Alida Porter is the Rochester, New York, dyer at Swoon Fibers. “My mission is to pass along that love of really extraordinary fibers and the enjoyment of the way those fibers take color, how they feel, how they look when they’re knitted,” Alida says. “My passion has always been about this simple thing, and how sometimes the simplest knitted piece, skein or stitch can have such inherent beauty.”
https://swoonfibers.etsy.comFollow on Instagram: @SwoonFibers
Follow on Facebook: @SwoonFibers
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Sample Yarn/Fiber Gallery
To see all yarn/fiber by this maker, use the URL above.These photos are presented to illustrate the maker's personal style and color aesthetic. They may not reflect current stock.
Happy Memories & Flapper
Shade Garden
Oyster Shell & Pearl
Brown Speckled