. …BFL, Corriedale, Merino, Woolquillinfiberarts.etsy.comusrovingbfl corriedale merino woolmini-skeins
Lavender Lune Yarn CompanyMinnesota dyer Sam says, “I focus on hand-dyed skeins of rich, vivid colors that are bold and eye-catching. As any …lavenderluneyarn.cous
The FiberistsVirginia dyer Spencer at The Fiberists offers beautiful STEM-inspired yarns and fiber, quality knitting and spinning accessories, as well as …Bamboo, Camel, Cashmere, Linen, Merino, Muga Silk, Mulberry Silk, Nettle, Nylon, Rose, Silk, Tussah Silk, Wool, Yakwww.thefiberists.comusbamboo camel cashmere linen merino muga-silk mulberry-silk nettles nylon rose silk tussah-silk wool yakmini-skeins
WoolentoSlovakian dyer, knitter, crocheter, and spinner Lenka Kacurova began Woolento in 2022. The shop includes hand-dyed yarns, fade sets, handspun …Alpaca, Merino, Silk, Woolwoolento.etsy.comeu europebatts rovingalpaca merino silk wooldye-to-order local mini-skeins
Amaranth FibresMorgan is the dyer behind Canadian shop Amaranth Fibres. Colorways for yarn and spinning fiber range from beautifully warm to …Bamboo, BFL, Merino, Woolamaranthfibres.etsy.comcanadarolags roving topbamboo bfl merino woolmini-skeins
Undercover OtterAmsterdam dyer Aiden Sielias (they/them pronouns) started Undercover Otter in 2011, when they started hand-dyeing yarn, initially for themselves. As …Bamboo, BFL, Corriedale, Jacob, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.undercoverotter.comeu europebatts rovingbamboo bfl corriedale jacob merino mohair silk woolembroidery-thread mini-skeins uniquelgbtqlgbtq
SpeakEasy Fiber ClubSpeakEasy Fiber Club is a mystery collective of dyers with the goal of changing the world with belligerent descriptions of …speakeasyfiberclub.comusuniquebipoc lgbtq neurodivergentbipoc lgbtq neurodivergent
Supernova DyeworksDanna Brunger has been dyeing yarn and fiber for more than 10 years in the Greater Lansing area of Michigan. …SupernovaDyeworks.comusroving toplgbtq neurodivergentlgbtq neurodivergent
NettisNadelkunstNettisNadelkunst offers lovingly hand-dyed wool, yarns and spinning fibers from Kirchheim/Teck in Germany. Netti’s podcast and blog contain exciting information …Alpaca, Angora, Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Cheviot, Corriedale, Exmoor Blueface, Gotland, Jacob, Leicester, Lincoln, Linen, Manx Loagh., Masham, Merino, Merino d’Arles, Mohair, Muga Silk, Nylon, Polwarth, Rambouillet, Romney, SeaCell, Shetland, Silk, Southdown, Wool, Yak, Zwartblesnettisnadelkunst-shop.deeu europerolags roving slivers topalpaca angora bamboo bfl camel cheviot corriedale exmoor-blueface gotland jacob leicester lincoln linen manx-loagh masham merino merino-darles mohair muga-silk nylon polwarth rambouillet romney seacell shetland silk southdown wool yak zwartblesunique
Interlacements YarnsInterlacements Yarns LLC is a wholesale and retail yarn company providing luxury-quality, hand-dyed yarns and fibers to crafters since 1996. …BFL, Merino, Rambouillet, Woolinterlacementsyarns.comusroving topbfl merino rambouillet wool
Fiber LadyFiber Lady starts with bamboo undyed roving and makes everything you’ll see in the shop in their mini mill in …Bamboofiberlady.comusrovingbamboounique
Mother of PurlLauren McElroy is a multidisciplinary fiber artist currently working in fashion design, an at home dye studio, at their spinning …BFL, Merino, Polwarth, Rambouillet, Woolmotherofpurl.netusbatts roving topbfl merino polwarth rambouillet woollocal uniquebipoc lgbtqbipoc lgbtq
Kato Yarn Co.Minnesota-based Kato Yarn Co. offers a range of fibers and yarn weights with fun Midwest-US themes like “Hotdish” (an entree) …Corriedalewww.katoyarncompany.comusrovingcorriedaledye-to-order local
Finnsheep.netCara Leigh Wilson of Point of View Farm keeps a flock of purebred registered Finnsheep that rotationally graze on lush …Bamboo, Finn, Woolfinnsheep.netusroving top unprocessed-fleecebamboo finnish woollocala-family-farma-family-farm
Gritty KnitsNatasha Sills is the Texas indie dyer behind Gritty Knits. “I learned to knit from the book Stitch ’n’ Bitch …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Corriedale, Cotton, Merino, Mohair, Nylon, Silk, Tencelgrittyknits.comusbatts roving topalpaca bamboo bfl corriedale cotton merino mohair nylon silk tencelmini-skeins
Cashmere and CoconutsMinnesota dyer Stacie at Cashmere and Coconuts sells yarn and spinning fiber in beautiful colorways. Buy from the shop or …Merino, Polwarth, Woolwww.cashmereandcoconuts.comusrovingmerino polwarth wooldye-to-order mini-skeins
Felsted FleeceFelsted Fleece is operated from Brick House Farm, a Smallholding of around nine acres, just north of Chelmsford, in Essex. …Gotland, ukbatts locks slivers topgotland wooldye-to-order local uniquea-family-farma-family-farm
Sally Ridgway Designs in Felt & FibreTasmanian dyer Sally Ridgway is the woman behind Sally Ridgway Designs in Felt & Fibre. Sally has been producing beautifully …Alpaca, Corriedale, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Silk, hankies roving slivers topalpaca corriedale merino mulberry-silk polwarth silk woollocal mini-skeins unique
Sycamore FibersSycamore Fibers is a small-batch, hand dyed fiber shop focused on fine wool and fibers that are next-to-skin-soft. They create …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Corriedale, Merino, Polwarth, Rambouillet, SeaCell, Silk, Tussah Silk, Woolsycamorefibers.comusrolags topalpaca bamboo bfl corriedale merino polwarth rambouillet seacell silk tussah-silk wooldye-to-order uniquelgbtqlgbtq
Laughing Cat FibersLaughing Cat Fibers offers beautiful yarns and roving with themed colorways celebrating art and literature. Many yarn colorways include a …BFL, Cheviot, Corriedale, Finn, Jacob, Lincoln, Merino, Polwarth, Rambouillet, Romney, Silk, Targhee, Teeswater, Wensleydale, Woollaughingcatfibers.xyzusrovingbfl cheviot corriedale finnish jacob lincoln merino polwarth rambouillet romney silk targhee teeswater wensleydale woolmini-skeins unique
Color Me Happy Fiber Arts StudioMichelle and Linda at Color Me Happy say, “Our mission is to develop and maintain a collaborative fiber arts studio …Bamboo, Merino, Silk, Tussah Silk, Wool, topbamboo merino silk tussah-silk wool yakdye-to-order local mini-skeins unique
Llady Llama Fiber Co.Kelli is the owner/dyer/mastermind behind Llady Llama. A Fine Arts background and love for color serendipitously led Kelli to fiber …Bamboo, Merino, Nylon, Targhee, Woolwww.LladyLlama.comustopbamboo merino nylon targhee woolmini-skeinslgbtq neurodivergentlgbtq neurodivergent
Little Acorn CraftsChris is the owner of Little Acorn Crafts. “I supply a range of hand-dyed yarn and fibre for spinning. Little Acorn …Alpaca, Bamboo, Corriedale, Cotswold, Jacob, Manx Loagh., Nettle, Polwarth, SeaCell, Shetland, Silk, Soy, Tencel, Texel, ukbatts roving topalpaca bamboo corriedale cotswold jacob manx-loagh nettles polwarth seacell shetland silk soy tencel texel wooldye-to-order local unique
Purple Lamb Fiber ArtsCarla is the dyer at Purple Lamb Fiber Arts. “Purple Lamb is about joy — the joy of creating using soft, …Alpaca, Angora, Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Cashmere, Eri Silk, Merino, Mint, Mohair, Muga Silk, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Rambouillet, SeaCell, Shetland, Silk, Teeswater, Tussah Silk, Wool, Yakwww.purplelambfiberarts.comusbatts hankies locks roving topalpaca angora bamboo bfl camel cashmere eri-silk merino mint mohair muga-silk mulberry-silk polwarth rambouillet seacell shetland silk teeswater tussah-silk wool yakmini-skeins unique
What Mustard MadeTracey Mustard is the dyer at What Mustard Made. This UK shop offers small-batch, hand-dyed yarn for knitting, crochet, and …Alpaca, BFL, Merino, Rambouillet, SeaCell, Silk, Southdown, WF Woodland, Woolwww.traceymustard.comeurope ukrovingalpaca bfl merino rambouillet seacell silk southdown wf-woodland woollgbtqlgbtq
Hawkshaw SheepFarmer and herder Sue lives a hill farm called Fingland in the Scottish Borders with partner Joe and grandson Callum. …Alpaca, Cheviot, Hebridean, Romeldale, ukbatts roving slivers unprocessed-fleecealpaca cheviot hebridean romeldale woollocala-family-farma-family-farm
The Wool ClipThe Wool Clip was established as a co-operative in 2001, aiming to add value to British wool and to celebrate …Alpaca, BFL, Clun Forest, Hebridean, Herdwick, Jacob, Portland, Shetland, Swaledale, Torddu, Wensleydale, Woolwoolclip.comeurope ukbatts locks rovingalpaca bfl clun-forest hebridean herdwick jacob portland shetland swaledale torddu wensleydale woollocal
Dyers WoolDyers Wool offers sock, sport, and bulky yarn made with Colorado-grown wool, milled in the US. Their hand-dyed yarns are …Churro, Corriedale, Rambouillet, Shetland, Tunis, Wooldyerswool.comusroving topchurro corriedale rambouillet shetland tunis woollocal
Fossil FibersKori is the Michigan dyer behind Fossil Fibers. “Supporting small farms and rare breeds is a big deal to us …BFL, Hemp, Mohair, Polwarth, Teeswater, Woolwww.fossilfibers.comusbatts locks topbfl hemp mohair polwarth teeswater woollocal
New Forest MohairNew Forest Mohair produces hand-dyed mohair and mohair-blend yarns, most of which are spun from the beautiful fleeces of their …Merino, Mohair, Silk, ukhankies locks rovingmerino mohair silk wooldye-to-order local
Wren & OllieMia is the dyer behind Wren & Ollie, a fiber and yarn dyeing studio located in the South Australian foothills. …Merino, Woolwrenandollie.comaustraliarovingmerino wool
HeimatwolleDeliah is the German dyer at Heimatwolle. As a child, Deliah learned to knit and spin. “In order to exhaust …Bamboo, BFL, Corn, Finn, Lincoln, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Perendale, Romney, SeaCell, Shetland, Silk, Tussah Silk, Wensleydale, Woolwww.heimatwolle.deeu europeroving slivers topbamboo bfl corn finnish lincoln merino mulberry-silk perendale romney seacell shetland silk tussah-silk wensleydale wool
Allium ThreadsNiki is the UK yarn and spinning fiber dyer at Allium Threads. Niki achieves beautiful colors with natural dyes, on …Cotton, Linen, Merino, Silk, Wensleydale, Woolalliumthreads.etsy.comeurope ukhankies locks pre-drafts rovingcotton linen merino silk wensleydale woolunique
Watts YarnMaddie, founder of Watts Yarn, has always wanted to knit and to be involved in a community of fiber artists. …BFL, Merino, Woolwattsyarn.comusroving topbfl merino wooldye-to-order
Lily and Pine Fibre ArtsLily and Pine Fibre Arts offers a wide variety of yarn weights and fiber combinations. Erin is especially known for …Bamboo, Merino, Nylon, Polwarth, Silk, Targhee, Woolwww.lilyandpine.comcanadabatts topbamboo merino nylon polwarth silk targhee wooldye-to-order unique
Gnomespun Yarn and Fiber ArtsDan is the gnome/dyer at Gnomespun Fiber Arts. “I am a retired Army veteran, a neuroscientist, biochemist, a crafter (polycraftual), …Alpaca, Cheviot, Columbia, Corriedale, Dorset Horn, Gotland, Merino, Polwarth, Rambouillet, Romeldale, Targhee, Tunis, Woolgnomespun.comusroving topalpaca cheviot columbia corriedale dorset-horn gotland merino polwarth rambouillet romeldale targhee tunis wool
YaraFibersGerman dyer YaraFibers sells beautiful spinning fiber and thick/thin handspun yarn. Fiber is mulesing-free. Gorgeous roving, top and more.Gotland, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wensleydale, Woolyarafibers.etsy.comeu europebatts locks roving topgotland merino mulberry-silk silk wensleydale wool
The Fibre GoddessJenn Thomas is The Fibre Goddess, a Calgary-based dyer of commercially spun yarn and spinning fiber who also sells her …Camel, Cashmere, Merino, Polwarth, Shetland, Silk, Woolfibregoddess.cacanadarovingcamel cashmere merino polwarth shetland silk wooldye-to-order
AshenflockClaire and James are the shepherds at Ashenflock. “Our sheep are specifically farmed for premium handspinning fleeces,” they say. Both …Cheviot, Cotton, Hill Radnor, Jacob, Llanwenog, Manx Loagh., Merino, Mulberry Silk, Nettle, Portland, Romney, SeaCell, Shetland, Tussah Silk, Wensleydale, WoolAshenflock.etsy.comeurope uklocks roving top unprocessed-fleececheviot cotton hill-radnor jacob llanwenog manx-loagh merino mulberry-silk nettles portland romney seacell shetland tussah-silk wensleydale woollocala-family-farma-family-farm
Tea Fueled DyeingAnnika is the Washington dyer behind Tea Fueled Dyeing. Annika is a self-described “sock cult leader” who creates beautiful roving …BFL, Merino, Polwarth, Silk, Tencel, WoolTeaFueledDyeing.etsy.comusbatts pre-drafts rolags rovingbfl merino polwarth silk tencel woollgbtqlgbtq
WoolbearersWoolbearers is a New Jersey yarn and fiber store specializing in hand-painted yarns and rovings. In addition to selling its …Cotton, Merino, Romney, Woolwww.woolbearers.netusrovingcotton merino romney wool
Remii’s Rovings & YarnArlene is the Canadian owner/creator behind Remii’s Rovings & Yarn, which offers gorgeous hand-dyed yarns with a lot of other …Merino, WoolRemiisRovingsandYarn.etsy.comcanadarovingmerino wooldye-to-order
BeesyBee FibersCalifornia dyer Patricia grew up in Yucatan, Mexico. “Coming from the tropics, I was vulnerable to the cold weather of …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Corriedale, Cotswold, Hemp, Linen, Manx Loagh., Merino, Merino d’Arles, Mulberry Silk, Nettle, Rambouillet, Shetland, Silk, Tussah Silk, Wensleydale, Wool, Yakbeesybeefibers.comusroving topalpaca bamboo bfl camel corriedale cotswold hemp linen manx-loagh merino merino-darles mulberry-silk nettles rambouillet shetland silk tussah-silk wensleydale wool yakbipocbipoc
Black Smoke FibersKiki is the dyer behind Black Smoke Fibers. “We specialize in small batch, artisan-dyed yarns, fibers, handspun yarn, small batch …Bamboo, Corriedale, Norwegian, Woolblacksmokefibers.comusbatts rovingbamboo corriedale norwegian woollocalbipocbipoc
AkaraCanadian dyer Akara has lots to choose from. Beautiful colorways on superwash and non-superwash bases. Yarns and fibers are produced …Bamboo, BFL, Icelandic, Merino, Nylon, Woolakararose.comcanadabatts topbamboo bfl icelandic merino nylon wool
cdickdesignsCaroline Dick is a Tahltan/Irish Two-Spirit designer living on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada. She has been published in …BFL, topbfl woolbipoc lgbtqbipoc lgbtq
Black Stag Yarn & FibreBlack Stag Yarn offers hand-dyed and hand-spun yarns, hand processed fibers from UK smallholders and farmers, with a small range …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Cheviot, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Shetland, Shropshire, Silk, topalpaca bamboo bfl cheviot merino mulberry-silk shetland shropshire silk wooldye-to-order local unique
Cat and Sparrow UKRachael is the dyer behind Cat and Sparrow UK. “I have been spinning and dyeing fibre and yarn since 2012, …Alpaca, BFL, Cheviot, Corriedale, Eri Silk, Exmoor Blueface, Icelandic, Jacob, Linen, Manx Loagh., Masham, Merino, Mohair, Muga Silk, Polwarth, Romney, SeaCell, Shetland, Silk, Tencel, Tussah Silk, Wensleydale, WF Woodland, Wool, ukbatts hankies topalpaca bfl cheviot corriedale eri-silk exmoor-blueface icelandic jacob linen manx-loagh masham merino mohair muga-silk polwarth romney seacell shetland silk tencel tussah-silk wensleydale wf-woodland wool yakdye-to-order
Hello YarnAdrian is a designer and dyer living in Western Massachusetts. Adrian designs mainly colorwork patterns and hand-dyes a variety of …BFL, Charollais, Cheviot, Corriedale, Finn, Merino, Polwarth, Rambouillet, Romney, Shetland, Southdown, Targhee, Woolwww.helloyarn.comustopbfl charollais cheviot corriedale finnish merino polwarth rambouillet romney shetland southdown targhee wooldye-to-order local unique
Velvet SixpenceVix is the Nottingham dyer behind Velvet Sixpence. The shop specializes in semi-solid colors on wool and wool/silk blends. Colors …BFL, Charollais, Corriedale, Exmoor Blueface, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Rambouillet, Romney, Shetland, Silk, Southdown, Wool, Zwartblesvelvetsixpence.comeurope ukbatts topbfl charollais corriedale exmoor-blueface merino mulberry-silk polwarth rambouillet romney shetland silk southdown wool zwartbleslgbtq neurodivergentlgbtq neurodivergent
The Painted TigerThe Painted Tiger has been dyeing small batch hand dyed yarn and fiber since 2004. “Our online shop offers self-striping …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Cashmere, Cheviot, Corriedale, Dorset Horn, Finn, Gotland, Masham, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Nylon, Perendale, Polwarth, Rambouillet, Romney, Shetland, Silk, Targhee, Tencel, Tussah Silk, Wensleydale, WF Woodland, WoolThePaintedTiger.comusbatts hankies roving topalpaca bamboo bfl camel cashmere cheviot corriedale dorset-horn finnish gotland masham merino mulberry-silk nylon perendale polwarth rambouillet romney shetland silk targhee tencel tussah-silk wensleydale wf-woodland wool
Three Bunny DesignsThree Bunny Designs is a fiber and yarn business run by New Jersey Boss Bunny Yuki and her human servant. …Alpaca, BFL, Cheviot, Corriedale, Gotland, Merino, Shetland, Woolthreebunnydesigns.square.siteusbatts rovingalpaca bfl cheviot corriedale gotland merino shetland wooldye-to-order unique
HipStringsPittsburgh based HipStrings sells beautiful spinning fiber and yarn. It is also a maker of tools for spinning, knitting, crochet …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Bord. Leicester, Camel, Cashmere, Corriedale, Cotton, CVM, Eri Silk, Finn, Linen, Manx Loagh., Merino, Mint, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Nylon, Polwarth, Rambouillet, Romney, Shetland, Silk, Targhee, Tussah Silk, Welsh Mountain, Wool, Yak, Zwartbleswww.hipstrings.comusbatts slivers topalpaca bamboo bfl bord-leicester camel cashmere corriedale cotton cvm eri-silk finnish linen manx-loagh merino mint mohair mulberry-silk nylon polwarth rambouillet romney shetland silk targhee tussah-silk welsh-mountain wool yak zwartblesunique
Fiber Optic YarnsFiber Optic Yarns dyes its color palette on only the highest quality yarns and spinning fibers, selected for superior staple …Bamboo, BFL, Merino, Mohair, Polwarth, Silk, Targhee, Tencel, Tussah Silk, Wensleydale, Woolfiberopticyarns.comusrovingbamboo bfl merino mohair polwarth silk targhee tencel tussah-silk wensleydale wool
Hooking Marvellous YarnsLynzi and is the UK dyer behind Hooking Marvellous Yarns. A knitter and crocheter, Lynzi says, “It wasn’t long before …Corriedale, ukrovingcorriedale wooldye-to-order local
Siobhans CraftsSiobhans Crafts is a UK dyer of spinning fiber and yarn. Yarns are Merino or Polwarth and include a beautiful …BFL, Corriedale, Cotswold, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Rambouillet, Silk, locks rolags rovingbfl corriedale cotswold merino mulberry-silk polwarth rambouillet silk wool
Fibernymph Dye WorksLisa Cannon is the owner and dyer behind Fibernymph Dye Works in Pennsylvania’s Laurel Mountains. “While self-striping remains my primary …Karakul, Linen, Manx Loagh., Norwegian, Welsh Mountain, Woolwww.fibernymphdyeworks.comusrovingkarakul linen manx-loagh norwegian welsh-mountain wool
Granite Haven LlamasSnugly hidden away in the Strathbogie Ranges of North-East Victoria, Granite Haven Llamas keeps free-range Gotland sheep and, of course, …Gotland, Llama, unprocessed-fleecegotland llama woollocala-family-farma-family-farm
Created by Elsie BLeAndra is the dyer behind Created by Elsie B. “When I first started spinning, I quickly realized how important it …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Cashmere, Corriedale, Merino, Nylon, Polwarth, Rambouillet, SeaCell, Silk, Targhee, Tencel, Woolcreatedbyelsieb.comusrovingalpaca bamboo bfl cashmere corriedale merino nylon polwarth rambouillet seacell silk targhee tencel woolunique
Abby’s YarnsAbby Franquemont is the dyer and teacher behind Abby’s Yarns. In addition to beautiful batts, Abby offers classes on everything …Camel, Corriedale, Merino, Nylon, Silk, Tencel, Tussah Silk, corriedale merino nylon silk tencel tussah-silk wool
Pixie YarnSophie is the Somerset dyer behind Pixie Yarn. Inspirations include “films, packaging, songs, nature and the landscape,” Sophie says. “Some …Corriedale, Merino, Nylon, Polwarth, Rambouillet, ukbatts roving topcorriedale merino nylon polwarth rambouillet wooldye-to-order mini-skeins unique
Hey Mama Wolf YarnsJule is the German dyer at Hey Mama Wolf Yarns. Yarns are made from organically raised local rare-breed sheep and …Tyrol Mountain, Woolwww.heymamawolf.deeu europerovingtyrol-mountain woollocal
The Ross FarmThe Ross Farm, raises sheep, cattle, turkeys, hogs, and miniature Mediterranean donkeys. “We concentrate on ‘heritage breeds’ instead of the …Cheviot, Cotswold, CVM, Dorset Horn, Florida Cracker, Hog Island, Jacob, Leicester, Merino, Shetland, Tuniswww.therossfarm.comusroving top unprocessed-fleececheviot cotswold cvm dorset-horn florida-cracker hog-island jacob leicester merino shetland tunislocala-family-farma-family-farm
ApothefaeryFae is the dyer behind Apothefaery, which seems to be in the US. Beautiful spinning fiber and yarns abound on …BFL, Cashmere, Columbia, Cotton, Linen, Merino, Muga Silk, Mulberry Silk, Rambouillet, Silk, Southdown, Teeswaterapothefaery.comusbatts locks noils roving top unprocessed-fleecebfl cashmere columbia cotton linen merino muga-silk mulberry-silk rambouillet silk southdown teeswater
The Perfect StitchJen is the dyer behind The Perfect Stitch, which seems to be in the US. Lots of vibrant fiber and …Cashmere, Merino, Rambouillet, Rose, SeaCell, Silk, Tencel, Tussah Silk, Wooltheperfectstitchfibreco.comustopcashmere merino rambouillet rose seacell silk tencel tussah-silk wool
Wool E FarmsUS maker Wool E Farms is all Romney, all the time, “producing fleeces we wanted to spin into yarn due …Romney, Woolwww.woolefarms.comusroving unprocessed-fleeceromney woollocala-family-farma-family-farm
It’s a Stitch UpSuzie Blackman is the founder of It’s a Stitch up, an East London dyer that uses mainly UK wools to …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Mint, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Wensleydale, ukroving topalpaca bamboo bfl mint mulberry-silk silk wensleydale woollocal unique
D n D FibersDiana and Dave are the dyers and spinners behind D n D Fibers. Lots of handspun yarn, roving and top …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Rambouillet, Shetland, Silk, Targhee, Tussah Silk, WoolDnDFibers.etsy.comusbatts roving topalpaca bamboo bfl merino mulberry-silk polwarth rambouillet shetland silk targhee tussah-silk woolunique
(Vi)lainesMarion is the dyer behind (Vi)laines, based in Lyon, France. Colors range from barely there to neon-bright. If you love …Alpaca, BFL, Linen, Merino, Silk, Tussah Silk, WoolVilaines.etsy.comeu europealpaca bfl linen merino silk tussah-silk wool
Haute Bohème FibersMelody is the dyer at Haute Bohème. Starting with a love of crochet, Melody began exploring a passion for color, …Polwarth, Woolhautebohemefibers.comustoppolwarth wool
Dresow Family FarmDresow Family Farm is tucked away in the rolling hills of Lonsdale, Minnesota. “We raise white and colored Cormo and …Cormo, Woolwww.dresowfamilyfarm.comusbatts roving unprocessed-fleececormo woollocala-family-farma-family-farm
Fairfield FinnsFairfield Finns is an ethically run family farm at Bullengarook in Victoria’s beautiful Macedon Ranges. “We breed our Finns for …Bond, Cashmere, Corriedale, Finn, Merino, Woolfairfieldfinns.ecwid.comaustralianoils top unprocessed-fleecebond cashmere corriedale finnish merino woollocala-family-farma-family-farm
Nest Fiber StudioNest Fiber Studio is a US dyer that offers beautiful colorways (I’m loving the Winterberry) in a variety of fibers.Bamboo, BFL, Cashmere, Corn, Eri Silk, Linen, Merino, Polwarth, Rambouillet, SeaCell, Silk, Targhee, Woolnestfiberstudio.bigcartel.comusrovingbamboo bfl cashmere corn eri-silk linen merino polwarth rambouillet seacell silk targhee wool
Harrisville DesignsHarrisville Designs has spun yarn and carded fleece for more than 40 years in a building that has produced textiles …Mohair, Rambouillet, Woolharrisville.comusbattsmohair rambouillet wool
Emily C GilliesCanadian dyer Emily C Gillies’ yarn comes in a variety of semisolid, tonal and variegated shades, from warm to bright. …BFL, Corriedale, Linen, Merino, Silk, Tussah Silk, Woolwww.emilycgillies.cacanadatopbfl corriedale linen merino silk tussah-silk woollgbtqlgbtq
Beersheba FarmAustralia’s Beersheba Farm offers stunningly beautiful spinning fiber from its sheep, which are not mulesed. Check out the “Castledale” top; …Drysdale, Leicester, Merino, Woolwww.beershebafarm.comaustraliatop unprocessed-fleecedrysdale leicester merino woollocala-family-farma-family-farm
Walnut Farm DesignsAnita is the dyer at Walnut Farms Designs. Anita’s family has farmed the same Pennsylvania land since the 1770s, which …Bamboo, BFL, Corriedale, Polwarth, Silk, Targhee, Tussah Silk, WoolWalnutFarmDesigns.etsy.comustopbamboo bfl corriedale polwarth silk targhee tussah-silk woola-family-farma-family-farm
Kim Dyes Yarn“Kim Dyes Yarn” is a complete sentence. This yarn is just awfully nice, across several different bases. Yarn can be …Cashmere, Merino, Polwarth, Silk, Targhee, Woolwww.kimdyesyarn.comustopcashmere merino polwarth silk targhee woolbipocbipoc
Wonderful WoolNaomi is the UK dyer behind Wonderful Wool. “I make and sell one of a kind items that are made …Alpaca, Bamboo, Cheviot, Corriedale, Llama, Merino, Nylon, Polwarth, SeaCell, Shetland, Soy, Tencel, Wensleydale, WF Woodland, WoolWonderfulWool.etsy.comeurope ukbatts roving topalpaca bamboo cheviot corriedale llama merino nylon polwarth seacell shetland soy tencel wensleydale wf-woodland wool
Wing and a Prayer FarmTammy is the Vermont sheep farmer and dyer behind Wing and a Prayer Farm. Tammy gathers fiber from the Wing …Teeswater, Valais Blknose, Woolwww.wingandaprayerfarm.comusteeswater valais-blknose woollocala-family-farma-family-farm
Hilltop CloudKatie is the fiber dyer at Hilltop Cloud. “I specialize in unique fibers,” Katie says. “I carefully select wool for …Alpaca, BFL, Cashmere, Cheviot, Corriedale, Cotton, Llama, Manx Loagh., Mulberry Silk, Nettle, Nylon, Rose, SeaCell, Shetland, Silk, Tussah Silk, Wool, ukroving topalpaca bfl cashmere cheviot corriedale cotton llama manx-loagh mulberry-silk nettles nylon rose seacell shetland silk tussah-silk wool yak
Threaded EmbraceTaryn is the dyer at Threaded Embrace. Taryn is sensitive to the way most animal fibers feel on the skin …Bamboo, Merino, Woolwww.threadedembrace.comaustraliaroving sliversbamboo merino wool
Fiber Curio and SundriesEllen is the dyer at Fiber Curio and Sundries, based in Iowa. Fiber Curio and Sundries focuses on innovative ways …Alpaca, Angora, Bamboo, Banana, BFL, Bord. Leicester, Cheviot, Churro, Clun Forest, Corriedale, Cotswold, Cotton, CVM, Dorset Horn, Hemp, Icelandic, Jacob, Leicester, Lincoln, Linen, Llama, Merino, Mohair, Rambouillet, Romeldale, Romney, Shetland, Silk, Southdown, Soy, Teeswater, Tunis, Tussah Silk, Welsh Mountain, Wensleydale, WoolFiberCurio.etsy.comusbatts locks roving unprocessed-fleecealpaca angora bamboo banana bfl bord-leicester cheviot churro clun-forest corriedale cotswold cotton cvm dorset-horn hemp icelandic jacob leicester lincoln linen llama merino mohair rambouillet romeldale romney shetland silk southdown soy teeswater tunis tussah-silk welsh-mountain wensleydale woollocal
Kosy Kitchen FibresFi is the dyer at Kosy Kitchen Fibres. “I am a natural fiber yarn company providing top quality yarn, fleece …Wensleydale, Woolwww.kosykitchenfibres.comuktopwensleydale woollocal
Blackwattle Alpaca Yarn and FibreBlackwattle Yarn and Fibre is the creation of Angela and Matthew Smith, which they run from Blackwattle Alpaca Farm in …Alpaca, Corriedale, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Polwarth, Silk, roving slivers unprocessed-fleecealpaca corriedale merino mulberry-silk polwarth silk woollocala-family-farma-family-farm
Cross Wind FarmMichigan’s Cross Wind Farm offers breed specific yarn and spinning fibers. Many batches are specific to individual sheep. Yarn and …BFL, Bord. Leicester, Lincoln, Romney, Woolcross-wind-farm-llc.square.siteusroving topbfl bord-leicester lincoln romney woollocala-family-farma-family-farm
Home Farm WensleydalesHome Farm Wensleydales boasts the largest flock of rare-breed Wensleydale sheep in the world. “We do not commission spin, our …BFL, Wensleydale, Woolwww.homefarmwensleydales.comeurope uklocks pre-drafts top unprocessed-fleecebfl wensleydale woollocala-family-farma-family-farm
Das MondschafGerman dyer Das Mondschaf (The Moon Sheep) offers gorgeous, rich, bright and deep colorways in both spinning fiber and yarns. …BFL, Linen, Merino, Nylon, Polwarth, Shetland, Silk, Soydas-mondschaf.deeu europesliversbfl linen merino nylon polwarth shetland silk soy
The Foldout CatThe Foldout Cat offers spinning fiber batts in a wide variety of colorways from bright to muted, with fun names …Bamboo, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.foldoutcat.comusbattsbamboo merino silk wool
Gam Farm Rare BreedsGam Farm sits at the edge of Grassington in the Yorkshire Dales national park. It is home to many varieties …Boreray, Wensleydale, WF Woodland, uklocks slivers unprocessed-fleeceboreray wensleydale wf-woodland woollocala-family-farma-family-farm
Catskill MerinoCatskill Merino is a woman-owned, small farm in the Hudson Valley of New York. “We raise Saxon Merino sheep that …Merino, Woolwww.catskillmerino.comuspre-draftsmerino woollocala-family-farma-family-farm
Caithness YarnsCaithness Yarns offers premium quality artisan yarns made from sheep sourced from high-welfare small to medium farms in the North …Castlemilk M.www.caithnessyarns.comeurope ukunprocessed-fleececastlemilk-mlocal
Doulton Border Leicester YarnDoulton Border Leicester yarn is made from the fleeces of rare breed, British Border Leicester sheep that live to grow …Bord. Leicester, Wooldoultonborderleicesteryarn.comeurope uktop unprocessed-fleecebord-leicester woollocal
Bigwigs AngoraUK yarn maker Sarah keeps about 100 angora rabbits and offers a selection of undyed angora fiber, as well as … ukunprocessed-fleeceangoralocal
Freyalyn’s FibresFreyalyn’s Fibres is a small-scale kitchen sink dyer of British fibers and mostly sock yarns, in brilliant, repeatable and sustainable …BFL, Cheviot, Dorset Horn, Exmoor Blueface, Gotland, Manx Loagh., Masham, Merino, Polwarth, Shetland, Shropshire, Teeswater, Tussah Silk, Wensleydalefreyalyn.blogspot.comeurope ukbatts roving top unprocessed-fleecebfl cheviot dorset-horn exmoor-blueface gotland manx-loagh masham merino polwarth shetland shropshire teeswater tussah-silk wensleydaledye-to-order local unique
Dodgson Wood/Shear DelightDodgson Wood and its subsidiary Shear Delight sell beautiful untreated fleeces and yarns. (Be aware, gentle souls, that this website …BFL, Cheviot, Gotland, Hebridean, Jacob, Suffolk, Teeswater, ukunprocessed-fleecebfl cheviot gotland hebridean jacob suffolk teeswater woollocal
Sea Turtle Fiber ArtsSea Turtle Fiber Arts has a lot of fun stuff. Great gradient sets like the Seashore Yarn Set, Evil Twins …Cashmere, Merino, Silk, Woolseaturtlefiberarts.comcanadarovingcashmere merino silk woolmini-skeins
Coast to Coast Yarn CoThe dyer behind Coast to Coast Yarn Co says the yarn and fiber is “from my hands, to yours — …Charollais, Corriedale, corriedale woolmini-skeins
FiberQuirksDeb is the fiber designer behind FiberQuirks, a Dutch producer of spinning fiber in brilliant brights and beautiful neutrals.BFL, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Silk, WoolFiberQuirks.etsy.comeu europebatts puni rolags rovingbfl merino mulberry-silk silk wool
HauteKnit YarnShellee is the dyer behind HauteKnit Yarn. “I specialize in colorways with small pops of color that will not pool …Cotton, Merino, Woolhauteknityarn.comusroving topcotton merino woolunique
Wild Hare Fiber StudioMelissa is the dyer behind Wild Hare Fiber Studio. Wild Hare has hand dyed and handspun yarns and spinning fiber, …Linen, Merino, Silk, Soy, Woolwildharefiber.comusroving toplinen merino silk soy wool
Coastal ColoursCoastal Colours has been dyeing luxury yarn and fiber since 2010, based on the proprietor’s love of knitting and spinning. …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Cashmere, Merino, SeaCell, Silk, Tussah Silk, bamboo bfl camel cashmere merino seacell silk tussah-silk wool
Forbidden Fiber CoForbidden Fiber Co offers beautiful yarn in a wide variety of colorways. I’m loving “Amok! Amok! Amok!” and may end …BFL, Corriedale, Merino, Polwarth, Silk, Woolwww.forbiddenfiberco.comusrolags roving topbfl corriedale merino polwarth silk wool
Peace FleeceIn 1985 Peter had an idea and traveled to Moscow with a proposal. If he could find a Russian family …Merino, Mohair, Woolwww.peacefleece.comusrovingmerino mohair wool
Rain’s (Obsessive) StitcheryDyer Rain has a wide array of yarns and fiber (including allergy-friendly and vegan options) for your knitting, crocheting, spinning, …BFL, Camel, Merino, Nylon, Silk, Wool, Yakrainsews.comushankies roving topbfl camel merino nylon silk wool yakdye-to-order mini-skeins
SheepspotSheepspot is an amazing trove of breed-specific fiber. “We are passionate about wool, and we take as much care sourcing …BFL, Cheviot, Coopworth, Corriedale, Dorset Horn, Icelandic, Montadale, Mulberry Silk, North Ronaldsay, Polwarth, Silk, Southdown, Targhee, Wensleydale, WF Woodland, Woolwww.sheepspot.comcanadatopbfl cheviot coopworth corriedale dorset-horn icelandic montadale mulberry-silk north-ronaldsay polwarth silk southdown targhee wensleydale wf-woodland woolbipocbipoc
Atomic Fiber Co.Sayra is the self-described “wool obsessed” dyer behind Atomic Fiber Co. “My batts and yarn are made using the best …Bamboo, Merino, Romney, Silk, Targhee, Woolatomicfiberco.etsy.comusbatts roving topbamboo merino romney silk targhee woollocal
Balnahard FarmBalnahard Farm is on the Isle of Colonsay about 20 miles off the coast of Scotland. The farm sells yarns …BFL, Hebridean, Nettle, Woolwww.balnahard.comeurope ukpre-drafts unprocessed-fleecebfl hebridean nettles woollocala-family-farma-family-farm
Blue Barn FiberHolly and Dan at Blue Barn Fiber hand dye every order as it comes in. “Let us know if you …Alpaca, Angora, Banana, BFL, Casein, Corn, Cotton, Eri Silk, Merino, Mint, Mohair, Mulberry Silk, Nettle, Pineapple, Polwarth, Rose, Silk, Teeswater, Tencel, Tussah Silk, Wensleydale, Wool, YakBlueBarnFiber.etsy.comusbatts hankies locks puni rolags roving topalpaca angora banana bfl casein corn cotton eri-silk merino mint mohair mulberry-silk nettles pineapple polwarth rose silk teeswater tencel tussah-silk wensleydale wool yakdye-to-order
Fiberdog FibersWhilst trying to get the “Underdog” theme out of my head, I will tell you that US dyer and spinner …BFL, Corriedale, Romney, Wensleydale, Woolwww.fiberdogfibers.comusbatts puni rovingbfl corriedale romney wensleydale woolmini-skeins unique
Cookston CraftsClaire is the Scottish dyer behind Cookston Crafts. In addition to dyeing beautiful yarn and fiber, Claire teaches crochet, knitting …BFL, Merino, Woolwww.cookstoncrafts.comeurope uktopbfl merino wool
Dye CandyHutch is the yarn and fiber dyer behind Dye Candy, which has fun colorway names like “That’s a Nice Tnetennba” …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Casein, Corriedale, Llama, Masham, Merino, Pineapple, Silk, Tussah Silk, Wensleydale, ukbattsalpaca bamboo bfl casein corriedale llama masham merino pineapple silk tussah-silk wensleydale wool
Avalon Springs FarmAs the farm’s name suggests, Karen, the dyer at Avalon Springs Farm, has a penchant for Arthurian legend. Base names …Alpaca, Bamboo, Camel, Cotton, Llama, Merino, Mohair, Silk, Woolwww.avalonspringsfarm.comuspre-drafts rovingalpaca bamboo camel cotton llama merino mohair silk woollocal uniquea-family-farma-family-farm
Cat & Sparrow AustraliaThe story of Cat & Sparrow began when Cathy was looking for a spinning wheel. “I answered an ad on …Bamboo, BFL, Cashmere, Cotton, Linen, Merino, Silk, Tussah Silk, hankies puni roving slivers topbamboo bfl cashmere cotton linen merino silk tussah-silk woolbipocbipoc
John Arbon TextilesJohn Arbon started the John Arbon Textiles mill, along with wife Juliet. John Arbon Textiles is based on a very …Alpaca, BFL, Corriedale, Devon Lgwool., Exmoor Blueface, Masham, Merino, Mulberry Silk, Romney, Silk, Wensleydale, Wool, Zwartbleswww.jarbon.comeurope uktopalpaca bfl corriedale devon-lgwool exmoor-blueface masham merino mulberry-silk romney silk wensleydale wool zwartbles
Angora OnlineAngora Online sells fiber and yarn from their own bunny friends and from other fibers from BFL to Bamboo. “Our …Angora, Merino, Woolwww.angoraonline.comusbatts puni rovingangora merino woollocal
Wild Atlantic YarnsBased in the North West of Ireland, Wild Atlantic yarns is run by Kathleen (with frequent visits, input and distractions …Bamboo, Merino, Silk, Woolwww.wildatlanticyarns.comeu europerolags topbamboo merino silk wooldye-to-order
Melissa’s Yarn BarnMelissa’s Yarn Barn, based in Iowa, sells beautiful sock yarns in playful colorways like Barbie and charming ones like Stargazer …Alpaca, Bamboo, Bord. Leicester, Columbia, Corriedale, Jacob, Merino, Romeldale, Romney, WoolMelissasYarnBarn.etsy.comusbatts roving topalpaca bamboo bord-leicester columbia corriedale jacob merino romeldale romney wool
Moseley ParkJane, the dyer at Australia’s Moseley Park, works a sheep and wheat farm with husband Ian on Eyre Peninsula. Learning …Bamboo, Camel, Cotton, Linen, Mink, Mint, Nettle, Rose, Silk, Tencel, Tussah Silkwww.moseleyparkhome.comaustraliaroving topbamboo camel cotton linen mink mint nettles rose silk tencel tussah-silklocala-family-farma-family-farm
Aisling YarnsChrista is the artist behind Aisling Yarns and brings her unique sense of color, design, and method to every product. …BFL, Woolwww.aislingyarns.comustopbfl wooldye-to-order local
Hawari BazaarMichigan designer and dyer Corinne is the artist behind Hawari Bazaar Designs. “I have been crocheting and knitting for the …Merino, Rambouillet, WoolHawariBazaar.comusrovingmerino rambouillet wooldye-to-order unique
Rosies MomentsRosies Moments is an indie dyer specialising in luxury yarns and fiber. Fiber was out of stock at this writing. … ukdye-to-order local
YarninchenYarninchen has a cartoon sheep that is also … a bunny? The yarn and fiber are beautiful, with some gorgeous …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Corriedale, Linen, Merino, Polwarth, Rambouillet, SeaCell, Silk, Tussah Silk, WoolYarninchen.etsy.comeu europeroving topalpaca bamboo bfl corriedale linen merino polwarth rambouillet seacell silk tussah-silk wool
Casual Fashion QueenSheena is the dyer behind Casual Fashion Queen. “I get my inspiration from everything around me. Literally, everything!” Sheena says. …Bamboo, Merino, Woolwww.casualfashionqueen.comusrovingbamboo merino wooldye-to-order
Neatnik YarnsCanadian dyer Neatnik Yarns is all about color and luxury, especially bright variegated colorways on soft, chunky yarn. “My process …BFL, Merino, Silk, Woolneatnikyarns.comcanadapencil-roving topbfl merino silk wool
Cloud 9 FiberworksCanadian dyer Daria is the artist behind Cloud 9 Fiberworks. There are several breed-specific yarns and spinning fiber, in gorgeous …Merino, Polwarth, Silk, polwarth silk wool
Tine & FloydWhile training a sheepdog, the proprietor of Tine & Floyd noticed that fleeces were being used as dog bedding. The …Alpaca, Bamboo, Banana, BFL, Corriedale, Cotton, Linen, Merino, Mohair, North Ronaldsay, Romney, Silk, Teeswater, Wensleydale, ukbatts pencil-roving rovingalpaca bamboo banana bfl corriedale cotton linen merino mohair north-ronaldsay romney silk teeswater wensleydale woollocal
Loop Fiber StudioNew York state’s Loop Fiber Studio, run by Stephanie Gorin, produces Yin Yang yarn, a lovely marl that is available …Merino, Woolloopfiberstudio.comusrovingmerino wool
Sealy MacWheelyHaving fallen completely in love with alpacas, Katie Seal, the maker behind Sealy MacWheely yarns, quickly learned to spin and …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Rambouillet, Silkwww.sealymacwheely.comeurope ukrovingalpaca bamboo bfl camel rambouillet silkdye-to-order local unique
Alex CreatesAlexander Reynoso is a self-taught fiber artist who has done installations/fabrications for artists like London Kaye, NaomiRag, Nathan Vincent, Knitsforlife, …Alpaca, Bamboo, BFL, Cashmere, Leicester, Merino, Mohair, Rambouillet, Silk, Soy, Targhee, Teeswater, Woolwww.alexcreates.ususbatts pre-drafts rolags topalpaca bamboo bfl cashmere leicester merino mohair rambouillet silk soy targhee teeswater woolbipocbipoc
Ginger Twist StudioJess learned to knit in Oregon, and Kathleen learned in Australia. Now they celebrate their love of fiber by operating …BFL, Gotland, Jacob, Masham, Merino, Norwegian, Shetland, Woolgingertwiststudio.comeurope uktopbfl gotland jacob masham merino norwegian shetland wool
Penberth YarnsPenberth Yarns proprietor Sarah Whittle is a fiber artist, hand spinner, weaver, knitter and crocheter based near Land’s End in …BFL, Exmoor Blueface, Merino, Perendale, Silk, WoolPenberthYarns.etsy.comeurope uktopbfl exmoor-blueface merino perendale silk wool
Sheep on MarsHand-dyer Natasha is the proprietor of Nottingham-based Sheep on Mars. Natasha’s love of wool began with spinning. That led Natasha …Leicester, Lincoln, Mulberry Silk, Silk, Teeswater, Wensleydale, Woolwww.sheeponmars.comeurope ukbatts locksleicester lincoln mulberry-silk silk teeswater wensleydale wool
Abstract FiberAbstract Fiber makes gorgeous yarn in the Pacific Northwest. Owners Lori and Lew dye everything from lace weight to bulky …Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Merino, Polwarth, Silk, Targhee, Wool, Yakwww.abstractfiber.comusrovingbamboo bfl camel merino polwarth silk targhee wool yakbipocbipoc
WitchCraftyLadyAlmas Whitton is the Epsom, UK dyer who runs WitchCraftyLady. “I spin my own yarns, dye fiber for spinners, make …Alpaca, Corriedale, Polwarth, Rambouillet, Silk, WoolWitchCraftyLady.etsy.comeurope ukrovingalpaca corriedale polwarth rambouillet silk woolbipocbipoc
Demelza’s DelightsDemelza’s Delights from Cornwall, UK, offers a variety of colorways, mostly in sock yarn. Each arrives with a stitch marker, …Bamboo, BFL, Cheviot, Corriedale, Exmoor Blueface, Gotland, Hill Radnor, Masham, Merino, Romney, Shetland, Shropshire, Silk, Teeswater, Wensleydale, Wool, ZwartblesDemelzasDelights.etsy.comeurope ukroving topbamboo bfl cheviot corriedale exmoor-blueface gotland hill-radnor masham merino romney shetland shropshire silk teeswater wensleydale wool zwartblesunique
The Yarn BadgerUK dyer The Yarn Badger offers a unique range of hand dyed natural yarns. Natural fibers feel great and are …Silktheyarnbadger.comeurope ukrovingsilkdye-to-order local
SweetGeorgia YarnsFounded in 2005 by Felicia Lo, SweetGeorgia Yarns is an artisan yarn company that is passionate about bringing you stunningly …BFL, Merino, Polwarth, Silk, Targhee, Tussah Silk, Woolsweetgeorgiayarns.comcanadatopbfl merino polwarth silk targhee tussah-silk woolbipocbipoc
Green Goat RanchSarah Luraschi-Weiss is the owner of New Jersey’s Green Goat Ranch, which raises mohair goats. “As a kid I was …Bamboo, Merino, Mohair, SeaCell, Silk, Woolgreengoatranch.comusbatts rolags rovingbamboo merino mohair seacell silk woollocala-family-farma-family-farm
Lisa Souza Dyeworks StudiosWhen people ask California dyer Lisa Souza how she came into this profession, “I can merely say that I have …Bamboo, BFL, Camel, Cashmere, Merino, Rambouillet, Silk, Wensleydale, Wool, Yaklisaknit.comusroving topbamboo bfl camel cashmere merino rambouillet silk wensleydale wool yak
Ranching Tradition FiberIn addition to plenty of spinnable fibers, dyes and spinning tools, Kami of Ranching Tradition Fiber of Whitehall, Montana carries …BFL, Gotland, Leicester, Rambouillet, Silk, Targhee, Woolwww.ranchingtraditionfiber.comuslocks pre-drafts roving topbfl gotland leicester rambouillet silk targhee woollocal
Easy KnitsLondon-based Easy Knits was started by Jon Dunn-Ballam, a knitter, spinner and hand-dyer. Jon was taught to knit by a …BFL, Merino, Polwarth, ukbfl merino polwarth wool
Leading Men Fiber ArtsWith their hand-dyed colorways inspired by the theatre, pop culture, and nature, partners Steve and Andy truly are the Leading …Merino, Woolwww.leadingmenfiberarts.comusmerino wooldye-to-order
Passion Knits YarnAin (sounds like Ine or Ein) Munn calls Passion Knits Yarn “my labor of love. We specialize in hand-dyed yarns …Cheviot, Merino, Woolwww.passionknitsyarn.comustopcheviot merino wooldye-to-orderbipocbipoc
UP North YarnsMonica Thoune is the maker behind UP North Yarns. “I hand-dye luxurious natural fibers/yarns in the colors I see abounding …Columbia, Rambouillet, Suffolk, Targhee, WoolUPNorthYarns.etsy.comuscolumbia rambouillet suffolk targhee woolmini-skeins
Briar Rose FibersBriar Rose Fibers in Caledonia, Michigan offers large skeins of beautiful, rich, earthy colors. Dyer Chris Roosien told Stepping Away …BFL, Polwarth, Woolbriarrosefibers.netustopbfl polwarth wool
Windy Valley MuskoxWindy Valley Muskox is a family owned yarn business that provides the finest luxury yarns, including Qiviut, Vicuna and Suri …Qiviut, Silkwww.windyvalleymuskox.netusbattsqiviut silk
Long Island Yarn & FarmLong Island Yarn & Farm is committed to the well being of camelids and other fibered livestock. In addition to …Alpaca, Merino, Rambouillet, Woolwww.lilivestockco.comusroving topalpaca merino rambouillet woola-family-farma-family-farm
Yarn Hero Fiber ArtsYarn Hero Fiber Arts is run by Lynnell Koser out of her home studio in Frederick, Maryland. Yarn Hero Fiber …BFL, Corriedale, Cotton, Merino, Romney, Tencel, Woolwww.yarnhero.comusroving slivers topbfl corriedale cotton merino romney tencel wool
Alexandra the Art of YarnAlexandra The Art of Yarn, in the heart of Oregon’s Willamette Valley, is an independent yarn company taking pleasure in …Bamboo, BFL, Merino, Targhee, Wool, Yakalexandratheartofyarn.comusrovingbamboo bfl merino targhee wool yak
Shirsty Cat DesignsKelly Straub of Shirsty Cat Designs says, “My goal was to create beautiful art that I could wear and give …Finn, Merino, Polwarth, Shetland, Silk, Tencel, Woolwww.shirstycat.comusbatts pre-drafts rovingfinnish merino polwarth shetland silk tencel wooldye-to-order