Gathered Sheep Yarns is a one-woman dye studio owned by Sarah, who has a deep passion for color. GSY focuses on working with natural products as much as possible. This means that you won’t find any superwash or nylon yarns, only gorgeous, pure wool yarns. Please note that the kit listings and the “Go on, Inspire Me!” page contain marked links to Ravelry.
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This maker's artistry has the following features. To see other makers in this database who offer the same features, click the links below.- Yarn Fiber: BFL, Corriedale, Exmoor BF, Gotland, Masham, Shetland
- Yarn Weight: DK, Fingering
- Color Style: Semi-Solid/Tonal, Solids
- Fiber Origin: Europe, UK
- Dye to Order, Local Fiber, Unique Batches